
12/23/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post

12/23/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post
12/23/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post

3:33 p.m.




12-23-2016 L-W- T.P…

A.L 1 12…


E.A… 51…


Double V..VV ..L…T.P…G.

E.O.E… 5 O 5…


L.O.V.E…V.E… T.P

Three Four Meanings of the Date aligned to Time 3:33…9…Infinity.

Double U All…True Point, -All have a Doppleganger… A Twin to your Body- who is the expression of your Being… E-Spirit…
But The Point was to merge them together, BB with Light to bring them to V…creating a double Victory for both Body and Being as One Expression Victorious Vincent.. “Unconquerable”
in the 5th Dimension in One…Evolved…

The Wall is the Terrible Point
(Donald Trumps Idea to build a Wall).. to Block To Divide..To Forget..
To build Walls between in each other….But now a True Wall has been put up from 1st December separating the 2/3 who are not of the La! of Sixth Sense, from the 1/3 who are….23 represents the Micheal Jordan’s sold by Paul Walker to me..
Recall that the letters inscribed at Delta Manor are B.Q.P.W…
Being of Quantum Paul Walker Bed 35..”C.E”
He has 10 Children, as does his Mother…

The Play of B.Q.P.W… was already played out by Two…
Emeka Kolo and Kerwyn Vincent…and concluded the Equation on The 16th and 17th of December…
E.K…K.V….5 11…11 22…David Cecilia…

And to my amazement, here we are 7 6 Days later..
After the End of the Play on the 13th, and and Equation 16th 17th…
At 816 Face Book Friends…H.P… and 818….H.R.

Now, I see i Hindsight, that by my giving Paul, code 10-10.. Aligned to Patrick Okolo code Times he contacted me but my phone refused to notify me, until he tried the third time at 6:31 a.m.
1010 is the Code already played out by Myself and Zion to completion…10+10=20 u.s.d….
Code money sent by F.G.C.E. “330 U.S.D”..through Dean Dunkwu DD 44..
4:04 p.m… It being a Code sent to me today by Marina Burini which has caused her to delay to send a code…
And the post which Chike Cyprian Nwosu (reflecting Pi) liked
which was at 3:33 p.m.
The Exact same time as this one…
That was the post confirming him as my 815 Face Book Friend…
And brought the arrival of Ckc Nwakonobi “Nze Onye Muta Uwa”
“The Priest King Ascended Being who gave birth the Everything- The World.. U.W.A/ A.W.U.E…

Code Manu Stephan Emeka…. E.S.M… E.S. A.M.E
“O P.E.N…I.S!… S.E.E…S.A.M.E…M.E”

But apparently by buying the sneakers for 5 U.S.D instead of the Two offered, I was correct, in my own quiet reflections that the gesture would not be simply read as a gesture of generosity, but interpreted as Paul being qualified to be of the 5th Dimension..
The 2 usd I read in the Spirit World play of the Igbo as being a mother Ida, pleading for her Two Sons.. Paul and Gerald..
Instead, it was interpreted as a reprieve for the W.. The 2/3rds of the Species who will perish while others Evolve and Awaken…

There was no such thing on my mind…
But I watched and observed, even as I gave him the money simply for the sake of Generosity…
And so, all observed through my detailing how, this man who had sought to fight me ( and who apologized… but why….because of access to money, because of what reason..)
And so, I observed as I gave him 5 Dollars, after he I had met him outside, and he had given me 1 usd… and stated “I know that when you have you give”- I am not a fool, I am fully aware when some one is seeking to manipulate me…
But things I would never normally tolerate, interactions, people, expressions.. I have been forced to swallow in this Evil Set Up…

And so, I just observe with quiet hatred the set up…play out…
apparently the 23 Marked Sneakers- linked to this day, the 23rd, was a chance…”My Only Chance” Michaël Trahé..Eminem …’
for the 2/3rds to prove them selves Worthy..
And so I gave him yet another gift of 5:00 U.S.D… for the 1 USD…

And I testified that I saw a vision afterwards, of his urgent Need of it for transportation which he then confirmed..
Saying it came from out of the Blue and he thanked God…and then me.
Then he asked for 3 more U.S.D… 5 3… He is bed 35…
And when I told him the Code, he instantly stated that he got a text for a gift of 3 packages….
Thus, 5 3 and in Harmony….
Then logical equation was that since Harmony had been attained that he would get the third verification of Harmony….
But he received none…
He did not See God.. Nothing…
Which was because his Expression and Consciousness though aligned to His Needs…. did not merge to Harmony..
Because it was not Infinity… nor Harmony…
It was one sided… One continually taking from another.. and using Expression and Consciousness to get what He wanted..
Which is the expressions of 2/3 rds of the World Population…

God was invented and worshiped by them, only for His -Her Value to give them things, even if He She was being worked to Death..
That did not matter “Hey your God” that is what you are here for.. and “We” to pay Lip Service, to how much we Value you with worship….

