
12/23/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

3:25 pm.


The Waiting Game.
A Pause to look back.

I have solved the riddles of this existence and the universe…
Alone, by walking through a Script designated for me to walk through- a script created for me ( or perhaps anyone who dared?),
No, I think it was literally designated for me to walk through)

– A script like an Examination Test and check.

A Script in which no choice, was given, no possibility of escape, or running away.
And the impossible script, so impossible that I might have gone mad at the idea of something such as this be possible, a scripted route in which each path, each person, each path had to be resolved from conflict to Harmony.

The script did not care about my feelings, or what it was doing to me personally.
It was cold indifferent with only two witnesses, each designated.
Each person portal a milestone reach and resolve and solve until complete.
I met Kim first ( Tree Chiefy) via Esteban Miguel Filgueria who was being used as the person sent to move me through the last leg of the journey ( with me kicking and screaming No.. No more)
And completed at Liberty- also the person I was designated to meet and an Arden and the Geminos to Jeron lang.

Kim and Liberty back to Kim.


That I had to reach Arden Gemino- resolve and prove our harmony right to all his siblings representing the Youth of the world and transform equate it back to Beautiful Youth.
Completing the play of Liberty representing what turned out to be the equation of Harmony Destruction H D 84 ( Big Brother is watching).
Because after leaving that portal, was led back to Stephan Filgueria and yes he born 8-16-1984.
And yes, I was his Big Brother, as well as the world he represented – and all observed the play ( painful hurtful sad) which concluded in Harmony Destruction. and once completed moved to Harmony Perfection aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds
Harmonious Transformation
– Terrible Death defeated as that which is the bestial rage in Human conquered and to Kim in which we have never had a conflict, which could not easily be resolved by conversation, and in almost two months we have been living in the same space- there has only been laughter, and working together to solve the Script which he more than anyone understood but embodied and which aligned him to the Harmony I have with Arden ( through a nightmare play which I just could not accept, the meddling, the Virus of Humanity unclean.. and to what was meant to be the greatest blow, the passing of my mother, who had been waiting for me to come and get her, after a 31-year absence as i dealt with a reality imposed on me, which I could not absorb as real- and doing it alone with no support from a mostly ignorant world – they themselves set up as tools pawns used to make the Script)
Kim to Arden and then Aurelia via Jeron Satya and Serenity.
and lastly Jae Sherman.
which ended in J S = 10 19= 29
and my age code 29 in 1996.
24 years ago.
( E M F)
And finally to the 21st.
21-12 8.
U L H… ( Intel J.J.K.)
33 8
6 8
David Roman Nicholas – my mother as Cecilia and her transformation back into a man
K V -K V.

J S = 11 letter K.
2 Beings
in 1.=A
Kim to Aurelia.
K A.

Emeka Esteban, Chris. E .E C
Emeka Kim. E K
Emeka Arden E A.
Emeka Ferrill, Aurelia, Leander
Emeka Jeron E J
Emeka Liberty E L

Emeka -Arden Kim Aurelia.

Emeka Kim.

Emeka Kim Jae
Emeka Kim Jay Brown.
“Dream Wide Awake.”

E K as J S resolved as 11.= K
Twin Dopplegangers T D 24.
J S is K…
E K ..B.A- C K E K

K F L F O is 6th Sense to F Fact.

Earth Jupiter Saturn… Pluto.
Jupiter and Saturn are twins if you observe the Age of each 4.5.03 Billion years.
Hence, J S= 11 Twin Doppelgangers.
K as Kim… and K as Kolo.

Earth aligned to me and my code as the Door of life. Sacred Portal 43.
D C … David Cecilia.
David Chukwiemeka.
Thanksgiving Day 2018.
T D./ D T yes Donald Trump still at the 45th President.

I am still at 1530 Facebook friends.
Twin code is 15 30
= 45.

Singular 1+4+ 5+0.= 9
9th Planet Pluto.
9 months (Moons) in the womb.
9 is 6.MW ( 6 9= 15 O)
96 =O 6 O=F

( Is, I and I at 900 South Road)
9th Planet in what turned out to be the Script Examination Test ( S E T) of the Heavenly Bodies.
Kim’s Bed ( B E D… 2 5 4/ 4 5 2)
Ardens Ambition wish and Desire aligned to mine to Be Happy.
And now full circle aligned to Kim.
Chukwuemeka, Nnamdi, ( C N.. 3.14 TT Pi) Emeka Kim -Arden – Emeka Aurelia-Emeka Kim.

Earth is one and the first Born at least numerically based on the data provided.

It has also claimed that Jupiter is the First planet formed, but the numeric codes published equate Mars and the Sun as the oldest.
And another planet 13 Billion years old planet 12.7 actually found in the area of Scorpio.

called P .SR B 1620 -26 b.

