
12/3/2015 18:10 – Facebook Post

From Johnny Larkin

Love this..
Another of Toms Riddles
From the Harry Potters Field..
H.P..Harmony Pandoor ah…Field of Vision..

Tom Waits Oh…


Waiting for some one to Solve “Toms Riddle”

Roberto Todaro…

Who would get it Right…

Which is the it is a Rite…
That Life in the this realm
was a Rite of Passage to Spring..
As in Transformation..

Meanwhile, Tom Waits..
and watches as the World transformed into a truly Hellish
From Bad Writers (And Conductors Directors, conducting music and movement and truly nonsensical stories- moving us to a quality of suffering which never seems to End..
All this terrible abuse to the Spoken And Written
(S.A.W) Word we saw…

Quality Suffering is Always Transforming
which is why True Suffering does not exist in the End..
Ah and Awe is..
which has the power to transmute, and transform suffering into nothing at all…
making it disappear, like Fog to dew to Rain to Grow and reaching for the Sunshine rays of E..True Expression Warmth…

The Book of Evil Beyond Evil is a World of Writers who pen stories with Pain and Suffering without End…
Dante’s Inferno or Dante’s Divine Comedy ..D.I..or D.C?

Of People cursed for Eternity,
Hell Fire of Eternity,
Enslaved, Africans, Egyptians and Mayans in awful Death rituals going to the after life to be some ones slave..

Ancient to modern, who are these Authors Writers condemning innocents to pain and suffering without End..

Bad Writers
A Hellish World
of Suffering which will never End..
While Tom- (Meaning Twin- and “Mot” meaning Word..Twin Word..Energy Expression creation Affirmation- Solid…”
Tom Waits..Oh..
For some to solve the simple riddle…

Not of Doctor Enoch and the Riemann (RI..E- Mann) Hypothesis..R.H…
By why (H.R) Harmony Royal is the True Nature of the Species..
Ri (Rire) Laughter Expression of Mann..

Because Humanity is Are water Vessels which fills will bubbles infused by that expression called Laughter..
The Harmony of Mann is that HE-She are natural beings of Laughter..
Tickled Pink..
Red and White Light..
ROYGBIV..R Light..
Do to Do…
Yep the P IN K.EY..E is humanity are unite and bond with laughter..

So Tom Waits Orgasm Come..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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