
12/18/2020 1:35 – Facebook Post

12/18/2020 1:35 – Facebook Post

11:35 p.m.
K C E.
A-A C E.

A.B.A G…
Army Bag Laundry.
A BA G – G A G E

Bessie Spann is my 15 31 Facebook Friend, and I see from her page that she is also a great Grandmother.

Welcome to the End Game.

M.E, now represented by Harmony Arden Kim.

And now whittled down to code
E:M.E K..A I H I J “O” K.O.L.O.

Verus The Every Thing, Every Where, and Everyone.
and Nature Creation
N C/ C N 3:14 Pi TT.
3 14= 17 Q A G…
The World O N E
A full circle of Natures Expression

E E E: T W O… Not very good odds … but not if the E E E T W O…
555 15 letter O. T. W O are Actually you.

and The World O N E
Is manifested by the Eternally Beautiful Truth.

There is no one by my side, just Kim the witness and embodiment of the Eternal Knowing as Eternal Knowledge Explained to him and posted by me.

I did not set out to enter such a play – so Brutal & Savage.. so Base.
But here we are.

My calm and serenity before the whole world, is because i am serinine in my truth and my response Rememeber Remeber the 5th of November that I had will have, encoded my response.

It did not matter the avatar of the “Govt: in perfect timing gave me the expression “Be more Conscious”
B M C…
Being M.C see sacred portal 9 is what I discerned and cleaned up the messgage meant to obviously negate any idea of my being The Source expression of the beautiful truth and the truth itself.
Or the importance of my work but for me.

The Avatar is simply exercising its right to free will and choice after receiving all intel and data, and has subserquently made a stance.

What was relevant is the play of the entire last 24 years, lifetime, and especially since 2010 and 2012 on Facebook.

Code Hidden Figures- influencing others and especially Avatars to destroy the Evolution Awakening at all cost and the one true way.

What found interesting is that the moment those tow expression where made of negation and at the same time self negation out of existence if it should prove correct that i am really the Source of Existence and it beautiful truth and now its Beautiful Rage as terrible death and the one Hynpos H Y…
Hung Yen…
8-25- 2000
Ferrill Gemino F G 6 7.
N P Neptune Poison
Norman ( Conquerors 10 66yes Kims door.. N C / C N 3 14) Pearl( Harbour P.H) and Alaska 49th State. Nome the 4th kind) and the true portal rep of the Northern Lights.
Natural Lights

O S… State it means

H Y P N O S…
not Nos as Numbers.
N O.. S 140 14 0 USD N O A D O.. S 19… A I)

It does not matter, how how the odds are.
By negating me, and what i have shared done and brought to you attention, means it is you, not I who ceases to exists, and who reap the reward C O AL.. CO AL Albert which you each has merited and earned by the denial of that which was the message and intel present to you.

No it was the play of the Grant which came in perfect timing.
Keith Grant.
K G A F K G…= 25 Y Chromosome man with a Cock, private Eye which interested me, and the that the moment that message and intel of Denial, Negation of my Expression and I D and the reason i am here being and doing, I noted that my 15 31 Facebook friend arrived.

J S S L 29 31.
Jeron Lang equation was completed with the arrival of Bessie Spann.

B S.

219 South Whitney… S W 19 23.
19 VV 19 22 22… 19 8…
19 23= 42. 24 years ago.
19 44… = 63 F C. 9.
19 8 = 27… A-A =I.
A A I.
A+A 2 B I. A T E 001.

Yes, my mind went to Bessie Smith.
and to the Osei Bansu Sofa Kantanka

O B S K. Sernity Kim or Steven Kolo?

Now there is only BS 2 19.

the O and the S k is no longer present.

Bessie means
Bessie as a girl’s name has Hebrew, Dutch, and English origins. The meaning of Bessie is “house; God’s promise; God is my oath”. Is related to the names Bess and Betty”

“House, Gods Promise, God is my Oath”

God is Truth,
Truth Manifests
T M..
Arden Morgan Thomas.
A M T…
A 13 20= 33.
A .T O M..
M O T A from a world from A


12:19 a.m.

L S.

= 31.

Spann.. S P A N N

*”German: nickname for a quarrelsome person, from Middle High German span, Middle Low German spenne ‘disagreement’, ‘dispute’, ‘quarrel’.

Its is said to also mean gift of God.

And *”The originally German name of SPANN was of two-fold origin. It was a locational name meaning ‘one of Spann or Span’ the name of two farms in Germany. Or from Sphan (the moor) a town in Germany. The name was also of the occupational group of surnames, given to one who covered roofs with wooden shingles. The name was brought into England at an early date. However, from the 14th century, under German and Scandinavian influence, the word had also began to acquire its modern sense, denoting the eating utensil, and the surname (which in England had been anglicized to Spooner) may therefore in some cases have been acquired by someone who made these articles from wood or horn”

The word Span

“Old English, ‘distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger’, of Germanic origin; reinforced in Middle English by Old French espan”

” Etymology 1 From Middle English spanne, from Old English spann, from Proto-Germanic *spann? (“span, handbreadth”). … The sense “pair of horses” is probably from Old English ?espan, ?espann (“a joining; a fastening together; clasp; yoke”), from Proto-West Germanic [Term?]. Cognate with Dutch gespan, German Gespann.”

B E ( / E B T E B TT B E.)

Sheknow Siino S S

I E… Ikem Emeka
Infinity Eternity.

S P.. ANN… Awareness of Naturalness Nature.
A N 1 14 1 1414
A 28
A B H… Being Happy
A 28 MAN ( man = 28) Sacred portal 28 Victor Victorious Victory, Victoria…
A MAN…Victorious
A 28 2+8=10
A 10 1 10
A J.

A-A J K.
B J K…B.

2 19 @ South whitney
Two in one
and The One.

12:33 am.

12-18- 2020.
L R 2020 Vision

Luca Roca…
As you see, he was the person I was meant to call directed by A F K G …H I J K… J O K E R… In the pack.

12:35 am,


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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