
12/3/2017 19:09 – Facebook Post

12/3/2017 19:09 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories
this day…

Big Brother
is watching over you..

George from the Cafe; Starbucks is sitting across from me,
I am seated on the Woods Ave Side of the Cafe adjacent to Macy’s Department Store, having arrived when Larry, called me over to take his seat -he was leaving…
Larry George…L.G…12..7… 19.. *19 Year old Golden Tan Beautiful Youth… ( Bed for 4-007, or was it 4-011.. either one played a radio which simply said “Samuel 19” then Stopped.
Samuel means “The One who Heard.. like Ishmael means.. but it also means Name of God”- He passed through the Holy of Holies.. The only High Priest.. H.P.)

7 x12… 84…

1984.. George Orwell.. G.O..
1984 The BK… Book.

( On my Facebook page…)

1984.. My year code of birth listed on my page.

A G A P…E…
“Brotherly Love”

On Georges black computer, facing my metallic Marine blue one are the words “Over Watch” written on it.

Money Code…
From the Monies Joseph Carey ( J.C… James Comey former head of the F.B.I… Federal Buearu of Intelligence F.B.I.. Face Book I..E..
Mark Zuckerberg born 1984…) sent me on my birthday…

4:58 p.m .. right now..

…i had 58 usd left when I first arrived, I had gone to the Arab store and bought some things.. 2:49 usd…From 60 USD…61;00 which I had left when I returned to yet another Scene…
The codes of numbers, in monetary standard is the last stage of the process of the full circle of the Equation Response as being confirmed as being “allowed” to manifest through a convoluted process.. such as my post now….

Larry told me,after he said he had sought to get my attention to take is seat, and how I had walked in as if in a different place…
“I was not here… I was in Space..”
“That is the only place to be….” he had responded.

Then looking intently at me, but looking so boyish and the startling blackness of his complexion, reminding me of the Gorilla in the Mist, guarding the secret of Strength and Dark Matter..

“Remember Creation is always unrolling just manifesting in different version ( possibilities of Itself)…

I blurted out forcibly, “This version is hideous!”
To which he agreed bursting into an Eclat of Laughter and Delight, morphing before my eyes into a boy..

I had understood as I sat sipping a coffee at Taylor Ave, the first place I go to, before descending into the play- stream at Starbucks…
I prepare myself, take time for myself… cool the rage of the insult of this play…
Trump… Who is the real Donald Trump… I realized only after completing the Post last night, that I had been set up to also respond by proving who is the true Donald Trump…

The Universal Ruler, E.H ( 58) Eternal Harmony…Trumpets…

Enyiagu Afam Samuel…. “From from the Forest Woods, Wilderness of forgotten .. comes Memory… of my I.D…
My name is The One Who Heard…. Ishmael.. Esaw…. S.I..E..
Name Emeka The Creator… E C T…
*All the combinations version of the Unverse Existence Creation can only bring Harmony, Beauty Light Joy….
This version is so beneath my contempt in my disgust for it, that I see no possibility whatsover of its versions transforming All to Joy..
Maybe All of you.. but not I…
And I am important in this equation because I am part of the All. and the Source of it…

5:15 p.m.

I now have 55 usd in my wallet.. I bought a coffee…
.And I saw the codes in this Matrix confirming E.H.. Everywhere as the True Donald Trump… The Universal Ruler is Eternal Harmony…

* a mute man came and sat on my table, with Superman on his cap…
At the same Time George offered me his place…

Larry to George..
Behind me seated on the bench is Jace and Kenny…

You see how the equation is forming…?
Moving me through Expression Posting as a Wave…

J.K.E… 10 11… E…H…

That is the correct portal not Jace K Hortsford. J.K.H…


Yesterday at A.J… 1 10… 1 1O… The sacred portal is that of the Family of E.. The Originals… That was played out last night at the shelter…
Anthony and Jean… Igbo Big Men…
challenging the E way.. ( not them personally)
they were defeated in a set up which manifested as Carlton 53, Ahmed 66, and Igbo Anthony 48..49..so he claims but I know he is much older…
I was across from Carlton and was disgusted by the conversation which was about Sexual Harassament and then to each person view of Woman…
Carlton turned to the only man a 60 years old man ( yes 60 usd in my wallet)…and asked him if he agreed…

