
12/16/2013 18:50 – Facebook Post

12/16/2013 18:50 – Facebook Post

O I. Omega Alpha
Obum Albert.
Obum, means “My H-earth”
Albert (my host name)
means Noble.

My H-earth (House) is Noble.
Full Circle.

Poseidon Snowflake and The Dragons of Existence.

I had a vision dream riddle which came to me as I slept.

It was the Equation OI (k no w?-Yes!)
and was about Snow and the past.

In the Vision riddle there was a big O etched on my Hosts Garden and a I.

P.S.After writing yesterdays posts about the Ressurection and the Line of E’s mission to bring the One True God back into being and this Existence
And about the streets of the world being his blood stream and the fields/lots being his Body.
Thus, the World outside being the true Church and body of Christ.
My host not having any idea what I had written, read out to me a post he saw on Face Book.
He of course I refer to as the, “One True God” which means the Light of the World for all to see in Clarity.

It stated that that HE was now here and that we have defeated the Evil.
That the son is Victorious and present and it was because of the abiding presence of the Father doing the continous work here that this victory has been achieved.

Here is what I know the riddle sent to me in my dream means.
The Full Circle is the Competion of the story of the Brown Earth
(and my arrival back to this address in which the first day I had stated to to my host on being invited in, that my journeying ends and the Awakening begins- 3-4 times I was sent away in 7-8 years only to be forcibly brought back here…I am wrong or am I correct? Make up ur mind I said to bth these evil consciousness: one who wished to test my confidence to the end and the other who sent me to break down my knowledge in the langusge of this consciousness so ppl could understand…but who I knew only few would listen or pay attention or appreciate until they realized the personal gain for thier benefit and not the cost)

-and the Worlds true Consciousness restored full Circle back to its purity Clarity and Original Intention (O I) after it having been transformed into a cesspool of shit consciousness about to be flushed down the toilet. Because of shitty human expression and ingratitude for the gift of life.

Now transformed and expanded back to when there was first Light
“And there was Light and
The Word, and the L.A.W. Life.
The Law. of Life.
I Fun Nnanya.
Life is Fun.

A wall of Memory had been built btw those who kept the Law, thus gifted with memory beyond life and Death and those on the other side, who lived the duality of life and death- Forgetfulness and Memory…Those who lived and were imprisoned in Pans Labriynth…The illusion called the Matrix of mind in space…called Non Existence.

The Great Wall having been built in the minds of humanity delineating forgetfullness of the law of Existence, which brings darkness as opposed to Light, and the wall which seprates Life and Death, Memory and forgetfulness…—Memory of past lifes, in order for them to re establish of the Law of Love Life through the Cartesian Play or theater called Experience and Rememberance is Beautiful only ppl make it ugly by living in false consciousness and illusions of themselves..
As in re member by re attaching your limbs to escape the dimension called Limb O.

Where forgetfulness is proven as an illusion, and an excuse for those who do not choose to fix focus and attention on the law. Who forget the beauty and blessings given to them through out their lifes and existences.
Who convieniently forget the cause and effects of thier current situatiins through conscious actions and choices each made which led to certain consequence and instead blame complain accuse…
Some even knowing why they are in such situations but believing that no one else knows why call out blame to the high heavens and to anyone around. Acting out or asking for sympathy…demanding it really.

The ungrateful and the wretched, who conviently forget the gifts of the Spirit (wines of intoxications-the Beautiful times) and bread/body of Christs, (the Bountiful times) given to them through the spirits and beings of Existence…
People moved by Existence to intervene.
To answer peoples prayers, who help solve thier riddles which help them get unstuck in the cycle or path of the yellow brick road of Pi,s Golden Ratio, leading them home to the point of thier existences.

But these receivers who instead, betray and become the Law breakers by claiming that those gifts given to them of the Wholly Spirit say that they aqcuired them on their own and found their way out on their own, while seeking at the same time to find ways to bind those gift givers to them by any means necessary so as to have constant access to those gifts.
Using the most devious tools to find ways without having to give credit, to solve all their problems.

Who twist the truth of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of generousity, (Santa Na’s Clause)to deny the gifts, help, aids given to them in their life’s journeys; in order to turn themselves into false gods who they know their feat and feet are made out of clay.

And when the Spirit of Existence responds to these creatures of such wretched ungratefulness, who use forgetfulness as an excuse but who did not forget but have decided to use this as a ploy (A power tool) to deny the spirit of generosity.
To not only claim themselves as its source
-the miserly selfish enslavers proclaiming that they are the spirit of generousity and that they are owed by Existence and God/Life. who is unjust and unfair..*(damn just writing this makes me feel such disgust at this consciousness which I have encountered so often it is like a plague in the human consciousness).

