
12/27/2015 19:22 – Facebook Post

12/27/2015 19:22 – Facebook Post

3:34 p.m.


12-27-8…L.B.G..H…Loves Beautiful Grace is Harmony…
27-12-8…B.G.L.H… Being Grace Loves Harmony..


I have a new Face Book friend, whom I have known for over 11 years, whom I knew when I first wrote the Creation story of the Family of 1O, in 2OO4, while living at 33 rd Street with Michelle L…
A Gifted true Seer, through Silence and sound, having she herself having been born 8O% Deaf.
It is where I met Johnny Larkin, Geoff Lacour, David Bryant, and so so many others so relevant to this end story, manifest in my own life Story- which turned out to have nothing to do with my True Life, but turns out to be the Evolution Awakening through linking and Expression, “Reasonable Expression” R.E..to link the beginning of the World, Story…

Recon Studios…R.S. on 34th Street…

Where “A Miracle on 34th Street” took place..literally.

I met Michael Frazer for the first time, in 2OO4..(24..Letter X)
And then went away to Augusta Georgia (A.G) and left the day Pope John Paul died…
April 2nd 2OO5…4-2-25 / 2-4-25.

I somehow had the suspicion that I was in the Bible Story, which turned out to be about the Popes, Roman and Nri…
Pope we know means “Father”

I met him as I made my way down from Mount Vernon..
Code name of Face Book Friend, Walter Vernon Baker…
I stopped off there, moving now through the flow of my awareness and my sixth sense…

And once more I knew I was in a Play..
I recognized Michael who can access the higher dimension, in fact there were moment he simply stunned by accessing dimension or frequencies where not only did he almost perfectly remember my mission, but transformed into my Father Brother….
I can not tell you what it felt like, to converse with a member of the family not undercover…
I had been starved of Intel and “Hue-man” contact,
for far too long I had been completely on my own…
No one apart from David lived completely in the realm of remembering..
That frequency which this world consciousness made it seem impossible to sustain…

David and told me that he could not sustain living on our frequency and wave after, the Hells he had been through..
-His story was something out of a nightmare,
I had experienced the Nightmare through E-Spirit..meaning in the Spirit realm I was in a battle, beyond belief…
But David who represented the True Physical Realm and True Story, experienced it directly through the Physical world where the Belief system had made Devils, Demons, Monsters, Arch Angels, real…
He told me one day, that he just could not go on…
How could I blame him,
But I knew I had to go on…though I suspected this is what David intended..
And that it was the plan, that I go on..

I had not written the Creation Story, full remembered it..
I did not write it until Two years later
where all this was revealed…
Which is Where I met Michael..
And I knew that despite having risen to so near our home frequency, as David, he too (As so many others Activated Members of the family), had all been contained in the One collectively embraced story of the Bible Story..
The Christian Story..
Christ..Egyptian origins which means “Word Anointed Voice Expression”
That that story and its mistranslation was holding the Species Locked in War..

And trapping, containing, and torturing the activated Family in that role when they were rising to the truth of beyond the Genesis Abraham Bible Christ Story of the Beloved “David Diana”

And so began a Conversation between Michael and I…
Where his space and place become porch from which I could shelter from the constant storms..
I would climb the Steps to the Top Floor of the building..
The Roof, and could take a shower, a drink, sitting outside
and engage with Michael in conversation in those Dimension which Michael could access by flowing my flow which of course, was all about sound.

I knew when I entered his portal, that I was entering the portal of Hell..
I could see from his roof Madison Square Garden which my Cee saw was a literally as a Gladiator Pit..
I knew that his space was a portal…
And a brief place to sit visit, smoke and get intel from my Brother line who rose so easily in Michael..

But to link to the Riddle, this all comes back to transforming the equation to sound..
Recon studios was a Dark Place, and was the representation of what had been done to Sound Vibrations and Music.

It was from staying at Recon, sometimes spending the night on the stairs,
that I completed what I was required to do, and consequently went down to the Bean cafe for the first time and that is where that very day I meet Axel Anderson Axel Love..As if he had been waiting there for me, fully aware of what he must link me to…
Which was first a bed, at the Hare Krishna center, then to Hells Kitchen, where Michael was invited to visit and took photographs of what I had done with the Space.. transforming that huge loft filled with Voodoo and evil magic (objects covered literally in Piss and Shit…incredible),
and then cleaning hundreds of objects, to transform into Beauty and an enormous installation of the Universe and the Way Home.. culminating in the Room where I slept, was, I had created a installation of Nature, then a Space Ship, navigated by a Toy Baby, discovered in the space which I cleaned up…

Creating a Space Ship which was moving towards the Universe Supreme I had recreated…
Aware that I was being moved and taught by my Grandmother and Mothers E-Spirit, which sealed the last Truth I suspected that my Mother, grandmother, had a secret…
Which now aligns to the O.I.Nri version of the movie Dune…

Only three other people were allowed there, a persons who filmed me, for his university thesis on film…He later worked for A.B.C Channel, I call him B’eau because that was his code name to me, just as is Goat O, represented Water…They were flat mates..
Then there was Geoff la Cour.. of St Barths..
who is represented here in code with the of face book friend Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve..

