
12/3/2020 17:23 – Facebook Post

From Andrew Silver

And yet we started as Energy moved by an Unseen expression.

We are sent to Earth School by the One Universal Sensie who is the Elements in One, to study under the 4 aspects of the one.

We move through an illusion called time: from the nursery (The Green House) and at the age of 5 we begin to encounter our environment and at 5-6 we start grade 1 and complete at High school completing and grade 12.
3 3 3 3… 4(3)

my Sacred portal of Door of Life.

Now we stand at the threshold
12… 43 = 7
12 7.. G L… A B L…
Awareness Brings Light, ( Lightness)
You are 18 R ..Reflection, Reaction, Rejection, Rage.. we are given the experience of all, as we move through this universe, as Understanding Space.
Via Awareness.
We experience depression, sinking feelings.
What it is to be and feel as a Zero.
Nothing accomplished- giving in for a moment ( which could last forever, the Lie of this world we interact we.
We experience 101010 yes no
true or false?

Gravity. Fall.

Forgetting Memory.
The music

Then we choose to listen to the inner child, the inner Music and Memory rises
and we begin the battle to rise with the memories.
Again we have to make decisions inner, as we did with the outer
yes no yes no… what is fact and what is fiction.
Which is the lie of our Memories and which are true.

And so we learn to balance the inner- and once again step out into the outter because Memory has to be proven Facts, and how can we know that which we have established as true memories are indeed facts not just an opinion our point of view?

We go out on this worlds E M Field and interact with it discover if our inner truth is true outside in a world in the depression- a pit a black hole.
In this world it became such a battle- Enter the Dragon.. and lets us see if your your truth is a fact that others share…
People Lie- but the truth you represents privately responds to you, by manifesting privately to you.

3:20 pm.

Here is the proof.. you walk, through the gauntlet – the illusion seek to shake that trust in your inner truth manifesting outside as solid fact ..but only to you.

Its easy to be distracted, by this journey quest to complete the fact and inner truth of you with the outer world.

3:22 pm
C V.

This becomes your C V – V C but only after the full circle is attained…
You have been following a Silver Thread, un Fil…and then it rope Eli which becomes a light flickering in the darkness, as you move forward it grows brighter.. a point, but the darkness grows darker around you.
cruelty hatred, the shadows of doubt, the illusions of people crowd around seeking to engulf you and spirited you away and have that darkness envelop you.
‘Forget your mission, forget remembering, forget everything we are material comfort in this striving to find the truth and the light in you.

You fall, you rise.. so tired of being alone and having your truth constantly challenged tested, examined criticized… called a lie.

But you hold onto to that Beautiful Truth rising in you.
It seems like forever, you are walking through the darkness like ashes of the fire of that which was once the lie of you…

Its hard, but so easy to choose which nature of you, you wish to be.
Your life seems to pass you by, companions, friends, lovers, family who started down the same path as you fall by the way side, give up one after the other… tired they give in to the Blindness the darkness, and depression as the illusion of the Whole becomes an even deeper hole.

Now you are really alone…
attention focus… on the point is the only thing which allows you to move on- and that beautiful truth seen inside of you forces compells you on.

“I have to reach the point.. lighter and light you become… the point grows smaller, smaller and smaller but its intensity grows sharper as the point in a Saber, Fencing Epee… Now you are warrior, fighting through the illusion cutting out that which dare fight you.
the Darkness no longer wishes to engulf you and bring back to the bossom of the lie of death, it wants to destroy you, eradicate you, make you suffer, such a tortures and torments, it became more and mores sadistic…
“I will make you an example… such an example that those watching in the darkness your journey of will silently so quietly wishing you will succeed and yet another part… that you fail.

Then you meet Radiance and then Robert…”The Famed Bright Shinning Light” ( T.. F B S L) and now you understand that you are at the note of Ti, Te Vision…
T V and you can see your Vision is True.
And now the darkness sends the sum total of evil cruelty of of human existence after you, because it knows that you are close to home.

“Cloud his her vision, fog it up with distractions and the truth of thier species, bring them all forth to counter the vision of what you now see is truth.
Fill them with despair, by using all the cruelty of the people past and present and future projections at Him of her or them…!”

“This is impossible you cry out… I see the full circle and i know i am in a tunnel and there is the light, the way out, I remember but see how the dead spirits try to stop me.
what is going on?”

3:43 p.m

What can of power is this, were is my power, why does it not rise and fight for me?”

You are alone.

And the darkest night and its Knight are laughing and mocking you- it hypnotic spell, its illusions of trickery and deceit- Deceptacons meddling with your knowing and knowledge and your physical transformation.

* ( Thanks Kim … Tree sage for the intel yesterday and today)

“How can this be another test..?of the 4 the 4 elements, really the 4 Cardinal directions…

What am I being transformed into.. pain, disfiguration evil as age is seeking to con me
Why there is no such thing as age… You are trying to deceive me.
And the darkness laughs…

“Darkest Before The Dawn” ( D B
T D) they exclaim.

Your retort, response, react with Beautiful Rage, “there was never darkness in me and even around me in in all- that is your illusion of deception Sorcery! Satan Devil Lucifer Witch..
… But which way do i go… through it… through it… you can not deceive me…
the light of eternity, i have experienced it, it came from me.
the light at the end of the tunnel- that is me, its me, the inner me projected outside of me and it is the Cee of See Same Me..
there is no outer world ( O W) I.. you declare..
Just me as M.E ( M.E.me) returning to me.
My True Beautiful Eternal Self…
I did not forget me.
i am a fact solid of the beautiful truth.
Automatically Transforming
it has nothing to do with you?

Deceptacon Predacons D P
David Powers
( Dec E PT. A.C “Victorious” ON..E
Transforms to Auto
Transform to Autobots

4:03 pm
D P A… Victorious Ones and One.

D J A Awakening Roberts Radiance as the Robin of Batman.
Yes Batman and Robin
The B A R
B R ..O the Roberts – Brothers.

And Bar the Lie
which becomes the Barre.

En point and Support, to the graceful beautiful natural ones.

*a horizontal bar at waist level on which ballet dancers rest a hand for support during certain exercises.”

To Infinity standing up.

Jean Marc-Barr.
Rob Barr.

*Director Luc Besson is famous for his imaginative visual technique and breathtaking action sequences. One of the most stunningly beautiful films ever made, “The Big Blue” features gorgeous underwater photography and spectacular location shooting in the French Antibes, the Greek islands, Peru, and Taormina in Sicily. But it is the emotional intensity of the film experience and mystical themes of the story that have made it a cult phenomenon.
Release date: August 19, 1988 (USA)
Director: Luc Besson
Nominations: César Award for Best Film, MORE
Music composed by: Éric Serra, Bill Conti”

The Big Blue. T B B
J M B.
yes, I left Nigeria in 1988 to move back to the west see the play Emeka and Kim ( E K Barbados st Barts B B) Key Stone La Parole and the play of his post response as well as intel “RE”

Barrett Exhale. B E

B E A N… Mitochondria

4:16 pm
D P… to A
Automatic Beautiful Physical Body Transforms with ease 0.6 secs?
No, beyond the speed of light.
In a moment…
The blink of an eye.

And your homes and everything is transformed.

to R = A H… A.I.

4:18 pm
4:19 pm
D S..
via Santana Dharma
Eternal Law 5-12

Dec 5th.

4:20 pm
WE ED Mary Jane

1 in 4 returns via 4 in 1.
A D D A Alexander Arden/ Aurelia.

4:22 pm
Delta V=5 Ro-man- Ce

R R= 1818 1 360 O
A O – O A…

4:23 pm
Double V

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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