
12/19/2016 22:01 – Facebook Post

An Expression and Post Generated to Get me Home
(And K.R.V C line)
Before Christ Mass….
C.Me 4/3…

Expression Meaning Words
E.M.W.69 99 66… O.F…R.I. L.C

Pure Energy… P.E…. (16+5=21) U.C.

Gets me Home….

O.F…Of Full Circle of Facts “Robert’s”
(Bright Famous Shinning Light)
Infinite Limitlessness Consciousness..
Understanding Creation….
Leads me home…

Dean Dunkwu….4 4… Gave me so generously 800 usd…
Which means he had no idea of a play which was going on with the Ancestral Spirit A.S in him and the line of Dna he represents of the 44 Balance of First Creation Nature Delta…. not Epsilon..
Just as Patrick Okolo had no idea of the same Play going on through the “Sound” traveling through his Dna…

Meaning that they are both perfectly and wonderfully innocent of the Dibia Shaman play going on and a play Ascendancy Supremacy going on…
A.S.. C..END..AN.C.Y…

Nor did I until I began to suspect that I was challenged in a competition…
Which was so ridiculous and absurd to me-given its insignificance that I ignored it…
But It refused to give up….
And today, as I wrote Dean a text of appreciation…
just as I had written one to Chike and the Class of 1982 whom I graduated with ( really really special group and graduating class which even as far back then, I and other class mates even seniors and juniors were aware of there being something Different Special about that year…


The text to Cyprian Nwosu started to Transform as I wrote it, into a deeper truth…all I could think to myself was “Of No, not again- the Spirit World”..
And when I began to text Dean, it grew to something….
I will only publish these texts with the permission of Chike and Dean…
And that may be in the future after you receive the Evidence of the Evolution Awakening Equation Resolved into Fact.
It explains a lot… especially to me personally and has brought a deep deep quiet grief to my heart.

And truly underscores my Song of Home…
Not being the Land City of my Birth London England,
not Dallas Texas the Lone Star State.. where my grandmothers 8 Child Julie, whom i was so close to as a youth, lives and whom recently sent a message to call her… Get her number from my Uncle which I kept resisting, despite the ridiculousness ( and great difficulty) of living still, in Delta Manor, especially while I was solving these Equations.. and more so now that it is complete…

Despite it being the 28th State, founded in 18 45… R.D..E
Road home for E….

Nor my the home of my families Ancestral Spirit… A.S..
1 -19…Jan 19th…
*Jan 9th is my Next Doctors Appointment….
19th was Today…. S.L…I… S.O.L…I…
Delta Region D.R.. Southern Nigeria….

For how can anyone of these place Dictate or Claim me when they denied me my entire life…

I saw this a long time ago in Paris, and through the years saw it develop into a reality until the very moment of these texts….
To old school Chums I have not seen in 34 years each… 68…
And Patrick Okolo being the only one I saw some months ago.. being the One I had not seen in 28 years.. We went to the same University….

They sent me 330 usd Dollars…
which I know came from Deans instigation and Cyprian Nwosu Chikes warm hearts… I know them even after 34 years….
this is the kind of men they are…. that is how they were as boys…
No change..just as Ikem…Patrick…

No this had nothing to do with them or even my cool class mates of 82…
Yes I was born the 28th… Nnamdi passed away 1982…
Date Year aligned to a 4.8-9 Face Book Play…
In which I walked publicly through the minds of Humanity through the Ages,but what people such Ikenna Iheanacho Enyiagu Afam Samuel and others of that shared heritage recognized as my walking through “Okwu Mmuo”
The H.O.T…H.T…820…H.B.O…Of the Fire Heat of the Spirit World…
I have a Chopi doll a gift from Prince Panther which I recognized and told here is a Yoruba Eyo Masquerade Doll…
It would appear that the Yoruba Spirit world some believed in me…

There is nothing I can describe. not Dante Inferno, not the Christian Hell Story, not even the 9 Circles of Hell- all of which I recognized can compete with the Igbo and Nri Okwu Mmuo…
Abominations done to the Earth Godess’s Sky and Sea Deities…
Despite my knowing it was not real… The Lash and Scars of that experience can never be erased nor forgotten… Nor do I wish to…
The nearest to that hell was the Egyptian Realm of the Dead….
Measured Weighed…

I do not even wish to speak about it….

