
12/28/2016 22:05 – Facebook Post

12/28/2016 22:05 – Facebook Post



3-10-2016…36…360, 9…

Completion of being in Harmony with the True Point, ( 31O Resurrection in perfect symmetry. of Consciousness Full Circle Manifesting Facts, to Infinity…




Switch from L.O.V.E…E.V..O.L V.E… True Point…T.P..


Point Vivian Lavey…

See the Sacred Portal from V.L, Looking out

Stonley Okung…. S.O…

5:16 p.m.

120…5519… Bus

I was just in a tested Again….
Yesterday it was Shari Sissoko…
And today Stonley Okung….

S.S.S.O….19 19 19 O….57O….12O… Sacred Portal 120
or 57 15… 576…E 76…62…
6:02 p.m. 62..F.B…8…
x 3..C S.C.O…

5:58 p.m.

I received a message from Ana Leonardo Caixas, asking about my being and ended with her commenting that I was a surprising resistant as a “Raw” Diamond… at 3:53 p.m… C.E.C
as well as text from Stonley Okung… whom I had never met before..
at 9:03 p.m.. 93…I.C…

I already knew that it was a real… but once again the Spirit realm…
Ana Leonardo Caixas if you go back was identified as the lady in the front in Sacred Portal 23…
Yes famous number 23…

And 93 is response…

And the codes he used is what got my attention and then something else…
But I.C is also Galaxy 1101 I.C…
Which links to the date Title of the decoded date play….


Vivian Lavey is the Point… Perfect Timing.

Now let me remind you that this is not a Human Play…
But it was all about Human People.. H.P.. 816 Face Book Friends.
It is a Spirit Play….versus the E.. represented by me…
The Sum Total of Spirits Human in all of you versus me… and the E-Spirits whom are in All of you…
I proving the Existence of the E line, by raising them and releasing them from the Ancestral Spirits… A.S… Albert Santana code… East 4th Street, and their strong hold in the 4th Dimension which I have not only proven does not belong to them…

Yes, the Hat given to me, and all 101 people at Delta Manor for Christmas, but recall that mine had my literal code of the Anamla Quayin code.. completed on it…
Anamla sent the brief I was to complete at Delta Manor…
D.M.I.C. T.P/K 115 A.G.E…
The hat which in perfect alignment ( because I assure you the person giving out the present or the management of Delta Manor had no idea of the code…or significance of the code inside…
115 O.A…
Meaning my great Arch Enemy in this play since 1982, when my face transformed from Male Beauty to premature aging, sagging, and then hair turned completely white..
But never my body, except for the twisting and deforming it ( or making that illusion of it feel so real)- as one does a Voodoo doll.

But my body always goes back to how it was at age 21…
And even my face I have been told, morphs back often to a boy people state, when I am sleeping…
These are of course, all powerful illusions.

But yes, I have been fighting Old Age… A.O…
115 O.A…
511 A O… And moving the Human Body H.B (2 8…back to its 1O…2+8… 10..1O…A.O…for 34 years… 35… Since Nnamdi left..
to play Death as Transformation while together as Stillness (Me) Silence Nnamdi.. Also me, fought the illusion of Death called Old Age… Disease..
In the Manuscript- the True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom, you will find the main protagonist and terrible terrible cruel enemy I am fighting is Old Age… Whom people called the Ancestral Spirit of the Africa World time line.. Blood Dna….
But of course, Dna is not in the Blood, the Red or the First Note as in the Red Earth of Africa.. Earth.
It is in the Cells, and it is a Protein…which generates Energy…
Literal from Nothingness…

So yes, I am perfectly aware what was happening to my body, and why…
Yes it is sound but it is also Sound as a recording not an indention, and the record is not in the body, it is in the Air..
Frequencies of Human Expression released and indented onto Creation..
Which then was sent back to the Earth People… Who were no longer Earth People E.P..
Code Rebecca Eisner.. R.E.. Because they were no longer Natural..
No longer seated in Natural Expression… Which I was forced to display by breaking my Silence of all I had already figured out…Quietly and kept to myself…
To not only express it but by being taken off my Natural Life path,
to proof Harmony dictated not by my own methods, but those of the Circle of Ancestral Spirits who thought that they had ascended…
Ascended Beings… A.B…B.A… Please, full Circle in this obscene play where They were allowed to move me to come to these “controlled’ Environments…
Atlantic Bedford in 2001.. 4 Weeks… A.B.
B.R.C Green Point Room B bed 49… literally my Age in 2015…
4 Weeks

To B.R.C.. 2016… Room A..bed 007…
8-9 Weeks

Then to Delta (4 years after I began posting on Face Book the Way I was doing it..landing no matter what was thrown at me, in Their Play, of Their Play.. that it always moved to reveal that I am exactly what I said I am….

