
12/14/2016 22:35 – Facebook Post

P.S.. Man did not descend from Apes… But they did Descend from and into the Ether and Rose from the E-Art H..I….
They did not come from the Moon- but rather the Moon is that which symbolizes where they came from…

A Luminous Beautiful Orb…

And that Orb Represented the Full Circle of Humanities Completion as Light… And the Dark they descended into was the Story of the Flesh.. Matter 69… M.W…
Which was experiencing the Inverse only for this “Journey through the Milky Way , called Time and Space to become aligned to One.. 66… And from that 66… move to 12.3…C..
And back to the beginning through 66.. 36…. C.F… (A-Z + 10 J.Balance Alpha Omega.. the A.O.B…. 1O B.. Not really J.B…)

And beyond the 36.. C.F… Circle Filled….

To 3 6=9…To the I. The Individual beyond the Circle….
To the infinite…

And that is the closing of the Story of the the Flower of Life…
3×6=18…R just takes us back to the past….

The I is Self…

This is the True Story of White and Black…
It is the Story of Light and Dark.. L.A.D…
La! of 6th Sense… the Quiet Song…
Life and Death as incarnated by Emmanuel Kerwyn Vincent is naught but the story of the one Truth of Existence…
Which is Eternal Life… E.L…

The absurd story of White Supremacy
Black Supremacy…
Inferior Superior…
IS… but a Distraction and was the Test which each had to rise above…
Not cater to because it made you feel good about yourself and the expense of others..

9:31 p.m.

And all things manifest including this truth I have posted non stop on face book….
F.B..6 2/ 2 6.. In Harmony…
And Perfect Timing now that the Circle is Complete and the I has been proven to Exist… Beyond the Full Circle…

813 Face Book friends…
That is you being moved.. to respond to each post and then spell out a response…

Yes, I am tired….

Good Night…

9:35 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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