But the idea of that power made real, is that I am still here… posting using expression and Understanding to solve my way out of their last Strong Hold… Delta Manor… The Fear they weild over the power of Mind to bring true Madness as Both Anger and Insanity…
I felt what Kerwyn was given to endure….
by his Touch and him talking to me in that frequency….

NOME Alaska of the 4th Kind… but made worse than the Alien Worlds of Ancient Sumer and Phoenicia….

I will simply complete the Code and state that I just earned my-our Ascendancy by proving supreme, right to my Blood Pressure B.P.. British Petrol..? No Beautiful Pride….
My Weight…
And 5 Vials of Blood.. Recall Sue of the Green House gave me vials of Blood to take on me journey to find on foundation stone..
I took them to show that there was nothing to be afraid of in Existence…
But in this Existence.. There really really was….

Here is the code 330… See Chike Liked my yesterdays posts 3;33 p.m… 3 6 9… Which proves his Innocence and Purity….
And ignorance of the Dibia Shaman play and challenge contest of Supremacy… of the World… ( Can you believe it.. to Control the World..created out of Infinite Harmonies)

8:40 p.m… See that sacred Portal and the Super Demon which formed behind it… and The Pine Lady…
Pine Table
Annick van Cleven post I shared about the Pine Table…
Layers and Layers of Illusion Maya but Evil….Cruel…Filth…Stench…
Note P.T…Is 16 20…. 2016… This Year about to End.. and a Leap Year.. Once Every 4 Years….
2012- 2016… Really in a Way can be read as A Loop…

* Needless to say- the Power or Ancients Science came from the Ability to bring Healing to Life and… to bring for Disease…
Plagues… Mass Destruction,…
Much as the science being now cultivated in the West…. Mirrors…

Note I am Kerwyn Vincent were given a Clean Bill of Health…
193 Weight and 156 B.P….

668 648 3850…. Was the Code….

*5:19 p.m…. Yes, this was earlier





668 648 3850…

66 8….64 8…38..50…. That code was already solved…
Me as 66 and Jonn Delguidce (Blackwell -Egypt) representing 19 64 Birth Year…
That was Last Year 2015

This the M.T.C.N Pin sent to me by Chike Cyprian Nwosu
representing a Gift sent to me by my Class mates of class of 82
Federal Government College Enugu..
F.G.C.E….. 6 7 3 5…/
5 3 7 6…

See sacred Portal 53..:”One Dai Has Come”
Emeka Chukwuemeka….76 Sacred Portal “The Awakening through a Vision… Age of Aquarius… 7th Note, Color….7/5….12…
and Sixth Sense…
A Vision Proven Solid Real.. A Fact…A.V. P.S R…A.F.
A Venue..S.R.. Fact..Supreme.
Ref the code backwards F.R.S… Fela Ran Some Ku.Ti…
Facebook Friend Raheem Sarcar.

6 68….6 48…3 85O…. is the correct current code….

6 represents the True Human Spirit of 6th Sense… Horses Cauda Equine Sagittarius… E.S… 5 19 p.m.

68 represents David Roman Nicholas… Nnamdi… E
Delta is D.
Whose body had evolved developed the form of ‘Wings Shape” from the Solar Plexus to the Back between the Shoulder Blades…

6 is that it F Fact

48 is the Age he is now 11 22…1968….

3 Is C.. code PI…C.N…

85 is H.E.. See sacred Portal, and where I am still posting from..
13 85…

O represents the Full Circle of the C not the Sea…but in this play I had to represent both…
See Weight… 193… S.C….Sea+ Consciousness….. 19+3=22..

11 22…68…

This being for the last Transformation of the Human Body the Earth and all Physical Material Nature…

9:01 p.m.

This is now done….

I think, I will stop now…. :)…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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