
12/15/2020 21:29 – Facebook Post

2:18 pm.

B.R. B- A.H.
We are at the Full circle confirmed hence
O B R O. Orb and Bro ( T.H.E.R )
Being of A.H.


Which from yesterday’s conclusion of the codes equated to since I arrived at 219 South Whitney E. V Emeka Victor O V ( 220 USD V O: 15 22 Facebook Friends O V… L as Lucifer Light attained via Lyrical Conversation confirmed and again the play of Victor Emeka…
It spells out today in completion full circle this;


E Victorious Love. ” Amor Infunnaya Consciousness”
A.I C. / C I A Confirmed via Alexa Vertefeuille. AV.
And myself David Brown chased by the C I A to a shelter for refuge.
all attained through this play at 219 South Whitney.
O B S K…

Emeka Victor L O V E and what is Love?
A I C.
It begins as Awareness of the Individual representing Infinite Consciousness which leads to the wavelength of Sol, the 5th Dimensions and, The Source of the original expression.
“Something The Lord Made”
S T L M/ M L T S
A is something the lord made.
Arden “Eden Paradise”
Alexander “Defender Of Man”
Adam Red Read Man. ( A R M..Y)

As many of you may recall, I was outraged and incredulous that the play at 29 lincoln Street began with the theme of Self-Love – proving love.
Christopher Filgueria won that play and Liberty came second.
Awareness was and is linked to Arden as the three in one, based on that which he was put through but stayed in Harmony with me right up to 8-6-2020 the last time we have been in communication.

As all of you have witnessed, that is the code 86 2020 Vision which has continued, right up to this portal, and the sacred portal 86.

To Doctor Prof. Patrick Ikem Okolo at 86 street where we met up.
860 USD to Kim from his mother Delois Larkin.
86 non stop the 1 who is beyond the 3 and the 1 who is the 3 in 1.

Sacred portal 86 is “Victor Light of Existence ” ( V L O E-/ E O L V…add EV as Emeka Victor
E V L O V E/ E V O L V E)

What is Love, its recognition at First Sight?
Awareness, Action Identification Consciousness that I Cee you.

And why is Love being defined when it is Infinite Limitlessness.
I L Serenity Erabella E K
S E ..E K.

Spirit E

E V L O V E… Supreme Love Supreme Light… And who is to judge what love is?
And who can express it greater than the source of all Creation and Expression?

And E V O L V E…?
A Contest a script in which the prize in the end, of conclusion one man or person is used as a representation of all that is true, real honorable about the Human Species and prove their Beautiful Truth by passing through a gauntlet and “Enter The Dragon, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, B L, challenged and tested, and made to battle and align the Human Avatar, to find the Avatar Descendants who you have to fight for and connect the true, and cut out the lie… suffer tortures, torments, constant shaming, using money, shelter, people to defeat that very expression of Humanity and their Beautiful truth, by having their basest savage, selfish and cruelest nature attack you?
Are allowed to do, say, and enact anything to you while you fight to harvest and prove humanity’s beautiful truth.
And only after proving something else’s idea of love through a script so obviously one-sided and malevolent, able to hold your body and being hostage, break all laws all rules and hide behind human stories.

This earns Evolution?
That through such a script and blueprint of negation rejection uses and abuse while the crowd does nothing, and only once in a while, someone comes steps forward to support or help the cause but nearly always with conditions and hypocrisy.
Instead of being allowed to access the Beautiful truth, you are fed and given the worse of humanity that which is not true, but a lie and lie in weight to betray you set you up… and this is all intentionally set up by a play.
A Video Game?

While all you are concerned with is getting the hell out of a script which you have to figure out was literally proving A is E.
Awareness is an expression and the first Lyrical conversation was with Self.
Sacred portal 27.
And then with Self Embodied apart from you S E.. L F… E K
E Doppelganger Twin with a 16-year-old who your made present when he turned 17 Beautiful Youth. And then complete it by going backward, again to Kim Arthur Hinds.
And my being compelled to live here and doing the work with him.

S E L F/ F L E S
Serenity Erabella Leander Ferrill.

Serenity Prayer..
Erabella Era Bella… the beautiful Era… and it means; yielding to Prayer” which is sacred portal 17
and the tattoo on Chris’s torso.

Leander means “Man” Ferrill means “Victorious Valorous Man”

3:22 pm.
C V.

A life which began with my being aware of this being the end and new beginning, my role was to simply be here, and boogie, celebrate and at the appointed time, rise to the Evolution Awakening.