I watched all this indifferently, nonchalantly…

The same with the Thaddeus play.. ( Who is being kicked out of the System as well as the Delta Manor Shelter…)..
I gave both Paul and Thaddeus 5 U.S.D…and 3 extra to Paul…
5 5… 53 5… 8 5…
Nothing…. But the Response of Nothing.. Not from the God Particle planted in all Beings Bodies….
And from Thaddeus, the most Evil of Hypocrisy…
One Quiet and Sad…
And the Other that of an Evil Spirit who could have chosen to Light…
One of the Baptist Church.. and the other of Nze Spirit…
Recalling the John the Vietnam vet who witnessed Evil.. and hand an “Ofo” Stick… just as Eric had, who took over bed 009 of Erik Eposito… who went to bed 004 once belonging to Luke Wilson L.A.Wilson…
Code 009…004… 94…I.D…49 yea old Eric Eposito… E.E represented the Italian American ( He is Catholic ), and the Baptist Church Elders, as well as the Nze Priest Kings… Representing the true Hypocrisy and Betrayal of 2/3 of the Human Population of their very belief systems….

And so, Water.. God… certainly not I, gave them a chance…
One last chance, again at my Expense… to prove that they had Truth…
Nada….Nothing… Despite they being moved to the equation 35-53 C.E the Point and One Dai-Day has Come… P.T… Room 3A P… To Thaddeus Room 4B bed 419….
3A..31… 35…. 4B.. 42 D.O.S….D.S.. Dewight Smith who linked with Thaddeus.. D.T.. Donald Trump…. D.T…4-20.. Link Erik E-Bright…
D.O.S.. Donna O Sullivan who is no longer in the Play with her Husband J.B….
Dewight Smith who is no longer in the Building….
To Thaddeus not being kicked out of the Building, and the System itself..

The Past Tense…has continually usurped the Role of God, of Creator, of Author by using that name, in Vain… just as a way to get what they want- willing to go to places of expression of being Pious, and persecuted by the World as Thaddeus testified for their Faith…
And yet each expressing the cowards way of expression after witnessing that I would not fight Chase… Not knowing the 10;00 USD Code that Linked us…

And so the 10 10 Code C.P.T….was reached even by those who sought to Usurp the Truth… And use it and the codes, to enter..
They can not, it is not the codes, the Play or the Time which determines the E line..

5:00 pm
It is Expression Energy Embodiment Essence Exemplified without even seeking to Exemplify or be an Example….

And so, the answer is No…Merited Earned….

And that is what the Play of Emeka Kolo and Kerwyn Vincent represents…
5 A Bed 519… E,S… to 5.C..Bed 522 represents..
A Set Up, already revealed as Victorious from the Very First Beginning….and the 5.B… at 4B… ?
5 is 4..Body and Being are BB…V..5 B.. 5+4=9…I.
See my current number of Face Book Friends… 829…
See the code play of Patrick Okolo.. 10pm 10 am Failed to Connect but at 6:31 am… The Connection was made…
10 10…20…T…6… 26;31…Z.C.A…Only I was in room 3A…bed 3002-5…
Bed 5019…69…24.. 15…6….My Blood Pressure….156…6
56… Age of Paul Walker…. See Sacred Portal 56..
My E Family… See page of Solitary Eclectic Angel and Michaël Trahé… 5th Dimension and E conscious Being…
Bed 4016… 56….
26 31… 8 4…See date of my birth listed on my page… 84… 12…Dec… 3…C…Creator….
Zorro.. Z is Zorror…
8 is Harmony Delta…. 12…Light Love Laughter.. C Consciousness

10 10…= 1…. 6 31…. A.F.C.A… Symmetrical Perfection…
16 31…. P.C.A….A-Z+5…A-Z+Emeka… 31….16 4…/ Bed 416…20..T..Thaddeus Truth… TT.. P.I
1O 1O…
28 years ago…

1 12…AL/LA… There can be no All La…
The Only All… is those who are E..A..C.H.I…L.L.L… Expressions..
Thus 23 is Double V not Double U…
VV… UU… There is only One Vie…. 5th Dimension

Eternal Law is True Perfection….
Evolution Awakening
Evolve-D..I D.
Love’s Victorious Expression…
Consciousness Creator Clarity…
3 3 3….

5:23 P.M

And only one Double U…
E.Source.. from which All Came from…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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