Then there was Michael….

But I was in Hells Kitchen in a Battle a War, in the deepest darkest aspect of Nature…A War between Africa and America Europe the Entire Western World…
The Rage of Africa
And the Cold intensity of the Great Computer of the Western World…

The Great Witch and the Great War Lock…

It was literally that Bright Famous Battle and War to bring Light,
but I was veiled from all sight, I was in the Heart of Darkness of the Spirit world…
So few could see me, understood what I was experiencing..

And Michael will recall our conversation about what Mother Father had done by not taking the E point of view (and my point of view) of the re-directing the play, changing it to give “Humanity” a chance to participate in this play of the Evolution Awakening…
A grave, grave mistakes…
Which despite its innocent intention..
will be forever known as the Impossible..
The betrayal of the Truth of Existence…

It was to Michael whom I first expressed my outrage
but he already knew what had been done,
after all he rose to the consciousness represented in the Creation Story of
Unity Boom Boom..
the 7th and 9th aspects…
Harmony Little Sister represented
8th and 1Oth…18…8O…98..17..72…89…98-89 Full Circle..

*Pls see sacred portal 89/98..
Diamond Clarity…

Micheal began to display my physical condition and was reported very ill,
I had by that time completed the Hellish play of Hells Kitchen…
A 5-6 months play..
Passed through the Green House and Sean Bono and then Goat O portals, with a guy called Augusta, then Philip Shlain.. and finally to 268 with Albert whose abode I would spend 4 years straight being tested for Truth..

The doctors had already informed Michaels family of the chances of him making it where slim. They were already making a Will..
for they were ready to open his head..literally and were not sure he would survive the surgery..
I was “summoned” up to Michaels place with an urgency which made me race up to 34 street..
And that is when I expressed my point of view, which Michael later heard and insisted that he brought home..
And I would come up to visit him and converse…

And he made such a startling recovery, which was lauded by the doctors and his family and wife as a Miracle…
He had completely recovered in a space of a few weeks, then few months of getting back his strength.
And he attributed it all to me..

And me to something which moved and the my own awareness of how to use and express in the consciousness of E.
I mention this because of the Codes the equation has recently led us to Raphael and St Bridget R.B.
O.R.B…The understanding of Healing Fire and Inspiration..
(An intel from Donna O’Sullivan of St Brigde-T..Bridge Et is the T..Truth, Which is obviously what “Father Mother” did to me, challenged my truth for 11 years after I wrote this creation story, Manipulation Deception M.D of my expressing, defending my Truth would bring forth the evidence of “How Do you Know”- A way and play to get what they wanted, no matter the cost..
Salvation to Humanity, in an equation which they knew, that Humanity had to figure it all out themselves…

O.R.B/ B.R.O…

And instead, they sacrificed me and the I.E,
to take part in what was meant to be Humanity graduating from a “quarantined” Nursery to University…N.U…
Nu is the Ancient Egyptian God of the Abyss…
See the movie Abyss..
Jonn Blackwell keeps recommending we watch this..
But it has not been easy to access…

Michael is also the step brother of Fritz Venneiq…

Michael Frazier…M.F…
Fritz C Venneiq….F.C.V..

5:O6 p.m

And both linked with my Former Host whose home at 268 would become my base for 4 years and then a further 9 years…

All this has already been revealed over the course of this 45 month play…
Which I had proven already was meant to end in 2OO4-2OO5 when the Beautiful Truth literal rose in me as the family of Ten which manifested the Creation Story…
22 OO..45…24-25…49…13..36…4 9…D.I…Meaning Nn Am D.I..Di means “IS” as Well As Husband” in OINri Igbo…

24 Is Letter X
25 is letter Y..

GA LA XY…Z.A…1O 11 C.I..X…
Which this play has moved us to…
Not G-Ala XY…Ala is the Igbo Word for the Earth Goddess Retribution…
Nor Galaxy I.C 1101.X…Nasa…

Georgia Augusta…G.A…then through Mount Vernon M.V…to “Miracle at 34th Street”, Sound Studio- which is the name marked on my Metalic 2O9 USD
(29..B.I.) computer Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan got for me. and which has the code Stream on it… as well as “Intel-Inside”

As well as the play of Jonn and Donna representing the Guardians of the Highest and last portal to enter into the realm of E…. the 1 1..99…I and I
Instinct (Body Brain)
Intuition (Music)
I.B.M..F…Fact 6th Sense…
Which we have linked to the note of La, then to X Y…And Z
Code Name Zyaire BlooMoon…. Zeina Hanna…
All after 4 years, then 5 years on and off at Generation X Gardens

My code age now is 31…48-49…

I do believe I informed you all about this equation…
11 years later X.Y….