Instead, I found myself spirited away to prove Harmony in all things,
then to the play script of Evolution and then spirited away to a play in which I not only have to prove the ID of the Source, how everything began, the origins of all Existence and being on a public forum so diseased with the lowest frequency of expression- humans as savage beasts, trolls, insane with the need to be the center of attention and their desire to tear anyone else down.
-Through this, I was led, through people whom I had, was forced to teach remind them, and endure deprivation and torture and their open and veiled expression as I fought to prove them the truth and that they have the E in them.

No one in their right mind would ever agree to such a play.
So instead, the evil in humanity via time 4-5 Billion years ( 45 = 9.. 9 20/ 20 9… 29) finds a way to bind someone else to do all the work and then with hardly any contributions, aid, except that which allows one to barely get by- ( while being insulted nonstop for not having money, wealth power.. all the expectations attached while most ignore the effort of resolving it took to bring them to the clarity of which the moment I am gone or stop fighting for them, they revert back to what they were- which creates a play of Codependency- dependency on some or something else.)

Each day, for decades, I have arisen through the awareness of what I had surmounted, transformed, and shared with the world, only for the next day, more of this hatred is given to me to equate, day in day out.

Who has the right and authority to create such a play.
What has the power to create a script, of challenge, resolved, aligned again and again, and which can continue to break its own Natural Laws and impose more challenges and twists- because it refuses the result that indeed it s A man, a being here present who is the Source of Existence being made into the Source of evil.
And has to prove through such a script that he is actually the Source of life. SOL by passing through the lie of the species who are fortified by my circumstances of a created dependency on that which does not even exist.

And to bind a body with literally binds, creating physical and emotional torture over and over again for One who rises with the Truth.

I have made it clear, over and over again, how this play script does not exist, that I have ignored it ( while calling it out and noting how its meddling had reached that which is not even possible because the truth is present and the Truth moves through each one of you even though you are not aware, and i had to publicly bring it to your awareness.
That was not my goal, not when I came into this world, not when i began my life, even the true converation between Energy E and A-Tom AH-Tom.
It was never my goal and I rebelled against it – but i have been in that play aware of it right to 1996 Le mann with Christian and Gerald.

I came to find people such as myself, my E Family, E F…
Which is what this script i had to transform by literally being made to walk through it- by a force holding onto my body muscles, invading my literal thoughts.

And yet despite all this meddling, I have aligned it to that which I was compelled to prove is the truth which has always been in me.

E E = A AT O M.. A H-T OM

4:22 pm.
4-23 pm.
D V… D W. D V V.

As Far as I am concerned, nothing I have experienced here, or via this Journey mission is real.
yes, moments of interaction with each person I was sent to were real.
But the only experience that was real from begining to end was with a 26 year old, 17 year old who was in Harmony with me, naturally from beginning to end from the first sight, the first Contact.
Despite the outside influence of competition and meddling to break that harmony at all costs.

Who judges what Love is?
Who has the right and authority to test that which came before them, to determine when Humanity can Evolve?
or create a Script such as this which was designed to bring out the worst in humanity as the challenge to the play of proving Humanities beautiful truth?

Its is something I already understand but which i can not accept, i accept that this is an abomination and of an evil beyond definition.
That never surprised me, I have experienced this reality and the pysche of humanity, at its inception and planted in each one of you Perfection Perception and even the understanding of the Eternal nature as that seed planted in all humanity.
A Gift which was given, and all that is not of that Beautiful Seed or used that vine to grow up, was a gift given to all.
Its corruption was created by people, and the society they created and all of the while as proven by this play, the absolute refusal to come clean. to tell the truth, to be transparent. To confess all the attitudes, expressions, provocation, deceptions and things they did before gradually paying attention only now that the threat of Power to make manifest all the promises made to bring the destrucion and end of the species now appear clearer, but only because of my being forced to post again and again and again and provide evidence and facts that you are going out of existence as a species.

The play aligned Christopher Filgueria to Love as C…
And in theorey and of the true Chris, I would agree.
But this is not about Theory- Tests in an Earth school.
This is actality.
Where is Chris?
Whicg reality is he living in, the 3D of course.
But i am not representing the 3 D illusion of the world.
I am representing that Earth Universe,All Creation, and all true consciousness came from the 5th Dimension called the E
Nor am I a Teacher Lecturer in Earth School brought here amongst you to school you and remind you of your Vow, your promises before you came into this world and those you made as a child or a youth.

