
12/17/2020 0:43 – Facebook Post

From Sheknow Shiino. S S

A great photograph.

See the code on the photo
8:17 98.

*8:17 pm is when the play with Quasharia Allah completed today.
I noted it.
H Q.

And that is exactly what played out Intel from H Q and S.K.S SS becoming my 15 29 Facebook Friends.

representing Kamora’s Truth.
Original Black White all colors of the pearl created by Dark matter and the two in sacred portal 9 in the Diamond Space ship of Coal was never really under pressure and became Diamond Clarity. It was already there as Diamond Clarity and the Light House- and was the guide in the Darkness as Coal moving back to its true self true light.
T L… 2012 – 2010… 2012 2020 8 years … Still 2010.-11.

See Sacred Portal 98.

see the code of Kamorah’s Herrigntons former car which was called the matrix and crashed.

Now see Qusharia Allah as the rep of the Transformation of Darkness Death via a woman’s womb and instead of moving to inevitable death, is instead on the E frequency of that which was never Born of Woman but A Man
The Source of E.

98 = 17. A Q

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