Delta Room 5A…5019… 69.. 15..6…OF
Delta Room 3A Bed 3002.. 32… 5
Delta Room 4.B..Bed 4016 56… 11


Over 3 months…

From the Year I arrived 2001…Atlantic Bedford Shelter… A.B.S..

To 14 years later.. 2015…
Room B 49
(To Keith Grant 53.. through Paul E Nilson P.E.N Bed 5O… Proton Electron Neutron… Orion Praise Emeka Nnamdi…IS.. DI is O.INri Igbo means “Is… Alive!…. Vivian…”)

To 1 year aligned perfectly…
Room B 007….to reach “Grant” at Bed 005 with Micheal Punty…

To 5A.. 3A… 4B… 53 4… E.C.D…G… A-A.B…
Which was yesterday….”A-A” A-Z..1-26+1…
…(I “Filled the Gap already with E..Expression of F and H I T
The T of course is the play of Thaddeus who is no longer in room 4B and the bed has been left vacant for the last 5-6 days.. very unusual in a Shelter where beds are the commodity and the govt pays a fortune for each bed.
T as in Truth which I had already achieved because Thaddeus was occupying bed 4019…59..E.I…19 is Letter S which I had a;ready earned by getting the Key with the tag on dangling from the Tree right in front of Star Bucks and Wall GREEN…while on phone with Kerwyn Vincent…
Meaning that T is S… Truth Supreme… T.S… 20 19…39..C.I…
C.I/I.C…Galaxy 1101 I.C.. Vivian Lavey…Nneka Vivian Ochomgba…
Meaning that not only am I Nneka…”Mother is Supreme but as a Prince Manly Warrior reflecting Her Energy as SHE B.A…
2015-2016.. Room B.A.. 49…007…But that by using the Feminine Creative Energy “Chi” Nne Ke…”Which Mother Created”
But that as “P..Pius Nduka” my Uncles name…”Holy Sacred Life Supreme… That I chased away the Noise… Ochu Mgba.. .M.G..B.A
Noise are the Evil Spirits, Evil Expression.. Irresponsible Expression which come Alive by people not cleaning up or apologizing things they said that reveal the true Evil in their hearts for you or a situation that is True….
These are the Demons which possess Humanity and haunted the 4th Dimension…
Time and Space which is really a Library….

Which is where Stonley Okung called me from… A Library in Baltimore…
I wrote The Elegant Nomad while sleeping Atlantic Bedford (A Former Armory), but I wrote it in the presence of David Brown from the Library at Forte Green, and then completed it at Todds home in Flushing Queens… E David Todd… E.D.T… the True Donald Trump…
See the meaning of Donald… and Trump Card…

So here we have A.

B.A.. ( 2 1.. As in 2001…)
To 14 years later… B.A 49 007….D…I..G.
* I.G was the code on the Ten Dollar Bill with 230 on it…

The B.A…then at Delta… A.A.B…

Ascended Being… No matter how you look at it..
Evolved from 49… D.I..having established into reality Sacred Portal 49.. Existential Death… Death in every Dimension which a Thing every existed in time and Space..
Really the Green Zone.. Not of Life.. But of Nature…
Leaves Light Photosynthesis…

7:34 p.m.

When Stonley Okung called texted me, I was not surprised.
Shari Sissoko had been brought to test me and check me while the page of the Portal opening to Galaxy 1101 I.C/ C.I..1O11 was open..
And She represented Blood and then, even as I walked to Star Bucks I reasoned that they would send another, a male to check my passage out of this M.W now restored and cleaned up of its A.S…

7:37 p.m.

