
12/17/2018 22:50 – Facebook Post

The Big Question which has not been answered is

Who is Emeka I Kolo?

I know who I am .. and have figured out, or recognized all of you.

But do you know who I am…?

My Identity.
My I.D.

Have I solved the Riddles of Existence, and in doing so heralded become the Vanguard of a New Era.
That this world is not real.

And why am I still, undercover, dependent on others, after

The Elephant in the Room is what is really happening to my body?
Is it Evolving Transforming… and stuck in a glitch, locked through the Body.

Am I Awakened Memory, and the Dawn?
Do I Remember and Recollect the Absolute Beginning…

And could any nightmare be greater than being stuck in a play, set up by others to prove a Truth which did not have to be proven while alone and isolation being forced to prove Evolution Awakening, Awareness Eternity Infinity, Eternal Truth and Eternal Law.

Am I the Source…?
Manu- the Progenitor of the Hue Man species.

Alicia Sieferd is one who recently gave a response.

No one else has bothered to seek to respond what me is the most obvious question.

And why is such a Being, Me caught in such a Nightmare-a Game to proof that which Others should have taken the cue to investigate by now.

Who is Emeka Kolo..
Who am I.

And why is what I have done not recognized.

And most troubling of all is why has the World Script, and portals 55 I passed through, created a role for me as a person forced to move from home, to home, persons to persons in a manner at which the role I have been given is to be at other Beck and Call.. To be made available to them all because of the very condition of my Body and Being-and which made the Riddles all contained within the persons which the Script connects me to.
I say it is a Script which connects me, because I have transparently decoded, solved and manifested each portal I have passed through.
Decoding a route, and trail set up for me to pass through, right to Hartford Connecticut.

The Question would be why is a man of Merit and Worth, treated like a lowest slave, where I had to fight to heal and make rise others, whom the script indicated I had to pass through on my way out and through the Labyrinth Maze, created for me to pass through.

Why does it bother so few people that such a being is treated in such a way.
Why is it despite the evidence of it being so obvious that conditions were created where I could not escape from this play.
Literally trapped in a Play Script.

Each persons has been gaining from my “Misfortune” but at the same time being given Free Will and Choice to See, perceive and treat me in whatever way they wish.

Why was I made a slave, the lowest Slave of the people?

Forced and not allowed to Choose.
And 17.9 Years later, after doing the work with Hundreds if not Thousands of people…
I am still here, body in such discomfort not able to have that which I know that even as a Man of this reality, I have merited and earned Dignity Respect and Independence.

Do people profit from the Scripts imposition and meddling of my Life and Existence… yes… but of course.
Do the express outrage and incredulity that I am in such a position and roar in protest.
Do they spread the P.R of the Beautiful Truth, or the p.r of this code breaker who breaks codes and endlessly fights for people to heal and rise and See.

I do not blame People.
Though I am surprised to the point of stunned into Silence, that no one has expressed outrage… protest…come forward to see my perspective….

I do not blame the People, because they did not create this Script for me to Act in, this Role for me to play.. at least not consciously.
I understand how people might even unintentionally, take advantage of such a person.
How they could take advantage of such a person, who is in such a predicament, where he ( I ) discover my Freedom is linked to that of my proving my truth to and through the people, so that the people may rise.

How can one present such evidence and for so long and still be inside a script,so demanding that it would create such a thing, such a play script, with such rules, tests, plays, set ups…

But something did… Some one did… as I have proven right to the numbers play in the Shelter…

Why is it that even after the Shelter, think about it, 29 months ina Shelter… I am currently seated in Stephen Filgueira home ..code 29.
-Fighting in which clear evidence dictates echoes confirms that everything I stated that I am really going through, surmounted was and is true.
The Enduring of the test and taster of Conquering the Sum Total of Human Suffering and Misery- this being the condition given to me to move through while solving the riddles of a Script of Avarice and Malice.

Before the Shelter, I was already being put through the unspeakables…

Benjamin C. Krajewski is line of the Wizards, I recognized him the first day. He does object Art, the same Altar Science as I do, though his is not broken down and explained as a Science- he uses the very same principles as I do.
-A Memory of an Ancient Magical Science….

It bothered me for a long time, and still does…
this acceptance of what I have endured and am enduring, and the endless sharing and giving and the unbalanced return.

It is not the fault of the Huaman Avatars, they have Free Will and Choice to do as they please, to not respect acknowledge, to transform the meaning of what I am so clearly doing and so clearly articulated on from Facebook to People I meet from Facebook in thier Homes…
John and Donna… 9 Months.
Erik Ebright 2 months ( though I met him as I did others before I came into this play on Face Book)

But Stephen Filgueira I met on Space…Virtual Reality Facebook…
He who is at code 29 address.

7:11 p.m.

Stephen stated the other day, that he agreed with what the Human Avatar Descendant I had recounted to him, had told me- That only I could do it.

I never agreed with that when through out this script, they would rise in people and say that…
And yet, on doing that “Hero’s ” journey why is it that I instead feel as though I am the lowest rag… that it was my job to be used and abused this way, even innocently by the people.
Appreciation Gratitude Expressions of Respect would have made this truly bitter bitter pill which has become some one elses composition of the story of my life.

No, the people I could have walked away from, exercised my Free Will and Choice, to not play such a role of sharing intel while others gained and could even decide not to pay attentions to the codes and works and effort which this Script and its Author went to such extreme to make sure I fullfilled.
I could have said no, but the impossible conditions imposed on me in which true choice was taken away as well as Free will…
And my Ire and wrath at the Eternal Truth being denied.. Eternal Law being so shat upon made me rise and give battle…

I do not understand how people could intentionally not see me for so long only to gain for themselves without giving back.