In truth, I came into this world with nothing to prove, but simply Be.
I did my best with people, and I am proud of Kim and what he has achieved by his choosing to pay attention and take this lightly but seriously, but I did not chose to work with him, be his Guide Father as I did not chose b my own free will to be here, in Connecticut, or New York, or live in your worlds suffering whatever reality you created yourselves, living in your spaces ( all of which are really mine and created by the one behind this play and challenge- obviously a being who hates what I represent to a point of which it can create such a script of failure, making Harmony attained in the world “Mission Impossible” 8

M I H.
H K I M…’ Possible.
H K I M… A.H… IM FA.C.T… E

What I know, is that is that for such a Script to be possible and even manifest and push me through a play which began when I was born at 8pm and continue to propagate negation and denial for 53 years 54 55 which acts like a sore looser, who has the power to withold my going home, even after solving its riddles tests, over and over again from brith to age code 53 when i solved it at age 24-25 in 1992.
28-29 in 1996 and then continue to enforce its will for 24 years later and leave me here, as in all portals it directed me, in the most awful personal situations created by the people I was designated to meet at the cross roads of their lifes…

This is not longer even that which could be called a Nightmare, a Terrible Dream- Night Terrors because I have solved and proven that which is true and that which is false and a lie.

Thus, it concludes in summary,
Sum Mary.. ( And yes Arden Morgan Tom… Maryland.)

Arden Fred Virginia 10… ( 20th ) state.
Arden Morgan Vermont 14th state.

Arden Morgan Thomas.
7th State.
Mary land is the 7th State to join the union.
“Maryland was made the seventh U.S. state in 1788, and gave up part of its land two years later to help create Washington, D.C.”

Arden has already attained Harmony.8
his mother said she and tom codes thier blessing concieved Sept &th.
9 7 is actually correct 9 7-7.
Chris Gemino. 5-8 77
97 @ 7..
I met Arden age 16… 97=16
9 7 -7 aligns to John Mack.
Arden was already at 7 its true representation and in 10-11 months with me there as the Reminder, Eternal Friend, he moved to 8 Harmony and then to align and equal I, as he was as eternal Arden with his younger self as Jeron and feminine aspect as Aurelia.

A J A…X.

Hence A I C…E
He saw me, and I saw him- despite all the meddling and the adults, the competition, and the most hideous play I have ever experienced.

Yes, the play of my Mother C, and David.


10th 20th State.
14th State.
7 -* state. South Carolina 8th State He already moved Kim there S C I E N C E,

5:11 pm right now.
E K.

Saw that time when I decided to go to try and sleep.

5:11 am.

I am aware that something is saying to me, “Are you sure it is Arden?”
Yes, I did not expect him to arrive as a 16-year-old, or Jeron as a baby.
But it did not matter if I had any expectations, or had no clue that i would find him there.

I am aware that Arden had been subject to the same onslaught, created from him to doubt.

I do not.
Nor, am does he.

How do I know…

First Sight.
First Contact.

Oh yes, he pissed me off at times and I am sure I did with this play.
There was Hurt and Pain suffered on both sides, but that we clarified and was always remedied.

And yes he must transform back to His truest nature, but he revealed to me his true face voluntarily to me, and did it with a simple gesture and morphed into the Eternal Face and being I knew from the Eternal Beginning
“Wow” and I noted how at that very precise moment, a play took place with his mother and meddling and with Morgan that sought to transform that moment immediately after into my own expression of which caused him great hurt and which made me stand in stupefaction that he was innocent but that he was being used in the play which he was not even aware of nor, I, that he was the Key.

5:22 pm… 5:23 pm right now.
E V E Double V.V.

Which makes one ask, what is the power of Jealousy which can or be allowed to go so far, to create such a play in which it sought at all costs to break the harmony of which benefits all humanity existence .. all to prove us wrong as E A- A E?

And continue 4 months after we had completed the play on 8-6-2020 and we both having to agree that there was no point of our having to go through- or he having to go through so much after having already proven our harmony even undercover playing the roles assigned us and in circumstances which were designed to make it impossible that we are of that Eternal Truth.

Jeron lang came here on 12-10-2020.
J L..= 22 V.
Not Liberty Jeron.
But Jeron Lang. Victor.

Despite everything that Spirit of Jealousy and Evil in Woman and her children as the illusion of Man.
Sacred Portal 10 has already given the answer as to were Male Female came from.
The Phallus and Balls of Baphomet Beauty.
Brazen Beauty…
Jeron and Sernity.

