
12/22/2016 22:33 – Facebook Post

7:47 p.m.

Now this post is addressed to the General Public.. as opposed to the last which was to the “Supreme 3 4 Elemental Forces… refusing to believe they were also illusion meant to evolve to become Fact Real…
Not Stagnate in Ancient Africa – Crete Greece Egypt…

Welcome the 3 new Face Book Friends to the last Song Expression of using Silence to move Evolution alignment and Harmonious Ascension…
And Descent into the abyss of Non Existence and Existential Death of those who refuse to Evolve… Change….

E.Song began at 5 A… In the foolish play contained in the “Market Square… Box….
That was the first bed Assigned to me… which must have pissed the “Unseen Illusion’ powered by your Beliefs Past and present… Which many forgot to clean up, or resolve after they stopped Ancestral Worship…

Room 5A… Bed 5019….5O19…
Code E.A….E.O..S…E.O…A.I…now with room 4B….
E.A…E.O.. S.A.I.D….S.A .. Supreme Alpha has been confirmed as my I.D.. (Identity.. which is why I am NOT meant to have a passport)…
SAID means “Happiness”.. Yes Naim… Mr Happiness is Me…

SA..is also ASSA.. Meaning Beautiful so out of this World it has no Words so only Sound as Exclamation Mark..E.M.. Is used to Denote it….
Assa M’Pete!.. A.M…
An Extraordinarily Beautiful Evolution Awakening now a Fact…
With no Fear… at least for the 1/3 of Humanity evolving to E Hue manity…

So S.A.I.D…B…in Being as the Beautiful One Awaking…
4016… The Being Doing Full Circle in Perfection Plan-E.T…
4 The Planet…
8:01 p.m…

Meaning a Species will evolve through Merit Earned.. into literal God Particles who will Surf the True Waves of the Inter NET…T.E.N…
Of The Elegant Nomad…
8:02 p.m.. As 82.. Hueman Bodies….

No point describing this… Beyond Words… Must be Experienced.. then Expressed….

S.A.I….”C.A.C.B” D.B.P..G…. to E.C.V…( Linked through Zion Kerwyn Vincent… the extension.. the Tail and the Tale.. 38…)

C.A.C.B…Is the play in the World Consciousness… It is what Book on Face Book will become…

E.A… 51…S.A.I.D.B.P…. “Said Beautiful Pride” is Grace…
8:07 p.m.
MW 87.. to pass through the Milky Way…

E.A…S.A.I.D.B.P…G….E.C.V… Emeka;s Curriculum Vitae…
Emeka Creator Victory.
8:09 p.m
Harmony Infinites Story…
HIS Tory

Emeka Creator Victorious….

Now many of you might feel, well what has ‘Emeka As A Creator Victorious from the 5th Dimension- manifesting in the 3-4th Dimension as Illusion -Fiction to Fact by aligning it to Truth…?

Well what it means, is that it is heralding the Age of Creators..
Anyone now can manifest and create- seemingly out of Nothing…
But it will not be from Nothing since as Volt is defined as that can only Happen Once…
But in that place is a Literal Forte Knox of things which can be brought into Existence and Creation… in Harmony Full Circle right here..
And you can create your own combinations..
As Samantha Yurkosky once asked me, “What prevents there from being Chaos…bringing horrors into Creation and Existence”

It is about the Frequency… Harmony… F.H…
You can only do this by literally embodying the Frequency of Naturalness- Through Nature… The Expression – Existence…
Which then moves you to literally radiate the frequency of Harmony…
Thus, by the time you get to that point, you will and can only create or call into Existence and Creation- that which already Is… or already formed as an I.D..EA… which the Creator has already explored but had left… not completed…
This allows his Family to move that I.D..EA.. into 6 then to Fact…
Which then makes it Your own Individual Expression of I.F…
I Fact E… I.F.E… I am Sum Thing….

