
12/18/2018 20:54 – Facebook Post



Eternal City.. of Light…

where is it?

Right here..
you can not see it yet…
It is was built in Eternity and then moved through the Astral Plane and the great Battle in the ‘Spirit realm Illusion” where it is not built and so now it will manifest and be built here…

7:50 p.m.

75 O…

75… 6…

The entire Existence Creation is made of Natural Expression Six Sense…
As I have proven.. moving all of you.. Everything into Harmony E…
Even when you were not aware… I was moving you with my codes and with my Expression of the E which was acknowledged without you even being aware by the Eternal Truth in you and your Nature…
N N… 14 14… 28… 10..

14… 5…

10 5… 1O 5… 1 5… 6…

1 O -1 15.. 16…. P…
Perfection moved…
Perfect Expression.
Is the Eternal Truth…
It moves Everything Everyone.. Everywhere…
I am E…

E E E…

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