And yes, the ring of Baphomet was presented to me on the 11th by Jae Sherman.
J S was moving through him-her but the truth is that J S are apart not in one person.
J S I met at 29 Lincoln Street in his mother’s Womb and as J L.. Jesus / John Lucifer here on the third floor, where Kim and Serenity ( K S … O B S K… Kant ( Reason Empirical method ANKA Arden Nnamdi Kim Alexander Full Circle.
And again on the 2nd floor S J)

That anything can have such a power to continue to challenge the truth as Jeron Satya name meaning.
Is the Impossible Dream as the Nightmare on Elm Street.
Nope, Arden Fred. ( The Joker T J 2010 John Thomas Phallus O PEN I S.)

See my latest Facebook friend…
Cliff Murrir. C M.
Date of Birth
9-14- 1990
I N S. I O See sacred portal 9 and 14.. 19 and 90… 90 is Spirit E

“Nsi” in OINri Igbo means Shit.
Excrement feaces from the Large Intestine.
I am the Shit of the full Circle Mouth to Anus…
Sacred portal 22. Asshole Rectum-my.

I Nnamdi Supreme I Full Circle.

IN Supreme Steven is I O Spirit E -Awareness Royal Blue.
R B / B R see the time of this post.
O R B B R O…

O I S N I…
O “P E N” I S Nnamdi I
Natures Private I… Eye.
O “P I N” I S N I.

N I 149 ( see sacred Portal 149 ’19” Alien Father ) A F 10-20th State.

Chris is not here. I am as Chukwuemeka C Cecil Ceacilia Celia …

6:04 pm,

Benjamin CK.
Chris Kim 33 33 = 1 66= 1.. =3
A-A C Alexander Arden Christ.

Christina means Follower of Christ the Anointed One.
Christ spoke and enacted his truth using parables as the OINri Igbo do.

Word Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme- Steven Crowned Victor.
7th Chakra on the Head Heart.
I gave Kim the Crown vut on his wrist- a bracelet./ tel. E C ARB.
ORB… Bra..Arb in french means a Bra which gives the chest breasts support… An Arm ( Neil Arm-strong) andArb means “Tree”

6:12 pm.

See the photo of Arden age 9, he is standing in front of an Opening where stands a Tree.

The 7th Chakra is the head, like an Halo.
The wrists is what you create with your hands.
Two hands welcome you as you enter his room, they are painted on his Door.

And since I have proven that I come from and exist even here my whole life in the Blue Line, Big Blue lighter, 8 pm Evening Sky.
E S… P Perfection.. Panther P=16.
And since I have long since claimed earned 1967.
and now 1968…
How old should I be now in the Script… if not 52… and 51 right now. And I have moved from 1970 all the way to 187 and all the way up to 200.. 2001 2002 David Nnamdi myself E. and U S.Alberto.
2003… David Nicholas Naim Alex and Richard. D N A R
Andrew Gabriel A G
Sky Oak Speaker @ Park Slope
23 W when Arden was born I was at AG SOS…

* Cliff ( Jimmy Cliff .. Jim MIT Erik Ebrights Father Miami Florida)

*Cliff as a boy’s name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Cliff is “cliff-side slope”.”

Then moved in with Joe Carey and his mother Mariam
J M.

One can see that A G sent me a message.. E S P.. A Prayer.. an S O S for help to created J M
Jump Man 10 13…= 23
Double U Vie.

And one can see who led me to him Sacred portal 16 – 17 .. and lord knows, I can see and could see why.

A refusal to allow Him representing all Humanity as their Truth when they are in their Sweet 16 and Teens- the right to evolve.

But that is impossible, who or what can stop evolution a natural process?
Only some Supreme supernatural evil based in truth and facts and which after breaking it down, the wall the Brick, the Impregnable barrier of the Blackness of the Worlds Peoples Sins- it all broke down and it sum Mary as the sourc of this evil really comming from you as Humanity – just as I thought and knew- despite this evil being something you could not do, but only created and then left to have a life of is own when you saw that you could no longer control it. Wild as you, it expanded to an uncontrollable state.
And when responsibility and blame rose, everyone… well nearly everyone denied it was them, or that they had contributed to it, as one can see from no confession on my page in 8.11 years of being made Naked Transparent Supreme and it did nothing to me, but make me see how truly beautiful I am naked, which was to inspire you to desire the same lightening freedom.
Only your expression distorted the magic Mirror by your thoughts, veiled expression, criticisms mockery, judgements and using my gift to you against me, but my expression or the magic mirror as Space which connects us and separates us via Breath and Inent was always there for each of you to see read
But most of you chose to read the distoted view created by others and by your own translation – writing ontop of the writing already crystal clear.
No one else followed that example on my page or their pages except step by step Kim Arthur Hinds.