The Man’s name was Victor… He was not in the conversation and I had not even been aware of how he was the only sitting besides me on my side as we faced the Men… ( they were not men.. children… men who…know very well why Woman is in rage and yet excuse themselves, act as though they do not know.. Each one had spoken about how it was so important to Handle and Subjugate Women. And how to preserve their right to male dominance as a Divine right even using the Bible… And Quran.. For one was a Christian the Other Moslem, and the last Igbo Anthony, those ignoble Christians who had forgotten the truth of Ala… “He said Woman is stronger than Man, and thus must be subjugated..”)

I felt a quiet revulsion not really to what I was hearing but to the underlying hypocrisy….

“The Women were Raped!”

…They did not even read what really happened, except Carlton a little bit… More concerned with keeping that balance of power..their “sovereign” rights…
The 66 year old was more like an innocent fool…he generally felt woman should be treated with respect, but that they had their role to play which man was at the top… And had to treat women well by looking after them..

But the Two others.. they knew better…

I hardly spoke except to remind them of facts…

Victor.. had looked up and said with great forcefulness in response to Carlton;s “Don;t you Agree with us?”


Then he went quiet…

I turned to him… and said Well Said…

My English name is Victor…


See sacred portal 86… 86/68…
The One over the Three… 1 3… ONE..3. Leeter. THREE 5 letters
Victor… he leaps over a Helmet . Will Desire…”Jean Claude Van Damme”
The three who he had to Defeat and merge three levels of Existence into one..
Gorillia’s -Giant… ( R O Y-G G… 3rd and 4th).. IKE..”Strength Titans”
Blue E.T… Alpha Bet as to a contest as to the Origins of the Existence Being…
And the 19 year old Golden Tanned Beautiful Youth….

( I began my work at age 19… My grandfather was said to be born 1919… I was given 19,000 niara “loan” when I moved to London by my Grandfather and had to sign it in the Ledger to pay it back.. that is 5000.00 usd back them…. 19= S… 5000.. 5 3’O…Zeros…5 3…E.C…No one told me why..but I suspected that I was being set up, signed up for something without telling me.. in so many words…)

The Money from Joseph Carey came back from the Arab World…
with the number 3 on a TEN Dollar Bill..

PI… 3. 14 15 92 65 35 9…

35.. C.E… ( Sacred Portal 35… “Cee E The Point… “.. T.P… T O P..
It is the Tenth Number is the sequence as Pairs 2 2 2 2 2.. 5 ( 2)..
2 5.. 5 2…10.. The Elegant Nomad.. T E N… CE…Chukwu Emeka..
Cee Emeka… See Emeka… C.S… E E… E E…S.C.. South Carolina 8th Planet…
“We Are Even”….E…

3 3 3…. But We can also be Odd… Odudu Uwa…
The First and the Last…

See sacred portal 110… “Family of E…
We are Here ( ICI)
At Last
We are The One
The First, The Last
The Only Family of Existence,
The One E… T.O..E.

6:00 p.m.

The number on the Ten Dollar Bill… T.D.B…/ B D T… Being Donald Trump…

is the Number 3…

Serial Number… M.L… Matt Lauer… I am the true Broadcaster “Anchor Man”… The Anchor of Men.. Woo Man..Womb Man…

M.L… 13 12… 25… 1000 50… 1050… 1O5O… 1050…J.E.O..
*I am at 1530 Beach Street.

ML..05 93 95 28 B… M L.B…/ B L M… Brotherly Love Man… ( that is the definition of a Man… Brother Love to All Men Wu-Men…

O.E… I.C…I.E… B.H..B…. Oh E, I Cee thBe Exemplification of Being Harmonious Beautifully.. Full Circle E O..

M.L… M..L O E…I C I E B H B…

M L… O59…395 28….B

On The Money….

6:09 p.m.

Nnamdi… sigh…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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