
12/22/2016 20:46 – Facebook Post

5:38…. E..C.H..I.E…


V…L.. T.P…


E.V.O.L…V.E.D…I.D… True Point…. Of Existence.



Luther Vandross… The Impossible Dream” T..I.D…

Luther Means “Famous People- Army Warrior”
Van De Ross.. “Of the Horse Lord..Lord of the Horses… The Head of Land…. Alexander Hephaestus Pegasus… is the True Point…Aphrodite Hephaestus (Black Smith) EROS…S.E…Supreme E…

Truth is the I.D…Of the E and his Family of the Eternal Flame….

Tides of Change….

L.O.V.E…E.V… Victor Vincent Victoria Victorious… Prince Valiant…


The Last Code… comes through Marina Burini from Washington D.C..
Of the last of my Equation for Infinite Source of Energy
E=CMe 4/3…
Which Moves Everything Harmoniously in place…
David Cecilia… Represented by Beloveds David Roman Nicholas… and Cecilia Onu Umeano Kolo…. Both born 11 22…
And then linked to Z-ION.. Kerwyn Vincent
Room 5C, Delta Manor Shelter 5.C. Bed 22…Letter V
Kerwyn Rawles ( RAW L.E.S) Vincent…
Nnamdi…( Code Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo…Born the Nkwo Market Day… I..Emeka)

Then to Kerywn Vincent and Emeka Kolo
Rm..5 C.. Bed 22..V. Room 4B Bed 4O 16…. DO..P…Hueman Being Particle G-ode WAVES… Transformer.. “B.Q.P. (G) W” at Delta Manor…

Room 5A Bed 5019… to 3A Bed 3002 to 4B bed 4016
.to Room 5C Bed 22…
5A-3A…53 A-A…4B to 5.C…. 5 3 4 5/ 5 4 3 5…
A-A…27…B to C… 2 3…B.C..E.. to 23…5..E

Beds 519..E.S…32..C.B…4016…DO..P..the Human God -Particle Quantum “Robert” Steven” R.S ( Rest Sleep) Truth…Universal Understanding- Double U..W.ISE ( Manu) Double V.ie…Victor Vincent… VV…22 22…BBBB Berry Becky Berry Becky…before X Mass Yule…Zorro Zion Zeina Zarathustra Zachary ( Son Dina Singh D.S…Zachary means “Remembered by God”…God Particle Wave..
James Bond, Javier Barden, Raoul Silva, Robert Steven…R.S)
And then R.I.S.E…Emeka Steven Ikemefuna Roberto…
Knight O, Lord O.E of Eternity Infinity Existence Immortality with your Immortal Technique….

Which I have Done!
Lords and Ladies of the Unseen Seen Silent Realms… U.S..S.R…
And brought from Silence to Sound…
S.S…Through enduring the S.S Gestapo Techniques of World War 2 1 and 3… U.C… I.C…
And it was too much to ask even of a Supreme Being or a King Queen of Gods…much less a mortal man, stripped shaped and made naked before the World on a Face Book Forum Pitt of Pityoable Consciousness..
And in a Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx New York…
But it is Done…
SS 1919… 38…C.H.I…E….
3+8-=11…1… 2 11, 3 11… 5 22.. 5 11…

Le Voice… Le Voila!
I.F.B.I…C.I.A….Of True Existence…

K.E…V.K….V.I..King… (Kasper Lomholdt Serup Line..K.L.S)
S.(O) L…GN I.K…I.V…E.K.

