
12/17/2020 20:05 – Facebook Post

3:09 pm.



Yesterday was a powerful day, it represented the manifestation of the equation which I found myself solving and proving that all creation manifested through a conversation.
And the process, of how from the One became two by a conversation with Self and that conversation manifested into the body by moving backward forwards as Light and Dark Matter L D and together created the Body.

I had always stated that I had never left the shelter, despite physically leaving it, I was aware that I was still there at Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless shelter because not only was I not free, but I was still in a script of Dark Matter and C as the speed of light- and dealing with people who all had mental health issues.
A world with PTSD.
It has felt as though I was a Doctor, made to work with people, in exchange for shelter until I reached 900 South Road and finally here.

I was well aware that I was still contained in the prison cell of Dark Matter and by the natural doing imposed by the conditions of the shelter which was really not passing through a shelter but through people’s Minds Thoughts.

My body had become my Prison, the dark matter- the mission indicated by my bed number and the work with Stephen Filgueria to Liberty.

3:22 pm.
C V.

I do not wish to speak any more about the Depth of Hatred present in the world- most of you are aware of it, but have not been forced to truly experience the depth of it and being forced to confront it and decipher it.
Perhaps for good reason.

Its depth is mirrored by the amount of work, research posting required.
And when love is made this conditional, to the point that if you do not do what it asks of you, and creates such conditions as the one I have been compelled to pass through, and all the people… one understands that with such conditions imposed on me for example, that we are dealing with a force of evil so beyond any idea of what people are oblivious to… and more so, the collective and individual responsibility of the people, who are responsible- some unintentionally and others unintentionally.. and more so the inability for people to take personal responsibility, own up, come clean, then ones can grasp the true depth of the Human Problem.
That even to offer for free, the cure, the solution, will change nothing because as long as there is no force which delivers consequence, and can create the most impossible conditions for anyone who dares to bring the answer.

As you may be aware, I personally never set out to solve the riddles of existence, or prove that there is no other option for humanity, other than to Evolve, nor offer myself as the guinea pig to prove that no matter what is done to me, that I personally, and the line I represent, would not transform into the monster which so many people became.

My work should have been sponsored, truly supported, and had financial backing and support, the moment the truth of the intel proved publicly beneficial to each person who I did the work with, in the shelter and then here in Connecticut.

One can see for yourselves that despite my public protest of the set up I found myself it, that I have never Lied to you
I told you the truth and brought the truth to you and Evidnece Facts … empirical proof confirmed by others apart and outside of me who, one who was already in Harmony with me except for a few polishing and reminding and another who learned the process by listening to me, reading the posts and whom I saw rarely, and never lived with, and moved in after living at 900 South Road for 10-.. 11 monts and after 3.2 months at 29 Lincoln street play of Celia and Sagan- by the 3rd month and 3rd Day since I left 900 South Road i found myself here where I had been before byt on a differnt floor… akin to my experience in the shelter.
( on 9-16-2016 I entered the shelter, and was immediately assigned bed 5-019 EOS Dawn.
and demoted the same day to bed 3-002.
Yes Kim was 32 and turned 33 when I had moved in here with him- separate rooms, (The smallest room here, is actually the biggest room I have lived in except the one rented from Jesse Macias)

And yes when I lived here, I lived in the 3rd Floor and now I am here on the 2nd floor in a spare room living day by day, waiting to leave.
3rd- 2nd 32.. E OS 4 man room, bed 5 019 to 15 man room bed 3-002, I observed the vile person called Marina do this.
Interesting is it now how that same sequence was repeated
3+2= 5. O 19 Full Circle Steven “Moi’… S: The One who Crowns.

South Whitney
Spirit World
19 23= 42
42/24 which is the correct face present?
24 is X
42 is a Story A-B Linear A-Z
Life is Circle a Cycle Death to rebirth..
Unless a species is scheduled for Extinction, but the circle moves on.
Talking To The Silence Volume 5 56 The Circle which never ends.
started it in 1994, Paris.

Everything continues onwards to the point except that which is not in the plan Master plan, and in this case, it Humanity who can not evolve to E Harmony.

Something which if you look back in human history, no one else has ever done.
Brought truth, which contains Eternal Knowing, and proving the beautiful truth in all of you, and finally presenting the case as to why Evolution and Extinction of the Human Species are imperative.

And yet, the response of my living conditions, and all the conditions imposed upon me, can not be seen as anything other than a force desiring that if I do not get “Everyone” then it can impose such impossible conditions to that which brought the truth- and do so for as long as it wishes, until you either defeat it, or it will continue to do that which is unthinkable and impossible.