And there he was..with story very similar to mine, and when I saw his face appear on my screen, I saw a man who looked so much like Zion Kerwyn Vincent and wearing the exact same hat as me and similar clothing…

He told me that he had woken up at night 4 days ago, ( 4 days ago, I had asked, I only received the message today.. He was stunned.. yes 4 days ago…the 22nd… 11 22 Kerwyn V bed 22…)
I already knew it was an copy cat version of that play I had already done with the Original Avatar Kerwyn Vincent which had completed in perfect timing…

I had conversed with Prince Panther earlier on with her acknowledging that she had mis-read.
And she offered to help me find a better place to Land and ascend with some friends and people she knew who lived in the Forest.
I was touched because I knew that here was the nearest person I had met who knew I was the Truth…
But I knew that I had already lived in a Forest alone before Face Book Friends and the world…
I have had enough of living in discomfort… though I had more peace in the Forest than anywhere else in the last 15.9 years…
But not with the thorn in my Side…The Forest People…
Igbo means ‘Forest People” The ones born outside of the Garden of Eden.. “OINri’ and the Full Circle…Diane Apollo The Moon…
Illusion in Fear…. The People of this World all come from Eyo Nri People and Hausa Fulani Arabians… E.N…H.F.A…

He had got my attention by telling me how Evil Spirits were moving his family, and having just returned from Nigeria on the 13th, and how he could not enter his house…
He had grown up in Enugu, and knew Dean Dunkwu and told me a story of Dean which was so out of character from the Dean I knew,
a terrible story of a 17 year old kid…
But I looked at the play I had had with Dean… Beautiful Devil Line…

He had been forced to go to a Shelter…
He told me that he had been asleep and something made him get up and when he got up, my page opened up to him with the code of the 40 USD and the expression that I was being remotely controlled.
And he spoke about how it was happening to him….

I listened to his story, and I knew that he was telling his version and translation of what was literally true because I had lived that very story right to Face Book…
He was used codes 61… Which made me link him to Thaddeus…
Who was no longer present… hmm
Then to Kerwyn Vincent whom I have not seen since our play was completed by his Expression of what was his perception expressed revealed by him…
61 Days is how long it took me to pass through the simulation of Death where I lived in Alley for 61 days before I found A.Santana’s home.. The Ancestral Spirits…. whom he called One Spirit… O.S..
Stonley Okung… King Kong… Kung Foo… No, it was King Kong…

Kung means “King” and is the name of a South African peoples… S.A…/A.S… Ancestral Spirit….

As he spoke, I knew that he was linked to the 8:55 usd left in my Wallet from that 330 from Class of 82….
55 is the Portal of the Past.. True Past.. The Beginning of the M.W and the Big Bang called the Big OH… Orgasm from the PENIS….
Ejaculating Above and Below… A.B..B.A….
Which is what gave birth to B.A…2 1… Add 18..R.. and 19….S…
3+18..Robert… “Bright Famous Shinning Light” 21…Universe.
3+19= Steven …”Crowned with Laurels” 22.. Verse..
UNIFIED Verse,,,
Universe Supreme V… Victorious 5th Dimension..

Lavey means “Unified, Joined, Attached LInked”
The 5th and the True 4th Dimension Linked…

He spoke of how he was always able to Astral Project, to teleport to others dimension and how he visited Heaven

*Exactly what was the reality of the experience was unclear even to Paul, as the twice-repeated phrase whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know emphasizes. He did not know whether his body and soul were caught up to the third heaven or whether his soul temporarily went out of his body. Caught up translates harpazo, the same verb used of the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Paul was suddenly snatched up into the third heaven which, transcending the first (earth’s atmosphere; Deut. 11:11; 1 Kings 8:35; Isa. 55:10) and second (interplanetary and interstellar space; Gen. 15:5; Ps. 8:3; Isa. 13:10) heavens, is the abode of God (1 Kings 8:30; Ps. 33:13–14; Matt. 6:9). The parallelism of the two phrases demands that Paradise be equated with heaven (see Luke 23:43; cf. Rev. 2:7, which says the Tree of Life is in Paradise with Rev. 22:2, 14, 19, which place it in heaven). The Persian word from which the Greek word translated Paradise derives means “walled garden.” The greatest honor a Persian king could bestow on one of his subjects was to grant him the right to walk with the king in the royal garden in intimate companionship.”

He had experienced such things and called it a fraud with a very intelligent explanation..

