
12/13/2013 3:16 – Facebook Post

E= CMe 4/3

3/4 eMC=E…

Energy=Consciousnes C Speed of light. + Meaning (Matters)- existence for Clarity.

Thus, to Generate Energy,
one must B.E, conscious which is to create meaning of your Existence which brings clarity…Which Manifests as Truth before everyones eyes.

But what is consciousness…
It is a state of humm- vibrating at a frequency which makes you become so calm and relaxed, you revert to your natural state.
But then how do you know that your conscious.

Quite simply really.

You Exist.
You are Aware A
You in a Being B
(not necessarily in a body)

And you can step out of that most Natural state (sitting in the hum of your heart…which is really your Being), that you can step out of your self to see yourself sitting calmly in you Heart of Being.

Consciousness is thus naturalness with and all seeing Eye called Awareness watching you sitting in calm in your natural state.

Thus, the name, All Seeing Eye..or I.
Which is able to see all of you sitting full Circle as the Observer of you in the play theater or Circus.

While the being sitting calmly in his natural state of Being…Heart Blood Being Wine of intoxication can sit calmly in theater or illusion, knowing when to take their cues having understood the full circle of their own existence through creativity being action reflection Devotion to Dealing with thier Existence calmly.

Thus, being able to see outside within and all around and be in one.

Consciousness comes from naturalness which comes from sitting in vibration or frequency which comes from balanced circulation and ryhmic breathing.
Red wave lengths are the wavelengths which help create light.
Thus the meaning of Consciousness creates light which manifests clarifying all around for you and all to see the Harmony in of all things.

Consciousness is Harmony which Generates Energy which can not be created or destroyed…

It just rises.

Thus Consciousness
is C=H.E.

Existence is bringing meaning to Consciousness which manifests full Circle, for all for to see that what you do and say manifests as Truth.

It is not subject to Time or other people seeking to Add or take away.
But only to perfect Timing to its full Circle Manifesting it Point and Meaning…Clearly

It simply I.S.

But when people add it grows and the speed of its manifests faster as Truth.

And those who exist to simply negate or take away…
Well to take away from Existence which benefits not only the Individual, the Collective, the planet, the Universe, The Cosmos…the All.

They are simply taking away from their own Existence, until they cease to exist at all.

Basic way to get your memory back.

I Exist

Carried Forwards then Backwards Full Circle to the Pt. at C speed of Light Naturally. Instinct Intution.
I and I

Then quickly..

I am Aware.

I. a.m. aware I B.E.

I.a.m Aware I B.E, I C.E

I a.m Aware I Be, I Ce
am Determined and Dealing with the truth.

I Remember

I Exist

I a.m. Aware

I a.m Memory.

I Am of Being

I a.m Conscious

I a.m I.E. A.M. B.C.

I am the Example of the Awakening Before Christ.

There is no more IF’s

That I. a.m of Existence, Aware, in Being and Conscious through Determinded Dealt Destiny that I am Solid Real Truth and Fact.

There is no more IF’s

I a.m I fun nnanya Fact.
I. Ce F un Facts


I.a.m. Awake!

No need to ever go back into the predetermined past.

Not a Fact but Necessary
to discover the Truth

Only Forwards..
never come back to the past.



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