This is what how powerful the Lie has become, that it can fight a will such as mine, and the Beautiful Truth, to the point of creating such conditions, such impossible conditions for a person to walk through so as to discourage anyone from ever bringing forth the truth that would free the minds and hearts of people.
Doctor Dror Ashua said that he saw the impossible, humanity ancestors attached to my body holding me, and a line stretched out to infinity of the past to present of all those who wished to evolve- but would not do the work to clean themselves so that they can evolve.
They attached to me, stating that they will not let me go, that if they were not allowed to evolve, that I would not be set free.

It’s true, I have found myself in the illusion of that story and vision, I have seen it in the response from hundreds of people.
I head in Tom Truman and Marina Buruni that they can not sustain the Vibration of the E Consciousness without my being present.
That was 9-10, years ago in 2010-2011.
yes, 20 20 10-11.

But despite my being aware of that and seeing it for myself, experiencing it for myself, I knew it was a story, one created by the Ancestors as the Lie, and yes, I have experienced that in New York the 11th state and the 5th state being here in Connecticut.
and that dependency on another expression which right up to 9 years of being forced to code explain, proof, create an E manual.. and through conditions and setups so cruel, not only for me but even the persons who were set up for me to pass through.

It was never real for me, just the experience of it, which I can not deny I have endured.
A Man from a cell, boy made a prison proving the truth of Existence with the truth of it manifesting every step of the way, with witnesses right up to what being led to Arden but first having to pass through Liberty’s portal and Stephens.

Even with the E manual up, there has been no one, no organization, no one who has taken up the responsibility to help organize it and bring it to the public.
No one whishes to do the work, even after all this time of proving.
But we ask why, why was Esteban Stephen set up to take me from the Shelter- where he was aware that I had no intention of working with anyone but that I was going home and had enough.
Why was it from Him to Liberty and then… that which I was already aware of.

That you may provide the cure, but if the persons or people each state that they are cured and benefitted from the medicine but the moment that you are not there present, that they will revert back to their old ways, but this time with greater power and force to do evil because they now have the truth and the codes of reality.

S L…
Stephen to Liberty… Esteban to Liberty.
SL. Lincoln Street. 31
EL… = 5 12 = 17.

EL is the word for God and quantum as letter Q because 17 is 1-7 Red to Purple.
Red to Blue to Violet..Purple Indigo.
Red and Blue make Purple. and once merged together, it creates Light.
that is the Quantum Expression.

We can see that this was all set up.
A True Man show…?
But then who is playing God?
God I have identified proven and received the Echo confirmation means Truth, and Truth can only be Beautiful because Order and Harmony are the basis of the Natural world.

And the ultimate truth is that no matter how much evidence you provide, that you can not force people to drink.
You can not put a person through such impossible conditions, force them in these impossible conditions to publicly present ones findings to the world but gained through such an extreme script of Human cruelty indifference, and dependency on others, on a God, a Belief which they have no evidence of nor identified, and give the conditions as to how you may proceed.
Using hardship, suffering, and power to control everything that person does while in this material physical realm.

This is a Nightmare, the Nightmare of the Human condition, a Terrible terrible dream in which in an Altered Universe such as this one, the Light Bringers are condemned to be sacrificed, tortured crucified, raped, humiliated by a force that demands the impossible, that those who are given everything, the entire process to evolve with evidence, and in a dimension where the Lie rules supreme, where the Evolution Awakening is defined as one having to suffer for the rest, who can do the work on their own, and who, as I have proven, never required me, or any one like me because they could have done the work themselves.
But that they are so addicted and lazy.. conditioned to rely on something outside of them, even to government and of course, compromise.. and compromise because this “God” controls your money, your ability to house yourselves, take care of your Family… exist.

To pass through the rage of these people who resent me, or what I represent ( despite in reality no one wanting to have to experience what I went through and was subjected to) all because they are compelled to go to work, pat rent bills, do what they need to do to get ahead survive… and exist in Non-Existence.

The idea was that Humanity was under a spell, hypnosis which is generational.
I call him a lie.
I call all the excuses a lie.

It is a choice,
a choice each had, each born in perfection, could choose, could have chosen to fight to retain their beautiful truth.
Could have chosen to be inspired by the greatness in Humanity rather than focus on the horror and nightmare of Existence as a Lie.

Each person, I am aware had obstacles, lies told to them, but in all, I have proven the discernment called the Holy Espirit, which is in all of you.
I proved it through this abominable script.