But all this expression is only after I had already written it on my Face Book page.
I had no doubt about his sincerity but his understanding and translation of what was happening to his life, and how he understood all religion to be one and how he was able to Access A Dimension after searching for God from the age of 22…
Until finally the unimaginable happened and he accessed a frequency where everything went well.
Now he was complaining about being thrown into a dimension where everything went wrong.
I told him that it was his reading and translation of what was happening…
16 years of this… he said…. At age 55…
I linked it to sacred portal 55… The True Past not the repetitions of stories of this word… Echo’s..
As I spoke to him, doing the work more to access the portal..
The bus stopped and I stopped talking..
120 55 19…
120 is Sacred Portal “The Sword Cut It Off and out.. Sword of Victory”
55 Is the Beautiful Past… True Past T.P.. 2016….36…9.
I C.. I Completed….
See time he called me.. 9:03…93..I.C… 4 Days Ago…
the 24th… X Generation X…

But it was the E in him, moving him to my page and to sacred portal 40…
Which shows one person a Woman an African Queen not realizing that she is looking at that which is the Past a story.. representing the Tail and the Tale of a Winged being who is moving Foward…
And Two Warriors linked to the One Beings Wings pointing out how she got it it All Wrong…
Yes, Yesterday instead of .PT… Be Present Today… P.T..
That is the Point…

And so, I went to eat at the Shelter my money having run out…
Alignment had been made with Prince Panther… PP 16 16.. 32 had been re linked…
And she had been graceful even in her first text and given me 5O usd as a gift when I had done the Work with here at 66 Street….
So yes it is the code of my Age as 1966….

I did not think that Stonley had lied about Dean at at 17… and even told me to ask him..
But I was more concerned with the Present…

And I reached the Shelter to eat dinner….
And O.G.. Emmanuel elegantly placed the money he owed me in my pocket right on target as he always did and does anytime he borrows cash from me…
But when I looked later instead of the 10;00 usd I had expected he added an extra 5 from another time which I never asked him to return…
Thaddeus had taken 5 from me and had promised the last time I saw him to pay me back…
I believed him…
He owed Zion bit he disputed it and had told me stories of being room mates with Zion…
I was not that interested, but I listened…
So, later Thaddeus saw me again and again promised me to pay me…
He had raised such a Stink… but that day he had looked at me..
You were right- everything you ever said to me..
‘And see how you repaid me’
He bowed his head….
It was never about the 5.00 I told him..

He looked up, now I understand why you do not lend money to people, you just give it to them…
Surprised I smiled at the Nze Spirit of the 61 year old man who spoke to me now….


On the 5 Dollar Bill there was a code…written on it
The number 50
J.B..63 8 14 114 A

James Bond… 007…. Justice Balanced.. 007.. Undercover Secret A-G.E..N.T….L.E…M.A.N…
Room A ..B.R.C… Green Point…. 5A 3 A… 53…A-A… Keith Grant bed 53… Room B…B.R.C…2015… 35… CE.. The Point… not Paul… Praise…. Give Praise and Appreciation give to Caesar what Belongs to Caesar
See sacred Portal 63 8 14…114..A

F.C….H…N..( A D A)…K.D… Nnamdi is David…the K Doppelganbgers…68 69… 66 89… of Emeka…Kolo…

I know, it is like they test me and test me to because they find it so Impossible to believe in their Own Science Arts Divination Brutal Methods to figure out that how could it be true, that this Gentle Man…
Who refuses to fist fight, or fight if it is not for a Beautiful Cause of Truth be the Source, the First and the Fist of God…Existence…

But no matter what they do…the results come out the same…

Welcome Jasmine Riley…

Jasmine means “Fragrant Flower”.. FF…. A Persian name…

FF 66…

Riley means Rye.. or Wood Clearing…”Clearing the Woods of Fear…
Noise… and Valiant and Brave…

Fragrant Flower 66 (5O.. E.O) is the one who has cleared the most fearsome test and noise .. The Woods of Fears made real.. He is the Brave and Courageous Heart, Prince Valiant….”

9:03 p.m.


93.. I.C… Response…

Stonely means Stone Clearing…
O is the full Circle..
Kung… of the Kings..

Better to be a Warrior in a Garden
than a Gardner in a War…..


9:04 p.m

I.E…. 14…5 O….N.E.O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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