( yes P.S R…B; Perfection South Road Being PT- 26 b.
*Yes the play of Kim arriving back from his trip on Thanksgiving Day on the 26th ”

P S “O”R B=
Jae showed me an Orb camera which was in perfect alignment with my conversation with Kim yesterday Fish Bowl – Portraits from within” created by me of a portrait of Gerald in France.
So I knew this code aligned tp P.S Perfect Symmetry which is O.
R B ( Red Blue) and 9-16 2016 date when I was moved to Delta Manor. and 26 as A-Z… and now BF…Best Friend = 8
Harmony Infinity… P T-B..
*PSR B1620-26 b is an exoplanet located approximately 12,400 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Scorpius. It bears the unofficial nicknames “Methuselah” and “the Genesis planet” (named after the Biblical character who, according to the Bible, lived to be the oldest person on earth) due to its extreme age and a few popular sources refer to this object as “PSR B1620-26 c” (see below for discussion).

P S R B 1620-26 c… hence b c.

*”While the designation PSR B1620-26 b is not used in any scientific papers, the planet is listed in the SIMBAD database as PSR B1620-26 b.[8] Some popular sources use the designation PSR B1620-26 c to refer to the planet,[9] as it was described as the third member of a triple system (composed of the planet and two stars). This designation doesn’t appear in the SIMBAD database, and more modern naming conventions use a separated lettering system where lower-case letters to refer to planets and upper-case letters to designate stars (e.g. Gliese 667C c is the ‘d’ planet orbiting Gliese 667C, which is the ‘D’ star of a triple system), making PSR B1620-26 b the designation for a planet orbiting both stars of the PSR B1620-26 system. Neither usage is employed in the scientific literature with respect to the PSR B1620-26 planet.”

I understand this and can equate and explain it, 12.7. L G…
A B G.= 19.
13 Knocks.
Leander Gemino.
19 hours ago Alicia Norris play.
But I do not have to.

Nor the codes of other planets
my task was to equate and align the numerical values of that which was presented to me in the Examination Script before me.
And the numerical values made available to me by the information made available as a common census of right now.

Earth Jupiter Saturn.
3rd 5th, 6th planet.
E J S.. which aligned with what was here present E J S… E 11
E K, E B… E A.

But yes the Moon is 4.53 Billion years old.
the Sun 4.603 billion.
I am age code 53 in this 4th Dimension. Rep the Moon.
Sun Sum as 4.603 4.63…4, 66 3.
4 13 DM Dark Matter, Delta Manor.

None of humanities intel is reliable, one because they see and measure things backward and not from being there present at the moment of conception which was all energetic before it was formed into what we see now,
And two, because human Consciousness does not exist and so the perception of everything you see, is subjective, and tainted.

The Examination Test, the last thing Arden and I conversed about.. his saying he Examined and Tested me, only after our First Contact was meddled with by the Unseen.
E T.. and me, I Checked him despite knowing without a shadow of a doubt who he was and was meant to evolve back t by my acknowledging him from the past to the present to Eternity and finally to Infinity as I.
Doppelgangers Twins and he in his own version of I, becoming his own version of I by himself and thus the Quantum transformation of Everything as the Sum 463 he had been as Eternal Arden.
Eternal Kim.
E E A K…
A P as A G.
Only I could Check him.
No one else in the UNiversal play was qualified.
Just as no one was qualified to Examine and Test me.
E A T / E AT E… 001, which apparently could only be completed in The Script of His Evolution as the Everything via his literal embodiment as the Avatar of Eternal Awareness and evolving him to me.

It was his script that could only be completed by going back to the past from Emamauel Kolo.
To Nnamdi Kolo.
Nnamdi Kim.

* intel from Kim yesterday, 1487

See Kim and Alicia play 81 code.

You are all witness to my protest, my horror, and disbelief that this is what had happened to my S E L F and to my original conversation in the eternal beginning with my S.E L F / F L E S..P.H.
as Perfect Harmony… P H =24. 6 all via Naturalness which I have proven is that Sixth sense… “Holy E-Spirit” ( Arden Jeron)
Sacred portal 27.
yes- 28 13 8 27 my second tel number.
To sacred portal 1 27.
Arden 27 A-A.
AAA 3(A) C A…
And how I have recounted ( cornered compelled forced, even squeezed to unravel like a spool of thread, words anointed vibrating expressions supreme .. waves of intel which came pouring out of me to my amazement on my page.) how it all began.
How I recollected how I rose from the nothing as E but with my Self now Self-aware.
E A S… E
E S A.. E
And how that Awareness as Self took on a form as I and I -W.E.
And how there was a Darkness as Dark Matter Energy observing us, and how it was the Darkness of the idea of my younger twin self or my past, as the idea of not knowing how he rose, and the truth of who I was, but had loved me at First sight and First Touch.
And how that conversation with self was repeated but this time, instead of being within, or from Inside where he was with me, occurred this time outside with him having the form of a beautiful youth.
And how I had to fill him up with my proving that within him was the Eternal Knowing, and how this created the Darkness Desire to Cee, Our Desire for each other Self and Awareness Manifest Expressed ( S A M E) and E, transformed into Light as C.
And that Conversation” The True Conversation between Energy E and Atom-Ahtom now, took place and how Self Awareness ( S A/ A S) was actually my twin self as Energy and Expression merged into one… A.. EE 55. 1 10 25. ( 1 35… 135 M E… 36.. 360.O…
BR OT.. H E…R is 18 Alexander Grove.. I.