No, there is no way that anyone can believe the stupid ludicrous philosophy that God is love and forgives you your sins, which you can go back and do again.
And that no one is left behind.
It goes against even your corrupted and mistranslated holy books.
It goes against common sense and this idea of saviors which common sense, logic reason all resent in this world, states that Idea being ridiculous and absurd.

And yet people hold on to that idea, that they are not responsible, or accountable for things which they call out in others, but will become demonic ragers if you call them out and show their own hypocrisy.

But most of you already know this.
it’s true that All come home, all that is Real… true.
The Holy Spirit leaves, the souls of each person, that which belongs to the Almighty Truth AT – The Beings and bodies whose only Empirical journey has converged and merged with the Gift of the creator rise and come home, but the rest?
That is Trash, the lie, which can no longer be allowed to exist in a realm of truth.
Truth manifests, from a seed to a tree, to the child being born.
And thus only truth and that which is true can manifest.

Its logical and common sense.
God as The Truth owes you nothing, it brought you into existence in a most beautiful Garden Earth School and provided you with everything, which I found myself having to prove, this is the world human beings created.

It began as Beautiful but by a point of view of blame and fear sustained and most of all Hypocrisy and base emotions and desires and way too many people publicly or privately taking on the role of playing God in the infallibility of their point of view based on what they believe that they deserve, this awareness of the gift of creation transformed into a living hell.

And who was meant to save you from this?

Your God or The Truth?
And if the Truth is brought to you, would you recognize it, would you sing its praises… would you publicly testify to it.
Or do you set up conditions, requirements of your idea of the Truth after gaining the truth of the Knowledge Wisdom from Eternity to Infinity to right to the ground as common sense?

You have all witnessed the truth of this, you have been with me some of you since the beginning and others, for the last 25 months, I have Facebook friends from now over 100 countries, and so you have witnessed my experiences of sharing and its response from Stephen picking up in the Shelter, to Liberty – Arden Jeron.

I never lied.
I was brought here to be naked, before you all after living with no ID no security nothing for all these years except my Espirit of sharing and that which people were moved to share and support me…
As I shared and fought to prove your most beautiful truth, but the demon, anger, resentment… what you believe you are, owed…by someone ( at least in my empirical experience) was placed in your path.

There is not really much to say.
I arrived here as the Black Panther, with what people identified as the shadow of Death, Arch Angel Micheal with the sword of Damocles – it made no difference, the love, the sharing, to the very end, it only out the truth of Power and Control- Arrogance and Conceit – Superiority when most had done little to make the world rise, it became all about the security even if it meant denying the truth, doing your part to change and transform the world now that there was is a Beautiful Truth, beautiful expression moving through the world.
People want that which they have not earned, take credit for that which the “Holy Espirit” The creator, The Source, Nature .. something or someone else gave to them.

And when asked if I forgive.
And I who fought so hard, who knows why and how this Truth rose in me.. and I say No.

5:00 pm

Anger Rage resentment … surliness is the response.
Even with evidence that perhaps using common sense and reading seeing the empirical evidence.. when the one who sends a messenger with the proof as to why this realm and species must end, based in a transcript of my experiences right up to Kim and I alone in 219 South Whitney embodying the E, and in a play that only one person is left out of hundreds of people I was led to, scores of people Stephen led me to, and their responses to that Gift offered for free at such a cost and through such conditions.

I have faced your Judgement and criticism and verdict, it is execution being the state I am currently living with Kim.

There is no support, gratitude appreciation for me or the one person who out of scores of people and one of the first people I met 25 months ago, who this wave of expression cleaned up filtered through such a truly vile and evil play.
There is nothing here but myself and the one who understands and embodied by himself his own version and understanding of Eternal Knowing, aligned to Eternal Knowledge expressed by a man called Emeka Kolo.

A Prayer did not lead me here, your prayers- that is a misconception, rather it was the Wave of a Conversation between Energy E, and Atom- AH-Tom.

It was never my duty to call things out, remind you, fight for you, share everything I naturally knew that I had to fight to retain, which led me to the streets, to a shelter, through 64 Homes. it was an S O S.. and it was to reach and continue a Conversation which manifested Creation and now Death to Terrible Death agreed by the Two now One and the W E. E D EN.D S.

5:22 pm

You were never my responsibility, nor was the money, shelter, housing, even the gifts you brought me about you- it was yes all for you, but nothing was about you, it was my communicating with that conversation, that holy spirit Awareness and Breath Conscious Knowledge Expressed Knowingly ( B A C K … E.K)
That which was left behind already, which with Hindsight you could have picked up all the jewels left behind in the beginning and throughout the last 4.5 Billion years and a wave of 13.8 billion years you could have pieced together and come to the same point as I did, when thrust unfairly into Your arena ( despite my never having been in your world consciousness)

Yes, I am aware of Kim, body painting on Qusharia Allahs back.


