
12/2/2017 12:45 – Facebook Post

12/2/2017 12:45 – Facebook Post


A very brief statement, if I may…

Who is the Real Donald Trump… was not a Rhetorical Question, nor was it addressed to you the public at large, raher it was adressed through you… and through the actuality of 6th Degrees of Separation the Entire World Population.
But since none of you are really present here and now, but exist as depicted in the Matrix Movie in a different plane and place of Existing called the Truth.

For anything to Exist, even your bodies, it is based onn a Truth and that Truth is that which allows Manifestation of that which is Solid, real as our bodies, Nature Physical manifestation.
P.N.. Which is why the code P represented numerically bt 19, and N represented by the number 14.
77 88… 78 87.. MW78/87… Milky Way.

Hence the relevance of the number 30..3O… 16+14=30.
C.O. Once we reach CO.. We have reached Expression Energy from the Nothingness symbolized by the O… And with Energy there is Manifestation M… C.O.M.E… And all comes through Expression..

E C O M E….

The physical world we all know, is the end point of an Idea of Concept Expression.. I O C E.. I C E…
It is the full circle of completion…
Just as one creates a Idea of a Chocolate Cake, A Dress, or build a City… At first it is an Idea which is expressed and then full circle it os completed and you are like Wow!

But after the First time, which you can never really go back to, you, because it is done it is the one act which can not be repeated, that creating from an Idea for the first time.
You can repeat the Process an infinite number of times, and in variation which go on to Infinity Eternity…
But the “Idea” stage is gone forever, because the Original Idea has manifested.
And so when you go back to repeat the process of making that Chocolate Cake, that Dress, that Building, there is no question, no “If” ( not that you questioned that your Chocolate Cake Idea would not manifest in the beginning, you were sure but the manifestation into solid reality from the dot of the idea which manifest as Solid and reaf full circle expanded from the Dot of the Epiphany “I have an Idea that I know will work.. so sure are you of it.. that it already exists.. only to see it touch it experience out of your “Plane of Expression the Invisible realm to all but you”)

.. You do not even have to think or reflect about it.. only recollect the process, which is ingrained in you…
Memory… unless you forget.
But the memory is still there beause you created it, manifested it, experienced it…
It is real…a Fact… Memory is the recollection of that which you have already done and experienced and even shared…
You made a choclolate cake… You ate it.
Perhaps there was no one there to experience with you ( or perhaps their were.. but They forgot.) but it was created experienced tasted.

Do you see where I am getting at…?

This process has been done by me before, this is where my unwavering consciousness comes from, and I remember how I did it.
But in this Script, a New Way was demanded of me to manifest a process which was the foundation of which everything manifested from.
For what purpose would One meddle with that which is perfect?
And demand not just one, but two more ways and even merge them to create a third…?

C.O…M.E….E E E….

i made the Chocolate cake, everyone tasted it, then forgot, some not totaly, but questioned was it real, did it really taste that good…
Where did it go…?

(You ate it .. and it transformed into something else).

And so a clamor of Do it again…from the crowd… do it again…

Forced to do it all over again but in a totally different way, yet in the end it yeilds the same result…
Chocolate Cake…and everyone goes AH!… Yum yum.. I recollect now, i remember… It tastes even better than I recall..
Manifestation is a Reminder of that which IS…

But it is not the Source… is it.
It is a the manifestation of an Expression which can never be repeated, only the process.
Which can be repeated Ad Infinum.

The Creator of the Cake, Dress Building should not have to remind you about the Cake, the Dress the Building which you consumed used occupied and which then decomposed broke itself down into its fractals… but it is still there in memory is it not.. You ate it…Tasted it it filled your belly, wore dress, lived in the building.
And the fractals of its building blocks broken down recycled to its basics, being it feaces and energy. plus the Feelings Sensational you experienced and the things you did, ideas reflections… all these things which came to you, also are part of the ingedients which You who ATE the cake can recreate if that desire to eat that cake is strong enough, the Will to experience that Euphoria…

If not then you do without…
And those who do, have that desire to taste that cake, to reconstruct from Memory.. from the building materials one sees called Natures Expression, Physical Expression…The Feelings Sensation- Music Pleasure Bliss of that experiencing…
can not use go to the Original Creator, O.C..
O.C.O…1530…153O..Beach street and use Coercion, Fear denial, doubt, torture to force him, me to recreate that experience which can not be repeated, only the process which I shared with all…
In the begining and once more now.. as Creation Infinite and a new Idea Manifest Expressed Now… I.M.. E.N.

Do you the Public understand now perhaps who I am addressing, when I say that I am speaking through you, to you but really through you, the Radio…
( That man keeps on coming around my vicinity.. the person called Radio… He is what I call a pathateic human being, in that he begs, uses.. makes others do everything for him.. he acts helpess.. This is what as been done to the Human Radio.. the most perfect body, the perfect Amp Invention.. this is what has been done to its Truth..Its base…
And then there is the decomposition of its expression and re arranged into a Monstrous Frankenstien..
The Frankinscene the Myrrh and the Jasper-Kasper…
F M J…K..
Frequency Modulation (W.A.V.E.S) 10 11… E GA LA XY 1O11 C ( 3 111) I O…

Where do you exist then, if not here?

You existed in Space… of Truth..
Manifestation of the Original Idea called the Music…
Which you transformed into the realm of Spirit, Mind. Heaven Hell, Thought Worry, fear…
Yet you were in the realm of Space… Air Breath..
you existed all around you as particles of light while your bodies moved aimiless in space like rudderles headless beings when al you had to do was Breath In Everything True Light and exprell all that is doubt not real… because the building blocks.. and the Memory… was always there…

Lazy… so lazy that you wished the one who created that Cake, Bake it, Awake.. to create it for you over and over again, without you ever having to learn the process yourself.

The you I adress is the one Homeless, living in Limbo in the space of in between, between the realm of Beng and Doing…Sustained in A Mens Mental Health Shelter by the O.C.OE… OH C O M E.. E…Whose grace in sheltering you all sustaining you all while once more repeating a process over and over and over again which You must do you yourself.

You had to learn to make your own cake and no matter what was done to me, the billions of ways to get me to do it, maniuplate me, doubt me…
Nothing can change the outcome of the process which came out of the Nothingness.. you must take take the las step yourself..
You have to do someting for yourself… at leat one thing in this process…

Who is the real Donald Trump…

To not even be able to answer that questions proves that which I have been proving to the 3…
F.M…S… (f+m=s… 19…)… You do not exist.

Sacred Portal 93… IC…Ignacio Choi IC… Responded “AKE…/ E.K.A… A K E ..M.E…/ E M E K A…
So you see, you do know….the respond…
but not the “Avatars Descendants.. AD…
You are waiting to eat your Cake and Have it..
When you do not even make the effort to simply imagine how the cake you once ate, relished… so desired.. looks

Let then eat Cake….?

Yes, I agree…

But what if they no longer even recognize what Cake looks like..
and refuse to learn how it is made…?

Then no cake.. for you…

Only for the ones who did… recognize…
They are the Original your, who as you see have moved each and everyone of you.. your Chi.. you Energy.. who remember me and the eernal bliss ofd my sharing my recipe of how to make cake from out of the blue…
and from scratch.

11:42 p.m.

Air Space… Breath Energy////Beautiful Expression…

A S B E….B E

B A S E…B E…


That is where the Original You Exist… the ones I call E…
The appear from out of the Blue…

11:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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