
12/19/2017 2:54 – Facebook Post

Jesus Campos

J.C… 10 3…

So I the loudest person in Delta Manor has been moved to replace Walle Bracey… W.B.

Of course, it was is Malice from Behind the Viel and from this very place, the powers that are moving it..
But none is really relevant, or important except that which allowed it to manifest and for this Script to manifest for anyone who would solve the riddle of the Meaning Of Existence.

According to the Geneva convention to keep a person, prisoner and to deny him or her medical attention… Not just deny the person Medical attention to a very serious condition witnessed by all.
But to go so far as to recognize the source of the Condition being Sound and Vibrations which cause disonance.. noise…
To use it instead as a form of Torture by puttingsaid person whom you are aware of His or Her condition is a Crime..
It is Torture which is against the laws of the not only teh Geneva Convention but against the laws of the U.N
As well against all the laws of Existence.

This is intentional Torture manifested in full awareness by certain person here in Delta Manor from the moment I arrived to each place I was placed in which was in a direct violation to the very condition which I had made them aware of…

Beyond Delta Manor is a force which is moving all this in place, creating a systematic torture for the last 14 months I have been here…
And the Two months at B.R.C… And the Two months before…
A systen of Suavage Brutal torture from the very first day I steped foot in the United States.

All action to leave this City had been thwarted by a force and power which operates behind the curtain.
A tug of war of that which does everything it can to stop and impdede me from solving this Riddle ( already done ) and that which wishes me to solve it at all cost.

In front of a Live and mostly indifferent Species ( no blame truly, I do not see myelf a victim of the General Publics response to such an effort….It was expected.
Which is why I refused such a role… but I did not expect the response to be this bad..
It just goes to show the True State.. Mental Emotional and “Spiritual condition of the World….”

Since 2005, the British government has been made aware of my condition and is aware of my not having American Status and this not eligble for any benefits…
Not health, not aid, not housing, not food… no matter how much of a model Guest and even contributor to the society.

i have broken no laws, and not used any of the countless pathways I could have used to exist here in comfort because I was bound by the rules of the play script of Impeccability…

Of First Contact…
Respecting the Alien environment of a Species…
Link Star Trek….

Obviously, this was a suicide mission, a mission impossible…

But I have endured for 16.9 years and achieved what I came to do…
I completed in in 2004, which is confirmed by the 24 year old Jace Horsford and our alignment and meeting at age 23 and now 24… W X… Double V X.

The fact that I have lived existed here in America, the U.S.A without being able to get any benefits whatsoever, despite being a Citizen of Britan Canada Nigeria.. and the World…
Despite offering my credentials and contributing to the World for every day of my life – infact being forced to forgo a life…
And present evidence 24/7 for the benefits of all…

Forced to practice a Selflessness which I have rejected since birth as contemptible and a lie- stating that its reality is just as a lie, and an evil even greater than Selfishnes, because at least in the latter there is a level of Honesty… A Desire to be seen, heard acknowledged which goes to the Extreme…
But to abnegate yourself?
Your Life, your feelings, you Desires for others who show you their appreciation by denying your truth, denying your feelings your information…. Adding their own without providing empirical data or the literal evidence of going out onto the field…

There is a flaw in the system..
British American… Universal.. Matrix…
A Flaw which requires you to be Selfish…
A Flaw which means if you obey the laws this is how you will be treated.. Used Abnegated abused on and and on non stop…

This again, I do not lay at the publics feet.
But rather on this Posting Script and play which most of you really have no idea what is really going on or why I am here…

I do not berate you at all…
This is the way of the World and only a Fool would embark on such a mission, while being aware, full aware of the Truth of how the World really works.

There is also another flaw in this system and this matric is that it is not Symmterical…
It does not make sense…
And if it is not symmterical in means that it has holes and any one can escape it…

I did no have to post…all these years…
I came to get my brother NN Line…

Prisoner Teammate Dad…. PT..D…. P.T.D…

Death.. To rescue his Truth and this play was created by Non Existence in revenge as a challenge to rescue Him.. His TRUTH His.. her body… Which has been done

This is how I know that this play ends…
This is how I know and knew I could leave anytime…
There is a Flaw in the System, the Prison… there is no symetry and thus flaws…
i came to get some one but He was hidden buried in a Story of Evil in which through the Layers upon layers…
reveals the cruelty and true nature of this world…
Not the real World..

This world is reflected in this play.. in the absolute Cruelty and Indifference to a person doing all this, in constant pain and not eligible allowed even the basic medical attention…
Instead that very condition is used as a power tool to torture torment exact revenge… power over another….

What is that experiment humans were ?

The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner”. These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.[2]

The experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of people would fully obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly. Milgram first described his research in 1963 in an article published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology[1] and later discussed his findings in greater depth in his 1974 book, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View.[3]

The experiments began in July 1961, in the basement of Linsly-Chittenden Hall at Yale University,[4] three months after the start of the trial of German Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised his psychological study to answer the popular question at that particular time: “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?”[5] The experiments have been repeated many times in the following years with consistent results within differing societies, although not with the same percentages around the globe.[6]

1:50 P.M.
15 usd left in my Wallet… yes that was part of the contest challenge I had to pass.. and many bet against me and others bet for me… I despise them both…
Because Jace Horsford.. they threw their money in the RING”…
Fight to the Death.

An Authority Figure asked them to do this…?
The Devil…?
What a Lie…
The did it fully aware…
History will read this 5.9 Face Book play and they will see the evdence of the Truth for themselves…..

The Evil Planet..
Universe… Non Existence… where anything goes….no Law and Order here.. but there is.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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