Everything was already present in Hindsight.

All I found myself in was in a scripted, a story which I had been in, before.
And a Wave of Static interrupting and translating the intel, into its own version of the truth.
Intentionally right before my eyes and testified yesterday by Qusharia Allah in front of Kim and me.

Of taking the knowledge from my page and experiencing me, and translating it in a way that glorifies themselves.

Which truly is of no great interest to me, but obviously is of great interest to that which is inside the darkness, which pushed me, to pass through Hells Kitchen pathways created by Humanity and the refusal to show respect acknowledgment gratitude, expected of what it did to me, to reach the ALL AH through such a path.

I really have little to say, I wake up and go to bed with the intense contempt and disgust and the blue flame intensity, burning in me, when ever my attention is moved, prompted to look around where I am still am, despite everything endured in His way its way to make rise the truth, in a story I already had been through before.

I come and sit at this table, holding my body up and in discomfort, as I have in countless places, solving the riddles of your existence, as a healer, and professor Love, Beauty… and I C…
Knowing that even at this moment, seemingly empty and barren ( when it is actually the seed of Life completed ready to burst into bloom) as I observe the Horror scope of compelling another, to move through the Past left behind, His way, His Her way and that which it took and costs.
And a result, the reward.. this moment, this script, created by the people who I am made to call out, to that already proven each and every one of you already knew.

5:43 pm

And I have made sense, perfect sense, common sense, of that which never was in the first place, The Intent… purpose of the conversation between Expression & Energy, A-Tom and AH-Tom.

5:45 pm

And proving that it never existed, in the first place at all.

Ask your selves, if I have done nothing wrong except to prove the Beautiful Truth, going through the 7 ages of man from O to the Prism as the transparent body to 8 as back to True Light, again for 8 more years.

If I never Lied.

Why is it that I am sitting here, in a cold but warm house, with a body with no support, as if constantly collapsing, living in small but still comfortable room with the last expression of Esteban Stephen question to Jae Sherman still hanging in the air- and has transformed a play of 3 to 2 as Two people E K K A H-
“What has Emeka ever contributed to the rent?”
-A Seed Planted.
“Helped with My Mental Health”
M H.
13.8 age code of the Milky Way.
MW 69.
13 8 = 21 B A… 3 C… K E.

5:55 pm

Exhausted Tired.

Rent – Money.
R M.
For my Room in a place, a stetting a story I am not meant to be in.

Is this not the Reward Prize given to one… a person who never lied to you.

But told you, only in as many compassionate and Kind and Gentle … Gentemanly way, the whole truth and nothing but the true.

Is it not reasonable to conclude. with 3 dollars and change in my wallet, and such an expression from S to L that the exchange is given for the contribution forced upon me to share… is that of the Hatred so extreme that it missed the fact that it made a mistake so visible of how it had gone too far.

And has not the balls, the sense of fairness justice or conscience to admit, make amends, all the false accusations and actions it subjected you to, now having realized, so so unfairly…that it was wrong.

And had gone way way too far, in it rejection pershaps that a man… or more so I Emeka Kolo is The Source of All Existence.

And rather than own up, it would rather I decide to leave my body, and carry all existence, all of you into nonexistence, rather than admit that publicly that it was wrong.

Falsely Accused me of being the Ultimate Liar… and without even hearing me out, threw me into the deepest darkest black hole.

6:04 pm.

In its own story and point of view, that he she it… is God the Final Word.

But i am not in a story, ( yes led to be in one here on the second floor…. but still a story which I have aligned even that story to the truth)

On Kims, the door is the number 66 in white paint and two hands palms in Black.
I lived on the 3rd Floor, a corner room as here, but my room was painted Purple Violet by Mackayal Burgos.
My room down here is Grey.

Violet Grey.
V G Video Game V ID EO.
Emeka O-Kolo. GA M.E.
Victor G
Victor Ikemefuna David Emeka O

7th Color.
Gold.. Chrises room where I hung out was the biggest room, ( I chose my room)

Grey down here… is Grey Matter representing Thought.
Black and White Light.
Dark Matter Energy D M E ( The Mystery)
1-7 Colors…A G -(He… Arden and I… we sang in code “Somewhere over the rainbow” at 8 Beyond Time… B T Beautiful Truth.

