
12/24/2016 11:00 – Facebook Post

From Ola Ly

Oly was born the exact same day as I am

Yes code 332nd day of the year,
333rd on a Leap year..
This year is a Leap Year.

See post of Time Code
3:33 Two of them,
One Yesterday and the other
Liked by Chike Cyprian Nwosu CC N
C = C N
C= 3.14 15
* He is my 2nd 8 15 Facebook Friend
aligned with the arrival of Ckc Nwankonbi
C.N… Also 3,14 Pi
Linked to Anthony bed 3 14 room 3A
Delta Manor…. Pi
Linked to Patrick I Okolo… P.I. O
Linked to Emeka “Praise” Ikem O” Kolo
E P.I. O
Bed 4016. D O P I. E

Chukwuemeka Nnamdi C.3:14 Pi

10:00 am

Oh yes, and Ola Ly was born 1982..
The same year which Nnamdi left one full circle and a day from his Birthday.

Thus 11-28-82..
Full Circle

11 10 10 Beautiful Doppelgangers of 10 1O

11 1O 1O

The Elegant Nomads


1010- 11 K

10 1 1. A. 3A. (Room 3 A. 111A)

1010… 20… T

1O/1O. A

1O/1O…. 2O…. BO

1O 11

Galaxy 11 01 IC. Largest Galaxy in the Known Universe.

E Ga La XY. 1O11/ 11 O1…. 111 111 6 1
61 is the Age of Thaddeus bed 4019 DOS
Room 4B.
Delta Operating System
Do-Nna O Sullivan D.O.S
Father Robert O Sullivan born 4-19
ED OS. 54. 9. I O S

E R O S… Emeka Robert ER 5rsr18 23 W.Double V VV OS


First Room assigned here at Delta Manor
5019. 519. Not 518
Not E.R

Emeka Steven.

E.S… 5 + 19… 24

Todays Date… 24 letter X
24 hour Day + Night.

6 Fa.
61 days on the Streets of New York living in a Alley -Simulation of Death 61st day
“Thaddeus” found 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens.

61 is F.A.
4th Note
4th Color Spectrum Green
4th Letter D
4 corner a Box
4th Energy Point Heart
Thaddeus means “Heart Courage Dios”

All this has been the past
10 11 years stuck in a Universal Simulation of the Past
All that already took place
It began when I entered the Shelter System 30th Street Intake Shelter
Then to Atlantic Bedford AB in November Dec 2001 after 911..
To write an article for Manny Baron M.B..
Marina Burini
For William Morris W M
Morris Ave
For an interview with Diane Sawyer DS

I left just before Christmas

But apparently, I never left.

Delta Manor is part of a D.O.S Matrix
An Operating System which the entire World and the US is in origins Africa
US Africa

I am Deus Machina

But really code 1992
Paris Garde De Nord
My apartment in Paris
Room with Stephan and shared with Manu
And on Dec 23
4 years after leaving Nigeria where I had lived for 11 years.

* 4 years Delta

Where I journey to the Light
And was brought back by Dark Matter
Mass to “Share” my knowledge of the Way home…
I did not wish to but was really not given a Choice.
Yesterday was 28 years since I left my mother in Nigeria.

24 since I went to the Light and brought back by the W M B… WOMB
Which is Male.
B M W 69 15 Letter O. 6 F



Nuno Ordens Miguel

Babalola Tobi Emmanuel
Emma Angela Shaw

Emmaline Mackenzie

Kevin Gates. K G. 11 7. 18 R. 9 I
Kevin G Gordon. K G G. 11 7 7. 25 7 G
9+7= 16. P. 88

Keith Grant. Bed 53

Adam who asked me for a dollar is 53 years old we smoked together he has been in the system for 19-20 years
He has a wife who has their home.

The Matrix I have been trapped in is Male Woman
And its is Universal
Beyond the DOS of this World

It is DS 4 19.
Bed 4019… E ROS. Room 4B
But I am 5019. First Room assigned
Room 5A

4B 4019 59. E I. 419. 23. 5

5A 5019. 69. F I. 519. 24. 6

Beyond 5A 4B. Atlantic Bedford 2001
E I F I. EF Ii E
23 24. 47. 74. 22 43

Family Sacred Portal 5 6

I am at 6 F. C 9.
Cloud 9
Consciousness Eternity Infinity

11:15 p.m



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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