And so the breaking down of that Mur “Mur” means “Wall” or enclosed within walls.

*”Etymology: directly from or via French emmurer; from Latin immurare, “to wall in”; from … Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index … Translation: “Within the walls.”.”

It also means “Ripe”

* I was watching a film yesterday night it is called “The Young Pope” starring Jude Law ( J L= V)
There was a scene, with his speaking about the things hidden within the walls .. the Gap.. and how the Gap really was created by him and his Mind…
Mind the Gap.. and what emerges from it.

* I am fully aware that I am in a prison, I spoke it aloud yesterday and the day before yesterday.
Waiting in a room in a prison cell locked in not by any Human being but by something else.

I have been in prison for a long long time, but here at 219 South Whitney where I have no choice, but to code- if I wish to eat, escape, for I can not leave the house because of my body and being.
Not at 900 South Road.
29 Lincoln.
and 219 south Whitney, but never have I felt it, and experienced it as clearly as this…
As if backed into a corner on a High Cliff, as this play as you being the source of evil its Sum of 4.5 Billion years of not taking responsibility or owning up to things you said thought and did to others unless you were tortured and made to suffer terrible consequences by which is the only method you could confess… Until it became this great evil possessing you all driving those already insane to defy Natural law, Divine -De-Vine law and Eternal Law and even the simple 4 agreements, with such impunity,
never being constant playing Good and Evil.
When True Truth can never be anything other than True I S.
Duality took over symmetry.

No, I know I am in a prison cell,
I am aware of the bean-shaped Cell Mitochondria and DNA sequence.
I am aware of Army Guantanamo Bay G B 7 2.

B A Y… J A Y.
Golden Blue PLanet

*” The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Guantánamo, GTMO, and “Gitmo”, which is on the coast of Guantánamo Bay in Cuba”
C L U B A S E…
E -C “HLU.F O B A S E Area 51 33 is 6 is F. O full Circle.
7:22 pm right now. V G… that is the correct eq solved intel J J K to Kim.)

Dungeons & Dragons
All the places Conte De Monte Christo… Count Dracula…
Ink Death.
Conte De Fees

A Video Game
A V I D (the meaning of the name Arden is Avid Ernest…
A V I D…E O Sacred portal 5O full circle Connecticut 5th state attained.)

I was never in a Video Game, but you were… are.
A Matrix programmed into your mind.
Mind Craft. M C

Cliff Murror…

/ R O-RRUM FF I L.. “Infinite limitless 9 12 Serenity Erabella= C.
I called Chris today to simply give him a chance to speak as C love.
He is busy working at a new job and is off to see his grandmother later.

So I knew the C was aligned to me, the one present.

I had no intention to write or post today, I have understood that all this is about the Spirit of Evil, Jealousy competition.

You did not create my conditions and circumstances but at the same time you did, by adopting a nature of “I am only Human” No one is perfect, Man is born in sun.. Humanity are naturally predisposed to created to be evil…and it goes on and on Etc..I.

That is all I had satisfaction in proving, that it is not God or the Creator, or you past selves who created this, idea and this lie.
That it all came from you and it must it is the one thing which Humanity has been constant at and which became the overwhelming majority -Following this train of thought, say one thing and do another…

And this Spirit of Jealousy ( S o J/ J O S… Josh
S J/ J S… S F J
Does not exist, its a placebo, a lie which was used as a tester by one who knew that everything and everyone came into beings as Pure- De Light of the Beautiful Devils.

My expression posts, scared portals, breath everything i was made to create as tools for you made that filth in you rise and then was thrown at me…. lashed out as you normally do – but it was to cleanse and purge you.
Not by my play but D N A so you can see clearly C V.

But the truth has spoken for itself …
Have you seen the Phantom Thread ( PT) with Daniel Day Lewis DDL…the intel and messages are placed in the lining of the clothes
Within the Walls.
Writing on the Walls.
Sacred Portal 115

My answer is of course all three 4 answers are correct and apply two Kim and Jae.
But I was watching Jude Law.
Jude means Praise…
Law… Eternal Law… E L = 17.
Jeron Lang J L = 22 V
Jude Law J L = V

And yes, even here I can hear that the gaps spaces in the wally live Squirrels and Rats- normally it has Insulation.