5th Note Grace Naturalness Infinity K=11..11=1..Individual Expression Kolo.. “Of the Prince of Death.. The Dark Prince ( Bed D.P…) the Many Warrior ( M.W) Full Circle..Round.. of the Dance Kolo… I Dance…
Is a Dora Dore Duncan… “Ritz Paris- Ritz New York….”
For the Rite of Passage sacred portal 24…X Mass to manifest the 24= Alpha Omega.. 6 8.. The Fact Harmony 6th Sense in the Flesh with Penetrated and Penetrates All Man Kind…
And Make Rise Lady A Wu-Man.E…

6:08 p.m
68… David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi…Eri..I.K.E…Okey Nna
6:09 p.m…

68… 14….N… 1+4=5… E…
69= 15..Letter O….1+5=6…F…

N.E.O.F…. Eternal Flame….56…11…Kolo…1… 11 1
Natural Evolution of Eternal Flame to Emeka;s Eternal Family…
N.E.O…Fact… E. Fact… K..A!… A-A…A-Z-A… 27…
8 27 Face Book Friends….
S..E.A… Supreme 51…
Area 51… First Contact…
Sacred Portal 51… Sex God of Creation….

And Finally today 22nd of December…2016…
To E.K.Robert Tom ( John Thomas O P.EN.I.S) Victor. Vincent Da Vinci Victoria Valiant Viking Vader Vie Eternal I.E….

Emeka Kolo Victor Chukwuemeka Ikem Patrician, Gerald, Oscar David J-Jay Alexander Orion AT HE-OME.. ATOM AT OM.E..Atom

Vx7…in the Void, Vacuum Vaporization, Vomited Vanity Vacant…
Voicing Evolution Awakening before an Entire World…
This Year… While living confined to a Role of a Vagrant- When I am The Elegant Nomad….
The Prince Panther The Thunderbolt Ross
Isabelle Demetria Case… I.D..C
Cyril Echeta C.E… The Point…
Solitary Eclectic Angel… S.E.A….
Supreme EA…C.,H….

“Each Of The Two..” E.O…TT
Kathleen Beard K.B…K.G.B…

From the Greek name ?????????? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘????????? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘???????? (hekateros) “each of the two”; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek ????? (aikia) “torture”; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning “my consecration of your name”. In the early Christian era it became associated with Greek ??????? (katharos) “pure”,

For I played the roles of Each of the Two…
Paul and Thaddeus… P.T..
Cecilia and David…
Onuabuchi and Nnamdi…
Manu and Steven…
Alexander Hephaestus…
Aphrodite Erise
Afrodite Eros…
Man Woman
Lady and Gentleman
Bad Assed Angel and Beautiful Demon..
But Never Lord God… Never…

Bilal Khan
Becca Knox
Mecca Knox..Forte Knox,,,

And So this Day….

8 V
6 V
2 V…
Double Vie…
merged into One
Voice A.,V..E!
Voila! Voici.. 2 V…
V.O.I…C.E! One Vie…
1 2 2..1…

8 6 2….
1221…Full Circle in Supreme V Expression of the 5th Alpha is the Only One Existence of Expression Truth…
S.E.A… Her Page….

8+6+2 16..V… P.V…C… PAVED the Way On the WAVES for All to See Cee… E.A….Planet Victorious…

1+2+2+1…. 6..V…

As Facts Victorious….

16 V +6 V….
22 Volt A.GE


They usually reflected the physical characteristics or attributes of the *first person that used the name. The surname Volta is a name for a person who was clever and noted for their wisdom. The surname is derived from Italian word volpe, which literally means fox.”

In my Locker is the Pomade “Red Fox”

Meaning of the Name Manu… Sanskrit…

Count Alessandro (ales?sandro). 1745–1827, Italian physicist after whom the volt is named. He made important contributions to the theory of current electricity and invented the voltaic pile (1800), the electrophorus (1775), and an electroscope…

Alessandro Name of the Being Sacred Portal 93.. “Response from Within”

17-45…18 27… Quantum..D.E…. R A-Z-A…. Robert Beauty Grace…
Raz Berry…Berry Becky Berry Becky… 2222… 8
Chris Franco….C.F…

*a river in W Africa, in Ghana, formed by the confluence of the Black Volta and the White Volta and flowing S into the Bight of Benin. About 250 miles (400 km) long; with branches about 1240 miles (1995 km) long.

Black Ore White.. B.O.W… Archer Street I walk each day…
Sagittarius I AM…
See Bow of I.E..Photo Kerem Sanl?man Face Book Memorie appearing in Perfect Timing… To the P.T… Point… C.E.