Stephen Filgueira is generous and has proven himself Heart-
He distributes wealth and resources to all around him, and is ofte taken for granted but he is fierce…
I am proud of him. but I already recognized him, I reached out to him not even knowing that he was in Hawaii.
50 State.
I am already aware, supreme sixth sense, I am the original.
I am the Source.
I moved through Kasien Thompson to his portal…
Do you know what Kasien means?

‘He who distributes…”
Recall Victor Kassim who took over bed 4-015… 40 15.. 55…
E E.

And yet why do All put themselves before me, and the Truth I represent.
Why do they prefer to use spells and words to belittle or deny that which I can see so clearly that I do?

Have I not done enough, contributed enough to Humanity, to Society, to Art Sceince.. Being and Existence to no longer be shunted from person to person. house to house equations to equation and watch how I am taken for granted over and over again.

When I moved to Stephens portal it was because I was so fed up with the play and the Shelter…
That energy… It linked.. I was put through hell and when I had enough- as if it was all written, known when I had enough…
29 months… Do you know what it took to endure that?
And all that which I endured before.

I came through and it was a battle with Stephen Filgueira just as it had been a battle with each portal, Stephenof course, represents the highest story of this play of 17 almost 18 years.
But the battle with him – to bring the code of S.F..Feelings Sensational wasso intense, I was tired, am exhausted…
I had been through so much and still there was more….

And then Stephen brought all the candidates of the E he had been moved to gather..
Most of the ones who acknowledged at least the E in me and in them became my Face book friends…
Others, a very few did not… Proud Arrogant..refusal to acknowledge publicly.. me… it is of no matter, I have been through this all before..
-And what the Hell do you expect in this kind of Script i which all is about Sacred Portal Ego Oge… Money and Time”- despite my proving that it is really about E G O/ O G E…
5 7 O/ 7 5 O… 5 Sol Violet/ Purple Full Circle../ 7 Continents and 5 Oceans .. the Orb the World… Got the whole World in his Black Hand.. Krishnna..

7:42 p.m.

Jeff Sullivan’ painting.

7:43 p.m.

Even if no else will rise and speak up for me, indignation
I speak up, I spoke up.
I see how the Script uses me,
Stephen set me up to meet the people, I could read that I was meant to meet.

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater… just liked something.
N T B…
He is Joshua Bywater and Stephen Filgueira brother…
Beautiful Truth Nnamdi/Nature…yes, of course, I know who he is is…
J N… O I.. J O I N..
Estaban/Stephen.. Christopher Filgueira…
J C N O E…. J 3 Pi.

I have a J3 Emerge Phone..

Of course I know who Nathaniel is… Beauty…

But does anyone Know My Name?

Marie Paule Nicolas
Meaning the ‘The Cherished and Beloved The Humble -Graceful-Grateful Victory to the People…”

No I do not blame the Individuals, but rather the casting director who cast me in this role,and the Author of this Script.
And His, Its Play of Control and Deception- The Illusion that It controls this play and not I, who I is Doing and manifesting it.
Right to the Whitney House to the World, renewed.

I am still at 29, there is something which I am completing and perceiving…

8:29 p.m.

If all things Beautiful, all bounty all The things which”Add” or is positive is of Source ( Photons) all that is negative Negates is not of Existence Source.

Rep as Connecticut.. Hartford. H C…83.. 69.. Is the code Erik Ebright put on my Computer Laptop.Power, Control and manipulation to force people into roles which negates them,and thier true Identities, is the Evil which is Beyond evil itself.
And to force a person into an impossible role of which He or She has no other Choice but to prevail even through a wall of insurmountable odds, is…my experience.
Replete with my literal body acting it out, as if I am wearing, have been stuffed into a Cast or Costume and for 17 years, I have been physically trying to get out of that garment made so obvious by the intense discomfort and my entire skeletal frame made twisted and askew,as witnessed by Rays McKayla..

– She just walked in with John M..
I am here with Steven and Sarah… A.M.

I know the Answers to all the questions above.

But my questions are really addressed to you.. especially those who have taken some time to read my story and my truth… my proofs.

My Question to you is not as Blame, but try, for a moment to put yourselves in my shoes, and taking in all which I have endured to reach this portal.. The 5th Note…Sol…
Rep as Connecticut.. Hartford. H C…83.. 69.. Is the code Erik Ebright put on my Compter Laptop.

But even this is a play… a Script with Stephen Filgueira
Adam Christopher Christopher Filgueira

Eric The Red Adam.. Micheal Stephan…. E S A. M.
O P E N S E E S A M E M.E.

I am still in it.. or better still, you are… and in this episode @ 29
I am Abraham Lincoln Continental…
A L C…
C L A W.. E Black Panther…. Beautiful Demon Me

6:16 p.m.

F P…

Franklin Pierce.
Recall Paul Franklin bed 3-005.
( 35 C.E. The Point)

*Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th President of the United States (1853–1857), a northern Democrat who saw the abolitionist movement as a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation.

He was the 14th President of the United States.

I represent Nnamdi-

14 is letter N.

I did not go to Vermont the 14th State.

I went to West Virginia, the 35th….

This is not about N… Nature it is about

E=C.Me 4/3…

Christopher Mckayla Emeka.

John NewMan.
Kim Arthur Hines.

J N. K AH.

merge J K …N.H.

10 11 Nathaniel Harmony.

E Galaxy 1O 11…. Naturalness =Harmony.

The Greatest evil is to cast people in roles without thier consent and which has no bearing to their True Nature…

that is Cruelty Evil Beyond Imagination .. take it from me.

9:49 p.m… I D I.
9:50 p.m. I.E.O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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