So the one Trinity play which Tree Kim, chief and Jae were not even aware of was yet another play to prove and test me…

I began the last leg of my journey from Agusta and Atlanta Georgia
A G Carton,
it was April 2nd, 20005
Pope John Paul Died.

And suddenly age code 11 28 66= 67.
Age code 37 38… I was called upon set up to play the Pope Spiritual leader of The people.
Which I refused and was imposed upon me in a set up lasing 15.6-7 years.

Yes Jude Law, in the film becomes a Cardinal at 42.

24/42 A Story.
66 is the letter on Kims door.
I do not stay in Kims room.
I have my own- the spare room.

I who contribute nothing…?


As well as
“noun of action from murmurer “to murmur,” from Latin murmurare “to murmur, mutter,” from murmur (n.) ” a hum, muttering, rushing,” probably from a PIE reduplicative base *mor-mor, of imitative origin (source also of Sanskrit murmurah “crackling fire,” Greek mormyrein “to roar, boil,” Lithuanian murmlenti “to murmur”).”

Kim tree spoke about the Hum yesterday and how he uses it to align.
I coded that code on my page for years.
Why I Hum and Humming Bird.
Arden’s ambition – to Be Happy. ( in anything he does there must be happiness.)

* “Made by extremely happy people. … Drawn from the french word for blackberries, Mûres, because blackberries ARE happiness.”

There are Blackberries in the fridge, always bought by Jae Sherman- but tis, I who brought here to the Happiest state she had ever been in- and then of course, if one denies the one who authored it. it naturally goes away.
People suffering from PTSD are not very happy people but perfect Timing To the PT of the Script.
Perfection Tree Sage?…. No.
Perfection P = 16 Posidon Transparency Supreme David Devine Divine.
I proved His, her perfect timing which was moved in her him by a force he was not aware of speaking to me and intel from a play of A G J L…
A G V… ( AGAVE… Kim will recall)
A 7 22 V.I D EO G A- M E Arden.
/E M A.G.O.E. D.I… V Victor

722 = 29.

So I am in prison.
I have no visitors.
I do not go out.
I am here morning afternoon and night knowing that this is a Video Game but one which never concerned me and the E E A -AH TOm and yet we were placed in it.
forced to play a role which sought to challenge and destroy the Beautiful Truth of the Beautiful Ones, who were envious and jealous of the Beautiful Ones .. O B S K… so much so that this play…

8:07 pm

Mirrors the truth of that, and those ones who were not consumed with jealousy and competition and hatred.. but had “Envie” Desire… to be as the E promised they were destined to become, but just did not know how they could be as beautiful as the ones who made them fear and awe at the majesty the bearing and personalities of the delight in Being Of and in a true story of existence by E K.

All this posting, as you can see is a waste of time and space, people who never existed or rose to the embodiment, in the beginning, will not do so in a rewind, re-run version. Or create confusion in me for the ability to flip the Script.

I was brought here by A G sending an SOS E E K…

At 15 27 Facebook friends.
O A-A.

15 27= 42. 4-2-2005. 4 2 25 yes Jeron Lang 2-25-2-2019 4-2-2- 25-39…. ( 2019= 39 C I … 4 7 11 28= 39 C I 12 L O VE is light Clarity expressed explained.

1 5 2 7…15 letter O.

12-15-2020 L O…

Now is that not strange, I pointed out yesterday to the unseen player that its play was not aligned, did I not?
by one day… almost 2.

It appeared the Great Computer, The Magician Artist Sciencitist saw my Point.
And a Facebook friend mysteriously left at the perfect timing and another took its place.

At least it would appear someone as big as Existence Creation Universe Beings Expression did not mind take correction from me.

Unlike most of you in this reality, who see that as a reason to carry resentment and lie in wait and strike… Aha!

What is your prison system called here in the West- School Children’s buses, “First Student” with the same as the buses used to ferret people to prison and too dangerous and diseased shelters for experimentation with drugs.
with the word Correction written on it.

Yes, a hefty price for the children rep of the truth, to pay for Correcting the adult monsters or this script.

And everyone else does nothing ( pretend to do something) and
that is why all it took was a few Good men to do nothing for Evil to take over the world.

E B.
Not entirely true, it did not take over the world planet universe of the earth.. it took over the people of this world.
especially the ones claiming “I am a Good person”
The Ultimate Hypocrites who will never take correction and, or Change.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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