Marcus Garvey “Black on White keys on the 88 chord Piano… played togerher…
Micheal Jackson Paul Mcartney ( M.J P.M…Yes M.J Represented the End of Humanity… See his New Earth Video..)
“Ebony and Ivory… …”Ebo N.Y..
See Codes and Play at 8 25 Face Book Friends…
And Time Marina Burini called me 2nd time 12:40 p.m..
See sacred Portal 40… “Africa”
See 400 McGuinness Avenue…
Meaning”The Chosen One..
See Celebratory drink bought by Kerwyn Vincent for me us..
McGuiness Stout…
1995…S.I.E… SI Staten Island… S.I…E.. Supreme I.E… Steven Ikemefuna Emeka…

West African river, from 15c. Portuguese Rio da Volta, literally “river of return” (perhaps because it was where ships turned around and headed for home) or “river of bend,

Italian physicist who in 1800 invented the voltaic pile, which was the first source of continuous electric current.

a river in W Africa, formed by the confluence of the Black Volta and the White Volta in N central Ghana: flows south to the Bight of Benin: the chief river of Ghana. Length: 480 km (300 miles); (including the Black Volta) 1600 km (1000 miles)
Lake Volta, an artificial lake in Ghana, extending 408 km (250 miles) upstream from the Volta River Dam on the Volta River: completed in 1966. Area: 8482 sq km (3275 sq miles)..

Kwame Bed 33…

*a quick-moving Italian dance popular during the 16th and 17th centuries
a piece of music written for or in the rhythm of this dance, in triple time*

16 17… 11 67. Kolo Age entered Shelter System 2016.. 19 67.. See sacred Portal.. 16 17… P.Q.. Emeka Kolo David Dawn… Bed 416 417…

Security Guard name Thrice… Who was the first to address me as “Mr Kolo” symbol of Respect….
And who was speaking last night when I got back with Will and El…
Will of God… The arrangement of their seating created the code W.E.T…
Bilal Khan Name Meaning.. Wet with Desire to Plant His Seed in M.E.. Water.. is God… The Chosen One….

Enough….! 11…

7:25 p.m…

New York the 11th State to join the Union is the portal you used…
The Point has been reached in 2016… not 2017…

16 20-20 16…
16 16…PP…Prince Panther… Bed 3002….
20 20… TT… PI.. Patrick Okolo
Tom Tha-DD E US… 40… Left the play of the Room because He (you ) went too Far…
Age Dewight Smith

Code is 16… P… 7..G… 77.. 145O… Confirmed in Legal Tender L.T-T.L..12 20…1-20…AT… And from 2012… T.L.. True Life… For 4 years.. Delta.. Manor….

20 20… Twins… 11 th State…

Ist State to Join the Union?

“1. Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 1638”

12-7…1787… Year settled 1638…

L.G…. 17 Q.. See MW 87.. See sacred Portal 87 “Returning the World to Thier Senses and Sensei’s.. there are Two Children and Two Mothers and One She Elf in that tableau.. The She Elf is returning the Two Children…”

16 is P… 38.. is C.H… C.H. I.E… Consciousness Harmony I.E Exemplified… Not Hilary Clinton….
C,H.I.E,F…. Not African or American Indian Chief…
C.H.I… C HI… Welcome of the Energy Line… passed through Africa Japan China…Africa Asia.. -A-A… of E Family…
Eternal Flame…

7:38 p.m.

Begone.. Spirits who thought themselves the Landlords Guardians of the Land which no one appointed them to be or do…
With the Authority of the True Creator… E
Expression which Affirms Echoes Confirms…
Ashley Elton Challis A.E.C… C.E.A…
Echoes Affirms Confirms… E.A.C…H…I..

Submits Surrenders to Supremacy Emeka Alpha… S.E.A..


To the 7:44… See Sacred Portal… Goddesses of The Market Square…

I am the Market Dia-monde…

I was am.. before thou came to even Be… a Thought

Submit or Begone….
I.E..S P I R I T Z

7 46 PM.. First Drop from my Father O PENIS..

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