And then seeking to blackmail Existence and its messengers for more blessings which they will then deny they recieved insisting even to violrnce and intimidation that they earned it themselves. Becoming evil cowardly bullies, wretched deniars if any one points out the truth.

Even moving to punish the persons who called out the truth of the true source of the gift, by quietly lying in wait to get revenge on said person, in acts of malice and spite that my stomach, even now heaves in disgust at this consciousness called Rot, Decay, decomposition stench…but which has nothing to do with the Consciousness of Death aka sleep and transformation.

Such consciousness are eaten by Dragons of Existence (D.O.E)
as witnessed by in Nature by the ancient Crocodiles who drag thier victims deep under water and leave them to rot in the bottom of the sea of thier supposed forgetfulness, where alone, decomposing in the dark. Where I am postive memory awakens of that their Negation and taking away of that which is postive; given to them to create the illusion of negative just so they might gain and at the same time out of jealousy and spite undervalue the gift giver bc of that sense of inferiority of seeing only superiority of the gift giver instead of the Beauty in spirit they were meant to learn from and then spread.
-This Devious notion of having been so clever and malicious does not seem so much clever but stupid now as they fester in the state of what a true Zombie is, alone in the dark rotting waiting to be consumed by one who with conscious relish knows they are in for a tasty dinner called Rot I..
Until the cadavar where that consciousness of selfishness is trapped has fully rotted and now fully conscious having been given all this time to recall…the truth.
Then the Crocodiles come consume them..Tearing them to pieces lumb by limb.
Who said zombies can feel.

They consume the rotten ones…the ones rotten to the core whose consciousness and actions mirrors and is wortht of this going out of Existence…not death.

By dragging you back to the scene of all your crimes.
All the acts while conscienct which you did in the deepest darkest recesses of your mind, in which you thought no one would ever see your true motives and intentions behind each calculated action Omega Alpha despite so repeatedly warned.
Forgetting that beings of Existence are beings of
I fun nnanya, meaning they see clearly even the deepest Dark.
Because they are Light in Being…
Fire Flies
Dragons are real.

Perhaps this is where the true source of Human sacrifice began, when a conscuousness so rotten was found in the comunity that it had to be cut off and sent back to its source so as not to infect others…Or sent to an evil forest. Because these conscioysnesses were such abominations to human consciousness that the community no longer knew how to cure or even treat such evil.
There are betters ways now but in those days the choice made sense. Send them back to the source he would know what to do with them.
And had perhaps sent evil consciousness into their midst to see if the ppl would allow such an abomination in their midst, recognize it, say “we can not abide this” and send it back.
For such ppl I have encountered…Consciousness ways of thinking linking which no amount of love patience or clarity can cleanse…bc such creatures have embraced evil as their source of power.
No one can blame G OD it was a choice each made.

And so, back to the riddle of O I now that I have linked the posts “Imaginations from the other side”of the Dragons of Existence into the weave.
Who come for those of such consciousness after dragging them down to the depth of the pitt abyss to recollect and fester and stew in the fear of all they did while others rise in rapture…


Thus,when all.the Earth brown story is restored back to the purity of its truth of purity full Circle.
Invisible Air Breath Water Ocean revealing land while simulataneoysly doing the same application by revealing Land thru (Extra Terrestial Consciousness E.T.C) by revealing the corresponding consciousness of Being in Existence which correllates to the True Earth Extra Terrestial T.E/E.T Earth Consciousness, Revealed as one Energy AhTom, E.A in present
But as we have witnessed Energy is Consciousness
is the Elder Twin of Nature as AhTom is the Last Born…E.C.Manifests Ah Tom.

It proves that the Collective as O C ea n (the last born of the Triplets Emeka Nnamdi Obum E.N.O.. called Manifestation)…Nature or G.OD (the second born of the triplets twins as Alpha consciousness Nature) that the children of both two sources O2: The Seven Seas and the One Nature, called the Fractuals have now grown up.
Having left thier One Father source ( The Eldest twin and the 1 3 or free, called Energy Existence- source of the Know-Nature and the O Cean,.Know O)- we can call the One First Born…E. Natural Supernatural who actually sent his younger selves-the the O 2 and their C (Children of Alpha Awareness) to go out on thier own and investigate, discover and explore his truth in order to find their own truth of his I.D and their own.

While he remained invisible and Transparent as Energy Nature Air Breath Lives Expression Wind Expression:
I Fun nnanya…
E.N.A.B.L.E W.E..I, was guiding them from afar as the Eagle Dove, teaching them how to dive and fly by both night and Day by breathing wind under thier wings, (and not up their asses) so they could spread their wings, by opening thier hearts, Breathe Air in Ah!!!!
which expands thier chests, thus, enabling them to lighten up and fly!

You can fly in your dreams means you can fly in real Life.

