
12/13/2013 20:40 – Facebook Post

12/13/2013 20:40 – Facebook Post

Saint Nicholas is Santa Na…

Nicholas meaning Victory of the People

Santa Meaning Gift of Giving is the Spirit of Geneorsity with no strings Attached.

Na in Nri Igbo means E go Home..to go home..and Nna Father.

N A. Like Nicholas Ay-
O ola…. O La welcome Sixth sense Full Circle…

Welcome Father Nicolas Spirit of Generosity you given A victory to the people,
lets go home.

Response from E.K
Its about time
and it is not in perfect timing but in your timing to get what you wanted.

Cause everyone knows the rules..Ask and you shall recieve.
Not silently manipulate and decieve until you get what you want…

Thats is why some kids get a lump of coal and others a gift a Diamond Engagement present…The ONE Ring.

One represents start again from the very begining and the other…you reached the End and Fast Forwards to the Present, the True begining for being my loyal Friend Brother to the very end.4-5.

Signed Santa Clause…
A.K.A…Jack Frost
Nna a.m Di Emeka…C

Saint Nicholas Father Santa Clause…What I would like for Christs Mass is to simply go home and for the Entire world to awaken to see the true meaning of Christmas exists beyond seeing just the truth of me and ny I.D..E=CMe Four Consciousness…
But to awaken to see the Truth of our world so hidden and themselves Beautiful and the World awakened from a dreaming in which the Truth of Existence and the Real world is more beautiful and greater than anything the Universal mind can have imagined.
But only the Heart can create.

I do not need or wish them to see me but the trye meaning of Christ Mass lightened up to its true meaning of the gift of the present we have been working on for so long, finally revealed…in Diamond Light of Clarity to be experienced witnessed seen felt and enjoyed by all..

I am dreaming of a Lightly Colored Christmas for All…

So long…E.K.

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