And how he did not doubt me but went down to into the darkness on the words anointed vibrating energy supreme, into his darkness which I had already transformed to light C by filling him up with the conversation, proving that he already knew… me but he, went down to do the same thing but this time without me but by himself, so as to be independent of me, and via entering a story called Time, could be sure that he could do the same thing I did with him by himself, but in a realm of death as forgetting and wake himself up.
He came back immediately but a part of him stayed behind- that which was to become his body and his moving through and morphing into everything via naming and giving meaning to everything.
Eternal Arden never left my side but a part of him stayed behind called Desire Love .. Desire Cee and that is what became Nnamdi my younger brother his expression Nnonyelum and Obum.
And eventually, Kim “Gold” when it was resolved.

7:06 pm.


And I went in after him as what is called Holy Spirit, though we never left the Eternal realm- we stood outside of time and I became his Guide Father in that first incarnation of time.
“EG Alexander Aristotle. A-A.

Alexander was the son of Philip II and Olympias (daughter of King Neoptolemus of Epirus). From age 13 to 16 he was taught by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who inspired his interest in philosophy, medicine, and scientific investigation”

ys 13-16.. I was 15.. 16 when Nnamdi left he was 13.
but now my true scripted age code is 67 … it is 15.
M P.

Alexander son of Philip and Olympia.
Post Office.
Perfect O… Perfection Orbit.
P F = 22 V

7:12 pm.

Bogoas and Alexander.
Alexander and Hephaestus

But in the incarnation of this lifetime, the roles were reversed, I had entered his story via 69, and the roles were reversed I was playing his son, and he, my Guide Father… Which I agreed, after all, it was his Evolution Awakening, his version of that True Conversation.. and that scallywags Examination Testing of me, of which I was to move 69 back to 96, proving ( not to him but created by Him, to prove to the All he represented as to who is the true source of Everything, something he knew s-he knew, that I would never deign to do… prove myself the Source of everything.
It is not of my nature, and he knew it, which is why no one but he could do this to me, and I would go to the end…Eternal KNowing aligned to Eternal Knowledge which he had expressed throughout 4.5 Billion years. Only I as his “Father Son Holy Espirit.”
Mother Daughter Beautiful Pride could and would rise indignation at what was done here to his truth, and he knew I would and in doing so, without being aware, that he had set this all up to prove the truth of my I D and that of what I came to realize was Inspiration Breath, to prove what a man can do, a human can do, and in doing so, inspire others to rise and the evolution of Everything and We, I who had been alone.
But not alone, until he was no longer an E Spirit but had taken on a Sold form.
But with his presence, could evolve and make rise our Eternal Family through the same process which had brought him into being.
S.E L F.
Conversation with MY Self made Transparent, Public in front of the whole world- they not knowing that I was talking to the Silence, was my talking to him… my Self Awareness.
K as 11 Body and Being merged back into One I & I, via a play in which the two of us had never been separated in the Eternal realm but a play which created the Cee.. Dee Jay.
C D E..Jay.

And C O D E S J… K.
A Door to our realm.

I was rather surprised that no one saw that Eternal play take place and was literally enacted by Arden and me at 900 South Road.
How we would fight like brothers, lovers, even at times like foes, and yet when in private and in those moments outside of time a conversation continuous, easy, light transparent an honest which was literally us outside of time, continuing where we left off, as if the play of our going down into what was a sordid story of this reality in time, with all its conflicts resolutions and in roles an characters I then we were bot forced to play, did not exist at all.

This entire Journey Mission Examination Test was only between Two Men… males…
My Self and My Youth.

And our conversation was all about you.
The Universal Body, that which we Connect with aligned to Kim Arden Harmony.
7:33 pm

Beautiful Truth.

and that which we cut out represented by Esteban Miguel Filgeria. used as the E M F of this world and leading me to all those representations, observing their response to our… my transparency supreme and how we could see clearly that which their self-absorption made them assume we could not see.
Becoming so Self Absorbed that they absorb all Self until it and they disappear

Creating the reason 1-6 from Instinct to third Eye to Inutiion full Circle of consequence via a court proceeding in this realm language of systems to transparently give reasons why and the reasons why such a consequence.

