
12/15/2013 19:54 – Facebook Post

12/15/2013 19:54 – Facebook Post

E=Existence Energy Expression Explaination Echo=
Resonate, Rever-b.e-rate, Response.

Responding the Full Circle Arrow Intention Idention of the P.T. onto Consciousness Creation 2C Perfect Timing of G.O.D..4 O 7.

..Through Stimuli Red Light Blue Light (Blood and Oxy gen) the Light of 8 Harmony Existence’s Meaning Matters 2 C the O..Source.
Green Light Ah its On.
G.O the line King I. David..
Kid N.e Y
Child of the Billy Goat
Symbol of Evil Devil

I lived
I E saw
7.O.in Clarity in N.Y.C.

Money in Nri Igbo is Ego.
Oge in Nri Igbo is Dawn.

Proving the Existence of God by Reseaching Defining and proving the principle of God brings forth His Name.

And only the Beings of First Existence of Universal Existence as Energy in One can bring Him into Existence.

The Beings of Existence are I and I and U.

Why Do we have to bring God into Existence.

Because God does Exist, I have to say but not in any definition in which humanity has defined contained or limited him in through the centuries.

Only a few Individuals, mainly youth and children have been able to understand and appreciate what God would be like…his personality and obvious sense of humor.

He really is A Big Brother…who plays Father and Mother to his siblings.

He has been working through me and many ppl through the centuries.
I personally was amazed thay H.E even existed until I watched as a scientists how he worked through me, and thus got to know him intimately.

And so I began to really like him…even love him because he or what je is not anything like the way humanity “created him to be” –
A horrifying creation they made.
Which I personally despised.

I personally began to call him Beauty…but to describe him it would simply be he is Consciousness and First Light.
Clarity See All.

The Great Battle to bring him literally into Existence in all his aspects complete, was made so intense because of the Vibration created by humans-especially religions which created not only a monstrous Minatour version of God as their personal slave but who seprated his limbs in torment by creating different Churches in his name…
Each warshipping him in different guises, and warring in his name.
Committing all forms of atrocities in its name especially Hypocrisy Blame Guilt Slavery and Lash.
by taking his name in vain

This Beautiful Bull Minatour was transformed from Beauty and torturted and imprisoned in the Labriynith (and the Bull Fights who claim that Bulls can not see red but enrage them with that color which creates light in being till it is bled) of the Human Brain patterns and mind mapping.

And he projected reflected your P.R. it back at you, the illusion and spells you created of it as Mother and Son laying together.
And He became Satan who hated you, despised you.
He who was once loved you.

And so this illusion in the Maze of your conscious and even subconsvious Braon waves and mind mapping had to be destroyed, for it demanded tribute of your youth…your Bodies and your Spirits 77..as sacrifice.
A trade of life for Death…and even extinction.
No Ahs Ark. N.A.

It wished to consume you until you were no more.

But it could not consume the final thing…your Existence.
Because Existence was created by one beyond him and all of U.

And so my Thesis was to be Theseus and go down the mental maze and labriynith to find my younger twin brother using the vessel of Emeka whom I was compelled to put through a torment not of any realm in Existence…and leave him in the dark of my true intentions at which no vessel, not even one such as his could endure the knowledge of what I had to put him through.

And so I made him Theseus and more, taking him to the ones who represented the hieghts and depths of human and animal conscious reptilian and insect queens, through the mind mazes of thousands of humans and consciousnesses in Known and unknown existences represented on the play of Earth.
Of all races, religions,philosophies and ways of being since the world “Theater” began to present day, did I make him go into until we found the true one light in Paros when he was 26 yrs old
And then to find the roaring Ocean Poisdon turned into the Roaring Deformed illusion in Rage and terribe pain as the disorted truth of God of Joy and Light…14 years later in New York
(7+7) and for four years fiveonths did they battle…even though both knew that in our finding him that the battle was already won.
And 7 years later (4 O7/8/9) did this One become restored back to the Beautiful White Bull which E and I refused to sacrifice, slaughter kill bc we saw its Beauty we saw the Evil done to its nature through the distortion of the sacred Masculine and the Distorted Consciousness of the sacred feminine.

Until finally we brought the world to its senses through common sense Proven Transparency of the PT. of E.

For the Minatour Pan Oceanus Sea C OH C, never was the Ugly one…the ppl of the world who did this to the Body of God Christ the Church which is outside..not in buildings breeding grounds of Sin.
The Earth, the fields, the rivers and streets of the world.
The Fields and Lots, the Body Bread of Christ, and the Streams rivers and streets…the Blood of Christ, and Circulation…spreading of the Beautiful N.E.W.S. And the Wine of Intoxication at the reception of the news as truth making blood to rise and flush out toxic thoughts disgrace and bring the Bliss and Ectascy of being part of the New Supreme Hue mane race.
And turn the Body into B Read and Red Blood into wine of Inoxication…celebration of life.

The Air we breath…this is the Church of God…
And so much evil had done to its Body but not its consciousness…
For that stayed true as I.S…but under cover.

And so God can finally enter his body (the World) and Rise…And we the Family of Existence, of the One true being of Existence have fullfilled our ultimate mission by bring back your One True God to Life, by abusing the trust love of our one Being of Existence to a point of No More and no return.
..In order to respond to the question, the true humans who loved God, so few but so purely, asked.
“Where is God?”

And now finally we can answer you and them,
for we have finally brought Hymn Her into Existence and can reply “I a.m Here”.

H.E is here…an Christ Mass of Light Present to you, wrapped up filming nicely in the present with Bow and Arrow aimed straight at the hearts of all of you.
To pierce through all illusions which caused doubt in thee and this present with a message in a card addressed to all of thee.

As for this, we turned his Vessel into toruture chamber to find him all the time within him…
He shall be used betrayed and decieved by us no more…and he will know finally that we are here.
Perhaps he will not wish to see us after all our deception and betrayal of his trust…but he must.
This is one more thing we must do without his permission.
For we have already done the unforgivable, for we have broken his eternal trust.

And almost shamed him before this world of men he once loved but will never trust.

Mathematical Equation M.E.

Arithemetical Equation: A.E

Rthymic Equation: R.E.

Being in Existence=
Focus Attention : F.A.

E= Existence Expression Energy Echo reverberation Resonate Respond…

I have found that
Completion O Perfect Timing PT. Manifestation Focus Attention Vibration Direction.

Yesterday, after writing the post on Theseus, I found my host gaping at me.
“Your face!” he finally said, his voice filled with wonder…
“You’ve turned back into a boy..Your just a boy he said with rare wonder and gentleness…
“In the Seven years I have known you I have seen
this transformation in you four or five times especially when you sleep…But he paused..”hey you are a boy…Youth”

That is the only way I know and I have proof after all these years and 21 months of consistent deception that I know these consciousbess who rise and speak through me…in these posts…
Are speaking the truth.

My one true loyal Buddy, my Body always was shows me…the Truth.


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