
12/26/2017 10:39 – Facebook Post

This was brought to my attention by Valdrino Meta…

I recognized it instantly…

My first thought..


“Where is the Cock?”

there was no Hen…

H E..N…E….Harmony Existence Natural Expression…

Every knows and recognizes the Sound of Dawn…

“Cock a Doo Le Do!”

Put the Cosmic Egg back together….

Transforming it from its original form…

E.G.G..Sunny Side Up… Cosmos Galaxy..

Then To the Oval Office… “Under Cover Quarantined O-Zone and the Script Play….
(Think Humpty Dumpty… H.D… Hump and Dump… as it Sex and Defecate – Ride and Release… as well as Fractaling As Emeka Eze
Eze Chinedum Henry Azubike Onyenobode Maduabuchi Henry Excellent …
See the code sequence Dna-e.. link.. weave…. E E… E Z E..C… E C… H… H A ..O…M H E,.. N…NN A.M DI/ ID.. M A NN…
Em Yi
E M E K A…. Y I K.E.S!

He E R O S….
E R O S E…. Anthony Bienke” “Flower of Life Highly Praise Worthy of inestimable value….”
BIEN… ” C’est Bien” ‘It is certainly”

And then the Sitting on the Egg…
And reading as I sit and warm it with my Ass…
And voice by telling a story of the True Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind being the Quiet Beating heart…
Of a Being, a Character within the Egg and contained in the Hardened Shell of the Quarantined “O-Zone’ of a man moving within aligned to the Voice and the Waves connecting him with the Source of the Voice…
like strings on a Puppet…
To act out the story of how all within are not real and part of a story…
just as he.. but he is Real paying a Character…
While they are Characters learning to become solid and real
by his being used to transform the Egg- into the E.G..
Example of Being- and the way to transform from a black and white Story to the truth of H.U.E.S are Hue-manity by solving the riddle of the O Zone..
Yes, the Full Circle and Circle of life…
to cause the Egg to Crack…. By such an example of a character ( who is actually real) weaving Black and White into the One Silver Linning and Yellow brick Road which leads out of the Story…
Crack! Crack..
the True Kracken Equation…
Which merges to realities F A C T… and F I C T I O N…

And yes..
it is a fact that Francis Frick is sitting to the right of me….

Francis means Free Person..
Frick means “courageous, Brave Peaceful power of the Smith..
Forger of new Road and pathways.. Home…

to… J.O.Y…
through Jesus Osiris Yeshuah.. J.O.Y.
really J.( J is Balance) E.S. U.S… O Sir Is! Yes HUES- AH..
Christ…. C.E E….

Yes my facebook friend Christain Edwin Edwin was born on Christmas Day… as was Rey… C.R. IS… T… Where is the H in Christ…
H-8… ?
H E N R I….O S….

And the Plagiarization… Usurping..
But then I suppose L A D Y must tell her version of Wu Man…
But do not dare forget…
The Cock Balls and Anus…
began with the story of See men.. C men.. S.E.A- Men

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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