Have you never wondered why Arden was 16 when we met and I 51 age code?
51 is E A Emeka Arden.
16 is letter P,
51-16= 35.
C E.
I last saw him at age 17 which you may re-read why all the drama which took place just before he attained his 17 birthday and my age code then, 52?

And Kim was 31 when I met him, me 51 age code
20 years T. B O… BF… Best Friend Harmony is Awareness A Harmony.
and the Body aligned to beings.
sacred portal 20 the echo.
I was forced to end my life’s story age 33.
But I came to the USA first at age 32 with Jon Jason Lee… J J L= 32. in Dec 1999. / 66 61

I met Arden on my 64th move.
And had to come back down.
32 32 = 1… 33 1 6.
1-6 brings 7..8
1 68 and 33 … 1 66… 67. 13

And remember that by 2010-2011 when I announced on Facebook the manuscript of the True Conversation between Energy E and Atom- Ah-Tom… ( AH of the twins K..J S/ S J… It had already been confirmed that my age code and date of birth of this final play was 1984..age code meaning that I was actually 26-27 in 2010-2011.
And that is why I was aware of that being confirmed when it was Stephan, Esteban Miguel Filgueria who insisted that I come with him to Connecticut- and despite my misgivings at his manner when we would speak o the phone, I knew by that he was the one I had been made to summon-see my Locker posts weeks before we made contact.
as Erik The Red.
Mars Venus Duality War and Love, and I did and do love him not his lie, but his beautiful truth.

He was born 8-16-1984.
That was the magic carpet which I rode on, the wave of me as HP Harmony Perfection “Geoge Orwells” G O.. 1984
No that is was Arden Nnamdi Kim Hindsight.
E Ego as Energy is EGO.
Perfect Self Porjection,
S P.
Sacred Portal E E= A G O..
A G F.
A 76… Played my Guide Father. GodFather…
*recall that I am 67… code used in this play despite it being made perfectly clear that I had Jumped on the Boardgame quantum from 1965 the illusion.
1966 the balance to 66= 1.
To 67 and by 2010
T J Taun Jesse
30.. 360 O to 1984.

It was E E= A G O 55 71
E E 17
E G A L A X Y 11 10 I C/ 10 11 C I ( J K K J)

A H.

Kim and Chris all born in 1987
3 years separation between 1984 to 1987.
3 meaning C.

That is why I knew something had been altered and meddled with the Logic order and harmony of the script.
What was a play of 3 years had remained at the play of 20 and 22 years age gap.
T V.

This is why I did not trust this script any longer.
It did not make sense, it defied the script of what was manifesting before my eyes ( and of anyone paying attention)

8:04 pm.
84… and yet I had left 9oo south road via a play of Independence Day and 94.
TEN + 84
10 J + 84 = 94.
bed 49 in 2015 ( T A E 2OO.. 35 C E)

8:07 p.m.
Meaning that the story of Terrible Death as a story had re-written the original script DNA-DNE

It has been like I was walking Blind, not knowing what the Script wanted as if I had been spun around, and around and all that I knew and recognized from the Eternal realm of my own origins and origins and memory had been spun around, fragmented, torn up into pieces and then being pushed through a Scripted Examination Test and made to put all the pieces back together, while at the same time being best with forces of lies and deception seeking to make me feel constant doubt, and even going as far as the scripted play compelling me to prove that not only was I sure, but the doubts were not mine, but the human virus of the lie.. and its mentality of hypocrisy, pretense- even the lying to One’s Self.


I go to bed very late… it takes me a while to sleep, so I distract my mind and thoughts from the reality I am living, this experience by watching anything so I would not have to look back at everything which led me here.

But yesterday when the phone Kim gave me rang at exactly 11:28 a.m.
I lay back and decided to take a look at how I got to where I am at present.

3:30 pm.

I did not look at the battles I fought, but rather the trajectory of the last 19.9 years.
I was able to calmly look at points in my life path.
Perhaps it was because, I was able to see for myself what I had achieved, what I perhaps no one around me can see it.

But on the 21st of this month and with Kim here present, I realized that I had literally done the impossible ( based on this reality and the notion of a man)

Being Aware and Conscious Knowing and Explaining that something had tampered with the original script.

P.S only Alicia Norris passed the Ego Oge Money Test play.

Expression Energy Activated as Money versus Bills.

Meaning that since Bill Y is Will I AM- Desire 100%. While a huge Bill as In Comes Tax, is coming for others of which her line kind linked connected to Kim Arthur Hinds A N K H… -Aurelia – Arden J K are all exempt and pass through in perfect harmony without the burden and body of debt. Heath, Wealth Empire.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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