
12/26/2016 0:11 – Facebook Post

9:53-54 a.m


I.E. D



LA is the 6th note…
(Sixth Sense)
E.G is Example
A.M is the “Switch” as in “switch the light on”
… In the room with a view.

I wish to read in clarity before you all the communication from the Spirit “Mind-Reflections Realm”
Which supersedes the Physically Manifest
reality of this world, and deeper still to the sub-sub consciousness of thoughts and escapists realities…
Non Existence…
We can see that this comes by way of 33 the Three’s, the C of Consciousness by way of the Delta Region of Southern Nigeria..
And further still to the passed
The Ancestors and ancestral linage right to the First Ancestor even to the First Being in Existence…
A channel.. A Ley line of communication
Astral travel, teleportation, inter-dimensional, connections….
Time and Space travel the true version..
But I digress,

33 and 330 USD

Cyprian Nwosu via Dean Dunkwu
C.C N… Pi
And Echo Response through the Spirit world of the Five Senses ( Sensei)

A Response…

Through a code of Names with sound and meaning.

Lou means “Famous Warrior”

Artaz means “Divine Light… Star”

Jasmine “Fragrant Flower”

Edgar Guanzon Means ” Fortunate Powerful and prosperous Spear Ruler…

Guan (Tuan and Jay) means “Frontier Crossing, high mountain pass”

Ali means “Lofty, Noble, Sublime… Beautiful..

Mohsin means ” Gentle… Humanitarian Friend.

” Divine Warrior of Divine Light, the Star of Fragrant Flowers… Fortunate, Prosperous, Powerful, Spear Ruler crossing over the frontier of the Spirit World and into his 5th Dimension body seated right here in the present.
You have crossed the High Mountain pass..
The View of the A.M Awakening Manifesting is truly Beautiful to behold…Sublime, Lofty and so noble, my gentle manly Humanitarian.. and Friend.”

The Spirit World, or Clear Light up brain and mind can see the natural out come (Future Present) of Cause and Effect…
Visions much earlier on before the person living in the physical and current material realm.

10:33 pm

See.. From the Delta Igbo Edo Eyo Rivers peoples..
But also Pi 3.1415… Consciousness Naturalness O full circle Of Expression.

All this is, is the meaning of Light and Life from the memories of those who lived with Clarity… And Dark Matter of the Universe… Those ignorance… Many well intentioned people.. But ignorance does not bring bliss it brings for innocence, lightness.. Enlightened ones living Hell.

But all is the Light from the past as consciousness.

That translation is a Letter,
Is it not?
Inter dimensional, ” You got Mail”

Lines of communication of clarifying
“Thought Processes” T.P
True Point the Consciousness of the age of Reason- which always require research.
Researches.. Grants to pursue “New Frontiers”… You’ll never know what you might find with an open mind.
Even your literal.. And an entire species original home beyond the Unreachable?
No just Far Sighted for the ones who See Far….
Beyond Diviners this are literal Divine Seers….they See that far and can calculate when it will manifest… But never how.

This Evolution I saw at 8 yrs old…
Was born at 8 pm

From the moment I was born…
Always Expanding Adding..getting closer.. At the door e..

The letter appears to be an acknowledgment…
Very Flowery but full of Intel.

Well I posted the 23 USD and stated what it represents, so that links seamlessly with “reason” to this message on Day C D…”Mass” C M D…

Delta Manor Chukwu.
The Creator…

Creation (Creationists ) Medical Doctor..

So its a Hail on disconcerting the Beautiful Truth having gone to investigate themselves… Yes your Ancestral Spirits..

Albert Santana of Generation X Gardens called me today… You know the one I stayed in his home…
It was as usual Super Natural but I knew who was the Source of It and who was taking all the Credit.

Counter Weaving.

Well lets see what next
I suppose I really have no choice in a world where one can control everything, buy any one and make them do anything for you…

I brought back Harmony a much better way to co exist

11:11 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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