
12/14/2013 23:34 – Facebook Post

12/14/2013 23:34 – Facebook Post

The Story of Theseus and my Thesis which includes the Sea of All of U.

Its a snowing outside in New York city.
Brown bare tree barks and the snow covered Earth.

Brown and White
Brown O White

Cue P.I.D.

Not The Bulls Eye.

Theseus and the Minatour of Poseidon God of the Seven Sees of Consciousness.

Those who have been following the weave, links posts and responses from Existence, through ppls whose names meaning corresponding with the post stimulated from within my “writhing” body which releases information from my subconscious memory
– Many may have observed that other peoples posts of imagery and photos are also aligning with my posts.

Moving the weaving more thru a combined effort of myself Existence and people with each persons contributing their consciousness through reading the posts liking them and uploading imagery which I share bc they corresspond with what I am posting.

As most have observed this weaving process which is beyond my control…

And that I am nothing can fully manifest ( no matter my impatience to be done with this F.B play) until the equation is complete.

The equation being a sequence of words posts…seven eight colors oc Consciousness and Vibrations created by a stimuli outside and within me which is the only power in Existence to control my existence both material monetary physical…
In a way I am being treated as the True version of Both Satan and Gods bitch.

They being the Earth Five continents the seven seas air atmosphere space…in fact one can state that this whole play is about to points of darkness meeting.
History as the center of the Earth rising through layera upon layers with its truth as witnesses to the truth if history and space descending…Ascending and Descending past and future to meet in the present.

This story of King Minos (Midas?) Poesidon, Pasephae Minatour, Thesus Araidane…is to.me a physical reprsentation through legend the same journey I did through Energy of how the sea revealed the Present called Earth…and Consciousness for the first time called Land and Sea/C.

Thesus journey is my journey (just as Odysesus Eri Jahson Solo man Moadeep..the “Hero’s journey some find they must take as the Writ and rite to passage to the promised land)
including the Black Flag called Tragedy but mine (Dionysus E ion Hedonist Adonis) had a different meaning and ending…Translation…Beautiful.

Because I live in all time had the advantage of History standing on the shoulders of Gods Hero,s/Heroines and Titans to het a better view of what lay beyond the Horizon.

I am the Observer Actor Director and Orchestra conductor who already is aware of what the outcome will be.
And who recognizes the weave moving towards the very conclusion the emprical experience I broke down into a science to link weave the patterns of a life journey I was thrust onto.
Despite my initial resistance.
A.Because it was not the pathway I had constructed of how to achieve my goal of celebration of my existence through Beauty and Boogie ny becoming and Entertainer Film Director.

B.Because I did not realize while appearing to live in this consciousness (pretending or seeking to adapt to living here in this reality which did not make sense- that I really was living in my true consciousness. I was aware even while pretending to exist in this consciousness that my all seeing Eye or Awareness was picking up the road signs of my true Consciousness.
When I sought to live in this current awareness my life made no sense- the direction it was taking. But it made perfect sense in my true awareness.
Looking at my life through this conscuiysness all one saw was Chaos…But looking through my true consciousness everything was harmonious. I knew exactly where I was being led.

There were moments of the illusion of duality in me only because the true path I was on seemed to bring so.much pain sorrow endurance and an absolute isolation.
While the false consciousness brought social interaction, boogie,sensuality my true nature…but none of it was real I observed… I found no one boogying or existing in my consciousness and thus it all was fake and hollow.

I reached a fork in the road.
I had to make a choice where like the refusal to publish my books in Paris by changing its truth…its pattern I had discovered…to make it what the “others” wished me to tailor it into…there was no choice.
Truth is Truth…but I was so tired of the tortured solitary road of Truth…
But in 1999 After the International Festitival of Paylasmak (Sharing) was cancelled, loosing my house in Istanbul and my apartment in London which was followed by the Earth Quake.
I knew I had to make a choice I had reached a fork in the road.
I made the Short Film around the World called The Ethnic Odyessy and met Derek who was a messenger of the Beautiful ones, my secret reality, who had come to Istanbul with a message from them saying it was time to finish the mission and come to New York…

I never really had a choice btw Truth and I funnanya-I.C Love or embracing the lie and self deception.

For my “under cover self” was alwats aware of my secret Truth, my secret mission and which I began documenting in my journals Talking to the Silence-my Secret Garden- where I fully aware whike documenting my going undercover into this realm of consciousness-forgefulness.

And as John le-gen-d ( the ppl of David or the 4 points and John of the Bible Legend Bk of Revealation..)

But I really was Thesus of Greek Legend going to the under world to battle the Minator who consumed seven maidens abd seven youths because of the disrespect to the king if Minos (Minor Minus) Crete by the King of Greece who sent the King of Minos Cretes son on a dangerous expedition to kill Bull who killed him.
A grave offense to a guest.
And thus.the invasion and sacrifice of 14 youth every year.

