
12/25/2015 2:26 – Facebook Post

11:54 pm.

Sananda X Mas-S.A.G.E…




I have a new Face Book friend and wished to share the intel and solve the riddle of the response to the equation 55 56 of the Two sacred being one, and the Past Present, links with the Future present to link now..

We are now at 456 Face Book Friends…

*See sacred Portal 56..

We just finished watching, Its a Wonderful Life” With Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed…
Yes, My Last Face Book Friend Shelly Jackson..S.J/J.S..
Donna Reed (Muthi Reed- Donna O’Sullivan Donna Reads RE.E.D)..

And now, Welcome Annie Trishilah…

We have the response to the play which at 18 Mountain View and with my body and being the “Intel” and communication between the two realms of Human Consciousness, have made it paramount that I weave the last equation…

For Its a Wonderful Life” I.A..W.L…was a riddle that I knew at some point had to be watched, and Jonn Blackwell naturally suggested it..
It is Intel, from the E See, and reads easily of the story of a man who wakes up from a nightmare, of being non existent…
Sort of like thee Biblical story of Job.
A Dream in which passes through Life as Death and then the effects of his non existence..And in the end gets a Response from his World Above (Literally) and below..
A Coming of age story, a rite of passage, a test of True Nature..
Appreciation and Gratitude..
A Response about a True Mans Value and Worth…
And a Riddle and a Secret-Transparent code…
You know, like something written in Invisible Ink
but you know something is there…

In this case a Miracle on Christmas Day… C.D…E
X Mass Day…X =24th Letter Omega.M.D
..X Omega…(1O..24 6 8 1O)
X O Muthi Donna…

A Course of Miracles..
A River…

I would suppose, it is all of the Above..
But the Truest meaning, is all that interests me,
and the fact that I received a new Face Book Friend
immediately we finished watching the movie..

Jimmy Stewart Prayed…Twice..

The Name Annie means “Prayer”..It also means “Grace”

The name Trishilah is derived from the Hindi Jain meaning..

Trident…And Mother of Lord Mahavir…”

Here is what I lifted from Wikipedia about Lord Mahavir..
Whose name means “Very Strong and Brave”

And then I will post about Lord Mahavir Mother..

Please recall of play of Maha Rose 97 Green Point.
and face book friend Maha Maya Noor…
Maha Vir..-I.LE…/ R.I.V.E..(River) A.H..A.M…

“Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana, was the twenty-fourth and last tirthankara. In Jainism, a tirthankara (maker of the river crossing) is an omniscient teacher who preaches the dharma (righteous path) and builds a ford across the ocean of rebirth and transmigration. Twenty-four tirthankara grace each half of the cosmic time cycle. Mahavira was the last tirthankara of avasarpani (present descending phase).[note 1][6] Mahavira was born into a royal family in what is now Bihar, India. At the age of 30, he left his home in pursuit of spiritual awakening. He abandoned all the worldly things including his clothes and became a Jain monk.[5] For the next twelve and a half years, he practiced intense meditation and severe penance, after which he became omniscient. He traveled all over South Asia for the next thirty years to teach Jain philosophy. Mahavira died at the age of 72 and attained nirvana (final release) or moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).[7] Mahavira’s philosophy has eight cardinal (law of trust) principles, three metaphysical (dravya, jiva and ajiva),[8] and five ethical. The objective is to elevate the quality of life.[9]”

24 Tirthankara… 24×3..72…When He Died… X.3…72 B.G..Blue Green..72=9= Letter I.


Here is what Wikipedia has to say bout the Tirthankara..

“In Jainism, a tirthankara (Sanskrit t?rtha?kara) is an omniscient teacher who preaches the dharma (righteous path). T?rtha?kara literally means a “ford-maker”, the one who builds a ford across the ocean of rebirth and transmigration.[1][2] Tirthankara is a person who has conquered sa?s?ra (the cycle of death and rebirth), and provide a bridge for others to follow them from sa?s?ra to moksha (liberation).[3][4]:126″

Now, lets us see what its says about Lord Mahavir Mother, whose “Trident” Link us immediately to Neptune/E-NU-P.E.N..”Enu means Sky or Top” in OINri Igbo… P.E.N..O PEN IS..Proton Electron Neutron..”
Poseidon’s Trident…
God of the Sea..
It also alludes to Aphrodite Hephaestus Erebus H.E, Aphrodite Hermes Eros…A.H.E..Erebus…in Greek/Egyptian Mythology…

Trishala also known as Queen Trishala, Mother Trishala, Trishala Devi, Priyakarini, or Trishala Mata was the Mother of Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, and wife of the Jain monarch, Siddartha of Kundgraam, of present-day Bihar.

