
12/27/2016 2:32 – Facebook Post

12:38 p.m

Lying in bed with ear plugs in my ears..
The Snores from D Dawn fill the entire space.
Incredible sounds, not his fault but I know I was intentionally placed here after my body collapsed from an Induced Exhaustion..

Malice Cruelty using Rage Despair Futility and the refusal to allow me to sleep or rest…
A constant death trap to push one over the Edge.
That is what Delta Manor is for me,
I hateful space not because the men or place is so evil but because here men already brought so low..
Who have endured Everything and then this final humiliation the lowest of the low- escape to a Mental Shelter to wrestle the demons within themselves, outside and with the guards and staff

The expressions, the conversations, the poverty and the spite and malice and even the brotherhood temporary and ephemeral makes this place for me.
Who is so activated and stimulated by my life forced upon me of Priestly Vows and living such a Hermetic Existence because of my being my body and my “Voi”Way of Seeing Patterns, sequences Rhythm Reason in all things…
Has made me aware that even if I desired it with whole heart that viewing the sum total of my countless interactions that there is and never was any Hope for Humanity.
They Had to be made Extinct..
Not because there is no Beauty in them
Au Contraire
It is because of the Good in them that they are capable of such Evil beyond words
After consciously aware of them and observing them and loving them and being so hurt by them ( but not deeply. i was never foolish enough to completely trust them… Hey, I am in a Homeless Shelter this is where I am posting from infront of the entire world… Nope never trusted them… Needy Greedy Selfish)

They will always, always betray the Good in them for a moment to be Powerful and Dominant even in their thoughts…
They always reach for the Wrong Wolf to feed..Not the Wise Wolf the Elf Counsellor
No, FENRI the Devouring Wolf of The World.

And it must be so.

In Ernest Clines book “Armada”
The E.T challenge humanity to their own ideas projected in movies and popular culture about themselves, a stark contrast to the reality the E.T had observed.
In the book they succeed.

But in real life, they have failed so me miserably that I who was their champion deny them, disown them and have fought for their total obliteration so that all that remains is a distant memory – a scar which only I shall carry to remind futures generations of the Evolved Hue man Beings of E…
That it was true..I was there.

And this Face Book document is for them to see read experience the true actuality of this Human Species and just how corrupt and diseased they had come that not even pure reason could move their stone Hearts to action..Not 4,9 years of Expression, not enactments stories evidence nothing could move them..

Only the E Consciousness could, and HE wants nothing to do with them.
Just harvest the E line planted in them who now have the Cellular Biological Interface with their Original Truth and Blue Print.
Sacré portal 979.

1:20 am
Sacrés Portal 120 “Cut them Out”
Ola Ly

Ola Ly means “First Ancestor Sacred Relic Holy and Defender of Truth Beautiful Reason L Ion”

And so that is me
First Ancestor E Victor
True Blood
Blue Blood

12 is L I ON E. SS
Cut them Out

Let the Original E line ascend and take their rightful Place.

Vivian Lavey means “Life Alive!
means “Joined… Linked Attached ”

Joined to Life True Life Eternal
Linked Connected Alive..
Nnamdi Emeke!
115 OA
AO 5 11
D O 5+11
16. P Praise G Gode

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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