Sacrifice of Youth for the abuse of a guest…in this case a Royal guess.
Bad manners pays a heavy cost called Hell.

Thesus of offers to be one of yhe Youths to enter the “Pans Labyrinth” aided by the princess Aridane (I too met a beautiful girl in Istanbul bearing that name. and who in my true story goes by the Lady Echo Response)…who gave him a spool of thread (memory vibration) as he entered the “Matrix of the unconscious to destory the “666” beast.

It must be noted that the Poseidon God of the Sea had given King Minos a beautiful white Bull with the assumptiin that King Minos would sacrifice the bull to him..(A vain present if itvwas given only for it to be returned) but King Minos could not bear to kill such a beautiful Creature and in appreciation to its Beauty kept the Bull.

Poseidon on seeing this caused King Minos’s wife Pasiphae to lie with the Bull and beget a son..half Bull half man.

King Midos did not kill the Bull but instead had the architect Deadulus build a great Labyrinth…
*Matrix movie
And of Course the Cave paintings in France of the Bull Woman…
(Chauvet France 30,000 yrs ago)
Man and the beautiful beastial nature as woman…Chaos of the Cosmos.
and Royal Man of Earth.

My Thesis led me undercover to the center of the Matrix which identifies itself through not only this Legend of Thesus but also my real experience that Minatour is the Rage in man and the rage in woman in which they can not merge in the physical as well mentally because of the Pans Labryinth being the devious nature of both minds seeking to outwit each other.

Leaving both Mother and Son husband and wife in constant conflict..
Or better still the animal nature beautiful in conflict with the devine nature.
Masculine Femine in forgetfulness and not in balance or in one.
Fighting themselves for dominance control mastery.
The inability to share equally.

The Spirit of Fear and Miserliness of Spirit versus its true beautuful self…the Spirt Being of love truth and genrousity with strengths attached.

Thus in my journey the nature of the beast is a devious mind which dominance which can not exist.

Thus it is the pit the absolute abyss of both human and animal nature.
But yet KingvMinos does not kill the beast for it recalls its Beauty and the Selfish and Vain spirit this “present” was given.
Posiedon gave a beautiful Bull to king Minos whose beauty Posedon which to destroy in sacrifice to him.
King Minos appreciated the Bulls Beauty which Poseidon saw but wished to destroy in order for it to be sacrificed to him.
And was punished for it and monster was created who demanded the sacrifice of 7 maidens 7youths..M.Y.

As we know 77 is 27…
which A-ZA. Which Clean up your mess and answer for what you done.
It is also 7 colors of rainbow with converge to AH 1-8 which brings Harmony infinity the magician in tarot.
Seven chakras in the body and seven in the spirit Energy which align to the 1 7 to 277 in one…7in1…which is harmony.
Thus King Minos and my journey represents the destruction of the illusion of the beast and the imbalance btw Masculine Feminine to retrieve the truth of the Beauty of the Bull and of Woman under a spell and King Minus who was punished for appreciating Beauty and protecting the truth of his now monstrous son who was born from the spell of selfish and vain God miserly giving nothing.
For the present is a gift with no strings attached. And Poisidon gave gift of a present which he wished to.take back.
This present could be called and Cee Beauty which he would take back.

The Earth and the body and the balance as M.Y.Female Male..Youth.

Poisedon wished the Bull to be sacrificed in his honor to he who represents power and King Minos refused.

Because Beauty is appreciation and true power in that it caused a King to defy a god and protect a monster until the illusion of it could be destroyed forever.

The human body is 90% water and ten percent matter.
Perhaps this myth in which the water is Spirit belonging to Poisedon. And until illusion and spell represented by the Mother made to fall in love with Beautuful Bull is the same way which Minos fell in love with the Bull but in a different way…
By simply appreciating Beauty…Physical Energetic Beauty not simply as Power but all this beautiful symbolized as Posidon himself…The Power of the sea being really its Beauty its hypnotize and its Power not for power in itself but because this is who it is.

Power when seen through an illusion a spell…But King Minos protected but imprisoned the Beast in a cage and sacrificed 77 M.Y to it bc of the Bad manners (the true monstrous nature mirrored in the behaviour of the King of Greece)

Only when Beauty is appreciated for its true nature and not for its power and seen in Beauty and then in its ugliest guise as the illusion of itself…its Beauty distorted and made ugly…but is not could a balance be restored of 77 and a hero called Thesus who volunteered and went into Pans Labyrinth aided by Ariadane Echo memory
And conquered the illusion of monstrous power of the Sea and the monstous illusion of power of the bad mannered king and restored the Beauty of Balance of Earths Youth..Maidens and Youth..May back to the present in one.

This is my thesis.
I Theseus.

The se us.




I. Sue.

K New.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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