11 =K..
K-olo…meaning All Round or Full Circle…

Once I was moved to Write the Story using the code of Christ Krishna..
C.K/K.C and the Sunshine Band…
Then Built the Model during the Famous Bright Battle and War which took place in the Spirit realm of beliefs manifest…
A War so beyond any idea of true Battle On War
To simply let the Arrow off God” flow, shoot out to its point..
But was met with such resistance
that at one point I literally became confused..
And watched the few true eventually give in go down to lower frequencies because the horror was too much to endure..

What cruelty unimaginable could be that selfish and beyond even evil to give such a destiny to, live and Exist in alone…?

I knew what could do this,
I knew it 11 years ago…
When I knew that this play was meant to end in 2OO4-2OO5..
always 45…
Nnamdi my late brother was born April 5th…
45..On Easter Day and passed over on Easter Day 1982..
Full Circle Birth to Death…

I.E..Da-Vide Nu.

I.E…David Knew Emeka…

Which is True..
So did Micheal Fritz, Albert,
and Jonn Blackwell who knew of One who would come..
from Tom Benzian intel and his own codes..

Meaning the Beloved knew me..
Which is the Truth..
Brothers knew me, but none acknowledge what I represented of the Family..The E…
None qualified as MY Best Friends Harmony…

Only the Wu-men..
the Queens…
My little Sister Harmony..
the Literal Echo of me..
My “Brothers’ left me to do the Work
on my own…
And then to add insult to injury refused to acknowledge me
despite my consistently acknowledging each and every one of them…

Brothers and Sisters
playing Father Mother..
Only the lines of my Father Mother lines..
Eternal Youths Consciousness
Were Loyal to the E…
Not the children whom…
I was sacrificed for 9-11 years
to teach them their A.B.C’s
In Alpha Bet City…
Which turned out to be the Ultimate betrayal of those I once called
Brother And Sister


Children become Old Men and Women…

While the Youthful Expression
transforms into Eternal Truths
By their becoming Eternal Heroes..

The Everlasting Truth of
the I.E.
Who are as me..
Loyal to Known
but the Beautiful Truth..
The Channel and Train of thought we came down in
through the portal of Truth..
True Love
C Beau-Ti…
5:51 p.m.


Michael is means “Who is as God?” A rhetorical statement…
Micha E.L…
Mi C.H..Alpha E.L..(Meaning Father)
3rd Note C Harmony Infinity Alpha….E.L…Evanescent Luminous

Michael once presented me with a Sacred Blade whose handle was the face with a Hat of a Blue eyed Alien Druid..

He had given been told by them Lemuria Atlantis…LA..
Which Michael most represented…to give the Blade to me…

Frazer means “A French Town” a Scottish name derived from the French word..
Fraser is French
it is also the Name of Joe Frazer…Mohammed Ali..
“Muhammed” means “Praise Worthy” in Arabic
Boxing Match…
My front teeth are as if they are knocked out…
But the Knock out was one by M.E…

Frazer measmeans Men from the Forest…(OINri)
Michael Fritz Geoff all are from the Islands of the Caribbean’s.

But I have proven that before there was the See of La.
The River, the All encircling River…
There was a Being of E who emerged from Out of the Blue, onto a Forest
Peppermint Park..West End London…W.E.L
Pelham Bay Park…Bronx New York City…B.N.Y.C Bright Noble…Yes-hues-Ah Christo… The W.A.V.E…OH..
Supreme Alpha Omega..

E.M.F.G.E..E ….is Mother Father Grace Expressed.


Example of Father Mother is E…

6:13 pm.

Welcome Back Micheal…

last time we spoke was 2O1O…

You had changed…
and I took all my “Magical” possessions you were keeping safe keeping for me
and took them to Toms Loft…
Where I replicated in that first Loft.
once again that Model of the World
But this time on a Five level Shelf and a large Wood Oak Table..
And once more I waited for the world to awaken…
For I had completed my part..

That was 5 years ago…

From Micheal I linked to John Shaw,
then his brother Tom Trueman then to Marina Burini…
And created non stop, books, the sacred portals, E mails sharing, video films, all recorded filmed..all demonstrating the consciousness of E..
Broken down…
And even then it was not enough…

I watched Brother and Sister Betray to the very End..

Only the line of Father Mothers can rise to the E…

6:21 p.m



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