
12/30/2018 20:44 – Facebook Post

12/30/2018 20:44 – Facebook Post

From Gotsie Genesis Tontobane.

G G T.

7 7. 20
As simple as that,

The Full Circle…

The Serpent who swallowed his own tale
And that is how he got rid of the illusion of himself, to prove the Truth- the Light Bringer is not skin deep, but comes from within, the Core.
That ability to understand and carry a truth – not necessarily searched for, but to the Truth of knowing that, that light is that which comes from having to be loyal to that truth and having to unfortunately, bear that cross, crossing…

By swallowing his own tale as well as his Tail END..
He has made his point – the point that Existence is Beautiful
No matter what mask you put on it,
All things brings Light, Clarity…Understanding..
Even to the nature of Despair, but what makes it Beautiful, Light … is the knowledge and knowing that having experienced it, and also I named it, identified it, it no longer has the power to hold you captive,
The spell is broken and you can choose of your own free will to stay, dwell in that place space…
Or leave..

Existence in all Its Infinite possibilities manifested with the same one infinit possibility which did rise as

Existence Life.

Existence Exquisite

Beautiful Expression

Of B E. I N.. G. O. D. E.

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