
12/22/2019 21:41 – Facebook Post

7:27 p.m


Liberty C Liscomb and Baby J have colds.. let us just call it that.
Thomas Lang is present.

And it, all makes sense.

In which realm of reality does it make sense?
This reality..?
But of course, parents and their baby and a guest and scholar, all each helping out.
A reality in a this illusion of the 3D reality.

No, Harmony is linked to not just two people but the entire world and universe and all which dwell in it, each as their own Individual Notes in the Visible and Invisible Orchestra Harmonic
The Universe..everything even Animals and Nature all dance to the Harmonics of Creation Energy Expression 6th Sense is Harmony.

No there is simply a moments Peace.

This is not Harmony, except if one percieves from a 5th Dimensional perception and consciousness.
As The Script of Cause and Effect of stalling and stifling the “Element of Suprise” ( E O S. Eos was what my last bed number at the Shelter as I followed the Trail of the now 27 years and Winter Solistice when I travelled through a Darkness so quickly to a portal of Light in 1992.
Eos means Dawn.

Liberty eldest sister name is “Dawn” has been one constant appearing on my trail reflecting as a mirror people places things all reflecting my intent and my Truth perfectly reflected outside.
David Dawn, Dawn Piercy, Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie Dawn Chimento
Mackyla Burgos and John Mack once drew cards for me, and the card came up as ” Awakening ” Dawn.
Dawn Awakening
4 1
Sacred Portal 41
D A. W. Air Wind. N. Nature… Eternal Harmony
The Air.. New Air will Awaken you.)

The last time this was delayed.
Was 2012.
Mayan Calendar
Yet we are also aligned to the Story of Christ.
To the Celts.
Christians and Avalon.
To that Story, The Script and the mess of Ages left behind.

Libertys 4 children have left.
Arden the last I met of the 4 left Last.

Jeron is his mothers 5th child and his Fathers 3rd.
5 3.
Bridge between two worlds.
3 D and 5 D
But is not 3 D part of the 5 D?
5 is E ..Equated to Energy.
C to Consciousness Trinity, C Speed of Light.
Sol.. Solfeggio Sound.

Does 3 D even exists….?
Is it not all then Energy Expression and hence there really is no bridge?
Just a merging.. the Emerging.

7:53 p.m.

No, there is only E.
The Consciousness I represent.

Even in this 3D realm, I would never be in such a circumstances and situation for a scholar Artist Scientists with my qualification and have publicly proven as a man in front of you for 8 years.

E IS H. Harmony and within Expression Energy is Consciousness Creation Circle Completion
And in all things there is Energy and Energy manifests as a Mirror Reflection of Energy who in turn, looks to Expression, who in turn looks to its Source.

Only embodies awareness
E.A ( Emeka Arden, Emeka Alien Father Alpha) confirmed.

E A. 51.
E +A= E F = 5 6 confirmed.
C as Chris confirmed.
8:00 p.m right now is
Harmony Perfection Father and Son.

See recent facebook friend Ogbonna Chizara
Ogbonna means ” Mirror Reflection of The Father, and the Espirit Energy Echoes and Responds
Recognition at first sight.

Aureila Harminy reflected perfectly in her brothers.. has been confirmed.
And Anubis Bun Leander.. MAN
Ferrel A Valiant Victorious Man
Jerone… He Sings! Holy and Saceed!
Earth Heart E.H.

8:05 p.m

Liberty just came down with Jeron, to have the little Dude wish me good night..
The Little Devil actually gave me a hug before crawling to his Mother.

Its a play..

Thomas Lang T.L.
20 12. 32. 5. 5 32 is on the Fridge B C E.
Liberty Liscomb L L.
12 12.. 24. E M F. I came via Esteban Miguel Filgueira
So the only code is 12/12..=1 A
Arden and that play has completed

8:16 p.m
Which is 8 me and 16 yrs he.
I was born at 8:00 p.m
I recollected my story of my E.T Family age 7-8.
I was born 11 28. 2( 8)
H.P Computer Computer Play Cosmic Prayer completed

2012. 32 5
12 12. 1.
5 1. Age code I met Arden .


2012 32.
12 12 24. 32 24= 56.
I.came here swayed most especially by the code number 56:56 Liberty had noted was the Duration of our conversation with data within confirmed by Anne McHugh who she had had a consultation
56 is E Family.

The numberic code to meaning to letters has already played
To even 27 years. 18.9 in the United States Universal Simulation
Since March 20-1 2001.
Spring Solistice.
To December 20-21, Winter Solistice 1992

Winter Solistice Dec 20-21-12.. 2011 when I was lured to start posting on Facebook 8 years ago.

Jeron had picked out a book while frolicking on my lap.. Winter Solistice.

8:29 p.m

There is only one Bridge and that is the merging with the E the Consciousness is already within.
As is the Energy
53 35. 88 16
It ends at H P.
E.M.F 24 was proven as 6th.Sense
Stephen led me last to Jesse Macias and Zion.
And only a controlled event, 56:56 and Liberty and Thomas break up brought me here, I would never have come if they were together.

So if the Script has been completed and all is only E proven as A MAN.
Numbers letters E.Q I.Q .. Mind Games, Codes, People Places Things..
Echo all have aligned moved and echoed to my meaning and purpose and yet I sit alone in a home house still in the enactment of a 3D illusion of Existence at which I am and voluntarily am an Outsider and insist upon, because not only is it not real but after a lufe time of sustaining and maintaining the Eternal Frequency
Proven it real ( despite the so few paying attention..
1 is quite enough but the play says I have 123 Cocksure of it.
* 123 Beacon

At this is where I am meant to be..
Its means someone is in a lot of trouble for holding back
Holding up the Evolution Awakening

8:41 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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