
12/13/2013 18:25 – Facebook Post

Response from Existence to last post.

Eric (Lil E) Samuel David Brown.

Eric Means; Eternal Ruler.

Eternal Ruler is Energy- because it can not be created or destroyed..I.S.


Energy Reflects…

Energy Reflects through Matter (and that which matters) and then Responds
(F.l.ash of Light stimuli through the blood stream through heart, brain and being of the person whose name gives meaning of that Existence is Consciousness And Aware of the play…through the person It Chooses to respond with Affirmative I like.

Where does this outside and inside stimuli exist?

Ever heard of the phrase
“There is something in the Air”

And Breathing is Being..
in and out. O I.-1 O

Thus, A.B…= C.Consciousness.
We all share Air to Breath
A.B postive which creates Consciousness full Full Circle…A.B.+C.O.
Car Bon and Oxygen.
Dark Carbon Light Oxygen.

Ether in space reveals itself from afar as darkness death ignorance but up close as Atmosphere Light Air La O XY

*Seven Faces of Doctor La O Alberts Favorite Film.

Coal under combined with Oxygen and Perfect Timing creates Energy Diamond and spectrum Light…Clarity Consciousness to See, Feel Hear All.

The highest Family of O are those who are not only in Harmony with why they are stimulated to respond- thus merging to C’s to O…
they see the full circle and are Conscious why they respond..But are also able to react respond be fore, being stimulated by the Collective Unseen will of Universal Existence…

Meaning they existed B.E. Four I Existence the Square and the full Circle 4.O. D.O.

B4 the will and play of Galaxy Known Existence.

Meaning such Beings of Being, not only know why they respond, have reason they can explain…which is they see the three full circles of the play of the Observer, the Buddha sitting calmly within and the One in the true Present: while.in the Circus, the Cartesian Theater of Reason at the same time, who take thier cues in the play completly on their own…
while not even part of the play…but just remind and help.

The three/four Full Circles in One and the I and I and I in one.

Such Beings
A Aware Able
B.Being Buddhas
C.Consciousness Christ.
D. Da vid De vote e Daniel.
E.Energy Existence Express.
F. For-e head Forever Future
G. G.E.Off Gateway/Gaurdians
H. Hueman Harmony H.I.
I. All seeing I.D.
J.Jesus is Yes U Ha!
K. I and I the III in O.N.E.


Are Beyond Existence.

Eric The Eternal Ruler
Samuel: He who is like G.OD
Da v id; The Beloved.
Brown; Brown Earth. B.E

Filled with the red wave lengths which create the light for the fixed seed of Life
the Green to grow.

B.E is Brown E Blue E who existed before the Green Grass and Green leaves and taught everything, while under cover…how to grow up.

Little E and Big E
L.E et B.E.

In O.ne.
D.N.A …E.T

Thanks Eric Brown…


The Full Circle Beyond Existence is now complete Forwards Backwards en

Love Light and Laughter all round.

Be love D. E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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