
12/13/2013 20:03 – Facebook Post

Two Responses…from Existence.

First from

Eric… lil E

Second from Kasper
(the friendly Holy Ghost)

Eric we know means
“Eternal Ruler”

Kasper means in Persian Chaldean Master Treasure
Treasure Keeper and Treasured Secret.

It is also one of the names of the three Wise saintly kings at the Birth of Christ;
– who followed A new super star first (Energy) before discoverying the Child informed.

The A sound in name Kasper also is the meaning of Father still used in Europe till present day.

Prince of Persia C.Kasper.
Master Treasurer
Master of Keeper…
What is the Treasure…the Truth of the Beauty within all humanity he kept within him despite the battle of the illusions of themselves as Goid and Evil seeking to destroy him…and that treasure…to take it away from him by constant negation and enactment of not being as beautiful as he knew, and had already seen they are when they were not conscious (when they’re natural selves comes out)…but he was.

I.S Super Natural…A Natural.
Thus he harvested their beauty as Ether real Essence and safe guarded it as he roamed the abyss of their illusions.

The Treasured Secret?

Emeka Kolo.

Aka Chukwu emeka O. Kolo

Thanks Eric Kasper

The Buddy and Friend of the Holy Ghost of Energy E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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