3rd Floor C… Speed of Light.
Royal Purple .. R P… Violet. Ready Player O.NE Victor.y.

A-G… 1 7 17 O.
Grey Alex Grey…
G A…
Allan Ginsberg. George Andreo
* I only physically met Allen Ginsberg in 1993.

Violet … 1-7 Colors.
Grey “Slumb (E.R) Lord.
Morpheus, in Greco-Roman mythology, one of the sons of Hypnos (Somnus), the god of sleep.”

Not death as the end, but as Kim said to Quasharia about my voice, how it sounds, is depth and resonance and musicality – a storyteller… It can lull you comfortingly to sleep rest.

Me that is Transparent Thought- you can see my train of thought and line of vision and even my point as I tell the story, narrator and you move seamlessly from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor.
CC 33 A-Z 26+7-33 =1 6
to BB 22 V 1 4…

1-1 6 4.

7 5 Seven Continents Cee’s 4 Seas in One… Expression- Blue Lighter. LB Light Bringer Lucifer Chukwuemeka… Prince Charming. Progame Controller… he does not control the use of harmony.
Story Telling

See in waking to see as you slumber sleep to rest, and transform thought …
My Transparent Reflections- which was as a Fog, the Mists of Avalon to you, but was your dreaming of my story narrated to you while awake and suddenly through the most beautiful Hypnosis of a voice so comforting, Satya, the most graceful way of expressing the full circle of the Beautiful Truth, is the carrying of the silver thread of that narration, recounted to you but now as you sleep and enter a different realm not of Day Light but of the Night which transforms to evening.. you are traveling through the Milky Way. Creamy, dreamy, silken smooth at the speed of light as the seed of life… penetrating that story already knowing the way because the story the beautiful narrator and his beautiful soothing voice which makes the entire being relax I its comforting embrace ( the hands of God, clasped in his embrace, his. her bosom chest .. heartbeat of his resounding… hands cradling you… your bed… that is his voice.. its energetic transformation into a space ship like light, rays protonic, teardrops, raindrops, snowflake…
Oh, how you sleep rested body as Energy and expression going down to the second floor as his reflections transformed by you into thought…
No fear, you travel now through the memory of that story of the narrator, narrated to you, and now you travel through those words… Words anointed Vibrating Expressions Supreme.. transparency.. Rocket Fuel.
F R R F Ferrill Reilly” A N ..C E
F R E E…
Into the story and the recollections, 6th sense and you move into the framed story, framed because you have heard its original version with the Present Beautiful one, you call him.. and now this is your moving through the story framed by the narration .. as you sleep in the most restful peaceful sleep… as sleep is rest and Repose… Transformation.

And so into the Square and the picture the earth globe and the relieve the full circle of the original Narration… it is always with you moving as Sixth sense through everything and all you… it is that which forms your body… his Breath Air Comportment, Knowing Expression Twinkling Light of mischief and laughter dancing in my eyes…

Into the Point and then rise and walk in my story, and your awareness awakens you, to the notion that you have been here before, you haven’t but you have heard this story recounted to you before and now you’re its visuals…

See Sacred Portal 33



Your E-Spirit was with me, the Spirit of 5 in 1… Sixth Sense… he -she is the origin of the form of what became your solid body.

That is the original eternal you, the ones I originally narrated the story to, who were really two Expression 2 5
25 Y… 7 is 8

Y … E B.

E B T…

Eternal Beautiful Truth.

Because he told full circle with consistency even in Hell’s Kitchen his entire life, the Beautiful truth.

E B T…

Is it not strange that the equation equivalent for the Eternally Beautiful Truth in the USA is equated in this play to the E B T…
“Food Stamps” F S. Government issue for those who require Government assistance to have food on their table.

Is it not interesting, I am not an American citizen and have no social security and yet I end up with Kim… and Jae both of who have E B T Cards, or and take Government assistance.

Anyway, it is obvious that it is your Sixth Sense as thought transformed into Solid Matter sixth sense brings you Awareness and as D DAVID meaning beloved… hence a memory of knowing that you know and had experienced being truly, truly loved… Cherished and Beloved.

To recognize and have retained that, allows your Espirit to activate and begin the process of memory and waking you up to see the writing on the wall.
But you were meant to learn your A B C by simply paying attention to the principal in the classroom, that which is outside of your control but which brought beauty to the world as a story you find yourself in…

Your E-Spirit original listens to me, and you were meant to listen to it.
Because it is the one who decided if the version of the 2 expressions which became the many, snowflakes, raindrops are real or false.

Yes No…Y.ES P or No.

7:04 pm

G O.D.

7:05 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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