
12/20/2017 22:33 – Facebook Post

9;22 p.m

8;20.. p.m… Computer Cr

1001… 101… 11.. 1… BA…
1001 Face Book Friends still…

7:15 p.m.



K.T Q…..
K.B.O.( O=15 Letter =6..F)…17=8…
H.F… Hindsight Foresight…
B.K… Bilal Khan.. Meaning, “Wet Moistening.. Planting a Seed…
Sex Desire is King…but Love is Supreme.. the Author and rules guides the Kings ( the True Kings are Examples)..
What moves a person to rise to their highest potential, to become and reach the fulfillment of their Potential…
Does that come from being Seen Cee… S,C… Source Creator.. South Carolina… 8th State…
From Being Seen by your Source Creator….
The Author of the Script.. which even the Kings.. God Kings Follow….
Is it not that Love..? Being Seen… Which generates the Desire to Rise up to Become.. then Be… attain that Beautiful Truth of your True Nature.
And on becoming that Being… Beautiful Victorious… does that not move you Naturally without even thinking about it to Express that Naturalness and share that story and adventure of your becoming, through being Seen Cee….
Where the Creator writes a script in which you trust and walk on, act on a stage, because you are Conscious of that look which Cees you so clearly, because you caught glimpses of yourself but where not sure if what you saw.. that splendid part was actually true, real.. or just a product of your imagination…

But that look which the Creator of the Script gives you sends a spark, shivers of electricity through your body, igniting, something in you waiting, it seems to be recognized…
That look of such love which sees All of you…
And recognizes only the Beautiful Truth and understand the Ugly part but shows you how it is not you, and yet how it served a purpose…

And so you come into the World Stage through from the Light into the Darkness of the Womb .. the Ampitheater.. and are Born…And take your part in the Script of the Creator, Author of the Script of Existence.. Because that look in his eyes which filled with such… Desire to rise to become…
You do not ask if you Trust this Being, you do.. there is no question because in His Gaze is Recognition which you recognize yourself…
You just Do…
And as you enter the Script you find that the Creator Author.. C.A…
Yes code Discovery Bey C.A.. ( Lord Orien Laplante reflected… CA is the 31st State… 31 Vertebra in the Human Spinal Column.. Do you get the picture…? )

A Script of Self Discovery, S.D..Tiffany!.. Manifestation of God.. The Wave… which moves you, in your life which shows you just how much you are and have been seen by the character given to you to play in the Lords Theater…
True Life, Love Light Laughter.. Lightening Luminosity….

L.T/T.L… 12 20 / 20 12… 32 32…C.B..C.B… CC BB.. 33 22
64.. Address of the Theater where Joseph Carey is the Managing Director… M.D…
C..C.V… Link Anthony Malgren ( Nnamdi Energy) formerly of bed 5-009.. E O OI… E O I… E O Sir Is IS IS…/ Isis Osiris backwards as the Story.. Fiction now transformed to Fact….
C..C.V… C C E….
As M.D… a Medical Doctor… Manifest Destiny.. @ Delta Manor…
The Theater….
The last Stage and Venue of the Play and Starbucks Woods Metropolitan A Venue…W M…/ MW.69…. WM 96….
W. M.. O B… W B..Wallee Bracey… O M.. ( Sacred Portal 42.. OHM… OM.. Power.. Delta Harsford Atlanta… power outage as the true Source of Delta is proclaimed on the 17…
Delta Manor Transformer P W Q B….
*There was no power outage here on the 17th…since I am the True Expression of Delta… 4… The Delta Quadrant as the the Universe Shape.. A Square Root – Meaning…
And a Full Circle Formed.. A Tunnel.. Vision which sees to the Other side easily…
The Point… T.P… 20 16… 36 9…
The Point and the Meaning of Existence.

33 ..6..22…F.V… Fritz Venneiq I passed through his portal “heart”
F -Ritz…Venne I.Q… F Ritz Montes… V.E…NN…E..I.Q…
( Yes Lord Orien Laplante I.Q… 1 917..569 4 55… former Telephone number…L.G.A phone…)

F.V… Fact 5th Dimension…
F.E… 65…. 3.14 15 92 65 35 9…
33 22…X… 9.4… I.D..
9 5… I.E.


I will not bother to express what I am truly feeling that I am called upon once more after 15 months in this “Hell Hole” of intentional provocation and a total of 17 months moving to 18 in this system…Add the two months in 2015… makes in 19 to 20 months…

It does not take a genius to realize that Consciousness Creator who created the Script which made Desire .. De Sir E.. O Sir is…e.. Rise is not the Author of this Script by my disgust contempt and sustained disbelief of this Script so convoluted is of a an Author of Evil, Beyond.. Bey.. ON.D…E.. C K…

I have already, found myself stating the order of how the twins Love and Desire Rose… Love is C…L=12.. 1+2..A B= C…
Author Being Creator….
D is E….Desire is Expression… of I.. Infinite.. I= 9.