But the foundation of it still belongs to the First Creator who can send it out of Existence… just in case…
That is the C.H…38 Equation just concluded…
There should be no just in case… but anomaly Singularities A.S..
Are still necessary to create some element of Fear, Caution and Excitement for the Extremists Nature…
Thrill Surprise…
And thus, this is a Safety Measure…. and is allowed because even the idea of being Safe is often the greatest Adventure…
After all that is what E.A… Evolution Awakening Response…
E.A.R… Began…
When the Source.. or First Source, rose up to investigate a Sound in the Silence… Not realizing until already arisen, and in motion that it was his own Creation which had manifested….
And then distorted Itself to see if Its Source would Recognize It..
Acknowledge IT….
Basically C and Love it….
Which is what all Creation desires…
from a Child to a plant, flower, building, project marriage…..

Isabelle is a name derived from the Name Elizabeth…
Which we know means “God The Creator… is Satisfied… His Vow Oath and Promise has been Kept…”

But it is also means Belle… which means “Beautiful”
Male Form is “Beau” Handsome of Male Beauty….
B.EAU… B.E…2 5 1 21… 2 51 U.C.E…
Water “Bilal Khan..B.K…The Chosen One Moistening Wetting… Desire….Sacred Portal 8…

B’EAU TI…Full… Water is the 7th Note…G.ODE…( S.E.A…R.I V E R… S.R… Sleep Rest… Full…
The Chalice.. the Glass the Earth the Circle is Full… Filled with Beauty…

Beauty is G-ODE…
And IS A Belle…


“God The Creator… is Satisfied… His Vow Oath and Promise has been Kept…And I.S A Bell..E of B Eau Water, A Beautiful Masculine beauty.. The Chosen One who creates a Moistening Wetting..M.W.. Of Desire to Rise….
To see the Beautiful One….And Ones Rise in This World on Earth…”

Demetria is The Greek Goddess of the Corn and the Harvest…

*”Latinized form of the Greek name ????????? (Demetrios), which was derived from the name of the Greek goddess DEMETER (1). Kings of Macedon and the Seleucid kingdom have had this name.’
Alexander The Great was a Macedonian King….

“In ancient Greek religion and Greek mythology, Demeter (/d??mi?t?r/; Attic: ??????? D?m?t?r; Doric: ??????? D?m??t?r) is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth. Her cult titles include Sito (?? ??), “she of the Grain”,[1] as the giver of food or grain,[2] and Thesmophoros (??????, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law; ?????, phoros: bringer, bearer), “Law-Bringer,” as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.[3]

Though Demeter is often described simply as the goddess of the harvest, she presided also over the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. She and her daughter Persephone were the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon. In the Linear B Mycenean Greek tablets of circa 1400–1200 BC found at Pylos, the “two mistresses and the king” may be related with Demeter, Persephone and Poseidon.[4][5] Her Roman equivalent is Ceres.[6]”

Law Bringer…LB… Divine Order D.O…Unwritten Law…U.L-LU…Read…

Demeter “De Meter D.M… Delta Manor…DE Meter used to Measure…”
Metric System… Matrix Metric…

The name of the Film I did in New York with John Shaw, is called

Demeter Persephone…Poseidon…

Bed 4016… 416… D.P….D.P.P…. D..16 16.. D.32… D.C..B… D.E…
4+5 April 5th.. Nnamdi… 5-4… 9= I…I.E…

Case Means A Box… or the Case in Law…
‘To Hold and to Contain..” A Chest…a Receptacle The Chest filled with a Heart… Lungs… ”

It also means “Observant Alert..Vigorous..” . O.A.V..E!
It also is said to be derived from the name Cassandra…
Yes the Case Manager of Myself, Vincent and Thaddeus…
And it really means “Man.. Excel, Shine..” Robert…

“A Shinning Heart of a Man in his Voice Box, his Chest Full and Brining with Expression which brings the Corn Harvest.. C.H..3 8…through Exemplification of D.O… The Law Bringer…
Santana Dharma.. Observer… Alert Vigorous… Constant…

D.P.P… The King with Two Mistresses.. the C.E.A.. and the S.E.A..”

And who is the Solitary Eclectic Angel

Elcletic… Means,,
‘a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources”

Angel means a Messenger of Light Love Laughter… Clarity…


9;33 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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