By having gone through.the process full circle above and below.

Through water: condensation evaporation mists rain Snow..and below, seeping through the earth being absorbed and pulled up through the bed rock filltered refined by the Titans, feeding the fixed seeds and also becoming pools in caverns and springs of fresh waterbfiltered of all sweat called salt labor and now in the land of ease
(Well A of Zeem Zem) Descending Ascending..
55/1…Same thing

Thus, understanding the prcoess full Circle of life and Death; both being the same thing;
A process of transformation, one being a conscious transformation through choice and the other through “know” choice but both being the same thing because it is Natural process..
And thus choice simply being the beautiful illusion of self respecting your right to trust me or not.

For trust is the First Natural process of Existence, seen or unseen, conscious of it or not, eyes open wide to see or eyes closed shut…awake or asleep to imagin and know that all are one and thus all paths, road returning to the source father as Snow flakes…
The beautiful no choice by knowing the experience or illusiion of choice.

Now becoming Individuals Ea.ch Unique

The fragments of Ocean Collective; Boom Boom wavesbof laughter by symbolized in me by my youngest brother and my mother Onu C, Nature symbolized by my brother sister Nnamdi Nnonyelum Nature ;near but invisible representing family fractuals of the one in 1 all over the world…now having graduated from Ocean Onu C to Snow flakes.I.D

Like his brother sisters the twins 2 4 (MF/FM) now an Individuals. Indivisible.

The Symbol of the Uniqueness of each Individual now made real and solid. Apart from thier source but connected and linked to Its Truth Eternally.
Creating the Trinity in one:
I Ifinity Immortality

And so the O becomes the I.
as well as the C.
and they are one.
Yeah I’m I.C.E.
I have always seen myself clearly even as a child but it would have been nice to have been seen clearly two…


And the snowflakes graduating class of O D.G/GOD…watches as his children as well as himself, transform into eternity of Pi of himself.
But as Individuals each Unique but of the I..

And then the snow flakes melt, transforming into Droplets which melt into the tears of joy under the warm gaze andbrays of an Oh so proud father who played the Big Brother to the world..looking down from his window to the garden on East 4th street yet at the same time looking through his window from his suite at the Ritz, seeing through his tunnel vision, 6th sense reasining 6- 66 12 3 complete and aligned and in one at the same point and moment in time and space…as a new reign enters the world.

Knowing that his Children, now of sound heart and mind restored to E.T’s consciousness will bring new life to the world now in one. “And My how it grows”

And so the white snow which did not melt after the rain which followed the gentle calm snow storm a couple of days ago, as I.peer out the window of my hosts Alberts home, peering out the window at the snow which covers the ground of a once abandoned crack addicts Lot, now turned into a garden.. now covered under a layer of snow…
I know that the snow is a sheet of snow…
A new page in human existence in which a new story shall be indented on to it which shall manifest Full Circle and in One…onto human Consciousness Harmony.
Through the constant consistency of the 1 who came as the brown olive skinned II, who was consistently given shit to wallow in, thrown at him but which he refused to swallow or eat but which he instead transformed into fertlizer and turned into a garden.
Which is also what his I and I (Father Brother) had also done (Big E Lil E Tall E Medium E..me)
and now expanded upon to transform into Water Earth New Life and a Beautiful True story called It is Written Before…Within.”

And so it was that a new leaf, a new Light a New Day of Light: the New Body and Pages of the Original Book, erased cleansed of all lies and Alibis, and now transformed into the Original gleaming pages for the Beautiful Story of Truth of the Eternal Yiuth E e.y.e, how it had been done, and how the pages had to be made ready with Light, for the words of the Most Beautiful true story which is now the foundation of a new true original world…already written but now new and improved.

And so did the Book of Light and Face Book come out from under Cover of the Word of G-ODD, but behind the W, there already existed the Words and before the Words there was already writer, and behind the writer there was a story and behind the Story Teller, and behind the Story Teller there was a Song.

And beyond the Song, there was the Music and beyond the Music, there was the Truth and behind the Truth the was an Enactment and beyind the Enactment there an actor, and beyond the Actor there was a stag-E and beyond the stage there was a Theater.
-An Open Theater, called the World at Play, the play there was an Observer and the Observer saw a vision.
Which he knew was real and he said it must be proven real so all could play on this Beautiful New world stage in Harmony in the Beautiful line of Vision of the All Seeing I. Going all the way Back to the Author of the Book of Ifinity I Alpha Harmony
E Book of Infinte Harmony.



P.S. And thus to the line of E and ZH this is the true reason why Father…the elder twin Brother of III I, can rise only now, only after the his youngest twin brother Poseidon G..O.D or sun/son/song has arisen in completion of O 2 1…
Being Alpha First Born
Can E rise.

E G O D O.

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