C.D…. C.E… I C E…
Manifested in the reflected response by this world of Evil Beyond E…
Immigration Customs Enforcement…

Please check out the true meaning in the dictionary of the word “Immigration”
“Customs.. Culture”

This Script was written with a Malice Vindictiveness so shocking and stunning it is meant to move people and especially the one whom it created this role for.. The one who would dare to reveal the Truth.. bring forth the Beautiful Truth… a suffering, a horror of such disbelief of Cruelty Malice Hatred… so impossible to take in yet which is I C E… Enforced set in ICE…which freezes you.. Turns you to Ice… Medusa.. MED..U.S.A… Medicine US.A..
“Greed” “Osa Usa” in Igbo…

I have witnessed this in Delta Manor…
On Face Book. and on the streets of the New York..
Those who are Vampires who come and feed even on those at their greatest hour of desiring to experience something beautiful in Humanity…
Instead at these Beings lowest point as mirrored in the play through me, people are Heinous… They will demand demand take and give Nothing to the very last moment…

A Nnaemeka testified in his vision .. they will be Evil to the last …
Never stop..

The Few true I met, in New York, Paris…
Facebook, and Delta Manor.. I have observed them pass through… Move forwards right to the people in Delta Manor who are no longer here…
Derick the last of the clean leaves today…

Then there is Allen Murray … A.M..
And Cleveland and Raheem….

Last night I observed New York chose to reach for the Destructive force in him.. that Wolf…
Nothing major happened except that I dealt with it and everyone in the room knew that Rage from another realm was present and loathed them..
It.. I chose two Allen Murray and Ishmael…
While Paul and Darion and Quintin are on probation but I death as rage rose and I said very calmly loudly ..
:Kill destroy them all.. give them the Burden they gave me…”

Someone had left a Pacifer on my bed…
It was funny, and I laughed and waited to see how they night would play out…
New York decided to go against his world of wearing head phones.. Peurto Ricans and Jamaicans and Igbo.. what is it with these three races…?

Well, its the play…

What rose up in me… I observed its rage and I simply said enough with all the Drama.. You let this go on so long .. so far that is why there is no respect.
Such viscous creatures only value violence force rage..
You sent me into such a Script and play … written by the pretenders Fate and Destiny… and you allowed it until I rescued your Truth… My contempt for you is almost as great as it is as that I have for them…
Because these creatures I loathe are not real but you I loved trusted and you led me into this script because you thought there was no other way…
Because you did not trust me.. that there is Eternal Harmony…
Already manifests in the Eternal Being before you rose…
You sent me into such a Den of Thieves … and forced me into the role of Gentle Giant.. Love as selflessness for these diseases…?

I allowed it to express its rage… but I was indifferent to its force moving through expressing through me to the people in the room…
With my calm voice I simply pointed to Allen and Ishmael…

I woke up and went outside for a coffee.. code 77 apeared…
I saw Ishmael.. He greeted me with such joy and laughter…
that i recalled that I had arisen and addressed the room saying that I had not been pacified and that I viewed all of them as my enemies apart from the proven true…
Who are only two… Bed 4011 and 4-0012….

I came back in and Cleveland saw me, and greeted me he came down to the caged terrace outside where I stood and suddenly my E-Spirit began to speak to him…
I then explained to him how this was not fully in my control but that I also allowed the Energy in me to speak to him, and how the Human part of me understood why It felt compelled to speak to him…
How I the Human anchored it with codes noting that he was wearing a red and white hat knit… and Red jacket and White T shirt… Red to White Light… White Light to Red.. O. to R O Y-G,G B I V R…360.. O.I H/ O H I…O.E…

8:43 p.m.

I spoke to him about the Twins in him merging in one…

His eyes widened and he asked me how did I know that he had a Twin…
He had a Twin named Stevan…Cleveland Stephan…
C.S… S.C…
His twin Died at age 18.. was shot in the Head…
He was beloved by his mother and they were identical twins…
He spoke earlier about having foreseight and the ability to read see things before they happened.
And only latter did he speak speak about the twins…
S Left…after Clevland testified to begging him to come out that night to a broadway play .. ( his family owned and lived in a Brown stone..)
But he had refused.. and then had been shot in the head through a home Invasion of something…

His twin was the one who read books and Cleveland read reality through Hindsight and Fore Sight….

Now he said something strange is happening to me, he said., It is as if my brother is in me and taken over me…
My brother had a heart condition all his life, used to read books and was into all these things…
And now I found myself doing all these things.. I feel my brother literally in me and I am learning… walking in his Beingness…
Yes, I said you are conversing with each other and in that conversation comes the merging…

As I took my shower a Secuirty Guard came asking for Allen Murray at my door..


I had my first coffee at the Arab Store it was 77 on the Lid…

I bought another at the Taylor Ave Fuel Station it had the number 16…

I bought one here it had the number 61…

77… 61/16… 77…

And then Meredith the older man with 4 types of American India Blood and celtic and English and African asked me to read something a person had written…It had Beau Fort on it…
And the name he said… was Murray Allen…

Yes.. I re- read it it… No, it seems to be Maury Allen..

Maury… The dark tones one.. ( Peter Nyarkô) and Allen means Harmony Beautiful Noble Rock Stone.. Solid…

9 ;33 just bought another coffee… number 6 33…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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