
12/2/2013 19:12 – Facebook Post

Face Book

Face is Book.

Face is a Book

With the Body of Contents

Face the Cover of a beaituful body of contents.

Under the Cover is Existence.

A Beautiful Body of work
A Beautiful Face

Is the Face and Being and Body, the Buddy of Existence, Beauties Principle..Beautiful Pride..np longer undercover.

Red Read Lu E.

But the Hardest thing to do is to transform the Eyes Gaze Radiate Rays and the Voice Expression Vibration Breeze Caress…into words with your being seen and your voice heard.

This is the Writer…who creates by giving all the freedom to all to invoke and evoke through images rythmn ryhmes sequence order flow the colors to rise which form a picture…Makes waves and flow a story begun on the wings of imagination which moves to transformation of an entire way of seeing and being in life.

It does not Hem in your way…limit or stall your way but creates a wizardry in which the doorway to.limilless possibilities; Eternities Infinity is thrown open to explore, the secret of Immortality lies behind that open door of the third eye…see (I.C.)…

I see the world awakening while I am resting at the Ritz.
I see news of people coming to thier senses…dropping weapons actions idea as…suddenly brought back through memory, horrified by what they had let them selves become.

I see myself watching the News and reports and reporter all dazed and in wonder…all waking up from a deep sleep and trance…All looking around amazement and dismay…joy and sadness…Remembering…remenbering how it all began as a winderful play..

“Where did we go wrong..why did we forget…why did we go so far from ourselves…why didn’t anyone wake us from this deep sleep?”

Where is little Buddha?
Where is the Golden Child?
Where is the Golden Buddha?

We are all here” I see myself quietly smile to the T.V Anchor.

I see myself walk to the Balcony looking down at the Circle parkway and up to the skyline and sky…A purple reign of a perfumed violet mists flows through the air.
“Something is in the air” I smile…

New York and the World slowly awakening in awe…
soon to be bliss…

A knock on my door…
it is my twin

I know him and his her…all of my inner circle.
His face is a Book.

My Face is a Book

The Cover so beautiful of what is within…the beautiful in me, in him her all of you…this book to hymn written on F.B…

I feel the Embrace of my twin self…
Finally I smile so one knows me…without explaination.

The Line of E. True.


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