She finds mention in the classical Jain Agamas, the Kalpa sutra, written by Acharya Bhadrabahu (433 – 357 BC), which is primarily a biography of the Tirthankaras.

Main article: Auspicious dreams in Jainism

Queen Trishala, Mahaviras mother has 14 auspicious dreams. Folio 4 from Kalpa sutra.
According to the Jain scriptures, Trishala had fourteen dreams after the conception of her son.conception[›] In the Digambara sect of the Jaina religion, there were 16 dreams. After having these dreams she woke her husband King Siddhartha and told him about the dreams. The next day Siddhartha summoned the scholars of the court and asked them to explain the meaning of the dreams. According to the scholars, these dreams meant that the child would be born very strong, courageous, and full of virtue.

Dream of an elephant
Dream of a bull
Dream of a lion
Dream of Laxmi
Dream of flowers
Dream of a full moon
Dream of the sun
Dream of a large banner
Dream of a silver urn
Dream of a lake filled with lotuses
Dream of a milky-white sea
Dream of a celestial vehicle
Dream of a heap of gems
Dream of a fire without smoke
Dream of a pair of fish (Digambara)
Dream of a throne (Digambara)”

Dream of a Throne…
Sacred Portal 45…

16 Dreams…16=Letter P..
Which is 2 8…H,B…Henri Bergsten
88=16..7..D O..S.
64..= 10=J..B
1O=A-O…Alpha Omega..Greek Alphabet..G.A (7-1)
1-24 letters..
Beginning and the End…
So Why does the Roman Alphabet have 26 Letters

Please see that Sacred Portal 26, “Aphrodite Erose Cup-I.D”
And the Tirthankara text endsat 126..foot note.

And that in our play Z is not represented as Zero..Being the End…
Omega X..
But Y.Z…
With Z and number 26=8=H..Harmony Infinity…
And the play has affirmed the Persian name Zeina being the Code for Z.
Zeina meaning “Beauty. Beautiful”

And 2 6 B.F..Best Friend Beauty-Facts (Solid)..and 2+6=8..Hence It does not end at Omega, but at H..Hannah..H..anna..H…Which literal could represent to sides of an opened Book- H an/na..H..
H..Annie H…H..ANN..IE.H..Is the equation we have ended with the meaning of Harmony is Grace…
Which is a Prayer, Ray, (Beauteous Beam) Praise and Appreciation…
For a Wonderful Life all have when you look at it through a different Angle and Focus…..

Which is not the Sun but the Full Moon…

Right now outside, is enshrined in a amazing Full Circle.

OH…Sat E-light…Energy Luminous it creates from the Violet Hues, from its evening coat of Royal Blue..and Blackest Night.

Which Humans have historically called the Moon Light…Divine Grace..
Because they got to see the play of deepest Night..
Which is why they sang and danced at First Light..
Not truly being Dawn but rather Full Moon Light..
Transformation of Fear of the Black Knight..
The Beautiful Black Prince..Death. Slueth..
Shadow..The Source behind and beyond Moon Lite

Which is Why the Moon moves the Waters and Seas, to Seek its own level (Consciousness- People who exist on the same frequency of the Universal Bars of music…)

The Moon Bean is the most Beauteous Beam because it lands on the Earth like a Caress, as the Flow of Milk, of the Milky Way, a Dreamy Creamy Way to Graceful Touch Down…
Because All things are of its one expression….
True Love.

And so we know the significance of my new Face Book friend by her name, to this “Jig Saw” puzzle, and a story of the awakening of A-M.EN..

The First Alpha Theta Hue-man Beings,
to set Foot on this Earth…
The Line of Awareness..
Father of Infinity Eternity..
Grasse was a Town in France Famous for Perfume..

-That in Truth we are finally at the Right Portal..
To perceive the A,H.Being of E’s Cee..
Being who See and understand and remember..
And Naturally Embody, the Truth of What E Hue manity Be..
Living Examples of the Word

Annie Trishilah…



A.T.E/ E.T…A.H..

1:22 a.m.



Ah Venu E

We Are Here At Last….

La! A.H…A.W..E

1:24 a,m

Alpha Omega..


1:25 a.m..


1:26 a.m..


Zeina Hanna

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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