
12/12/2019 1:27 – Facebook Post

8:51 p.m

H: E.A.


H E A L. O O K.
T.H.E. S C R I P T.


I am not sure how to even begin this post.
Since Arden and I conversed, it has been moving so quickly, and what is happening to my awareness has reached a point of which my only desire is to retreat from any person I must explain anything to anyone.

8:58 p.m

I would like to sit privately with myself and savor this experience I am going through of Truth Harmony Energy .. God.

It feels so Sacred, Private.. and this public expression of linking it still publicly on face book, may clarify but diminishes the this moment.
And there are certain things, I simply do not wish to share… and more so not on this page.

9:04 p.m

How, can I explain what I have been compelled to experience…?

After U Lamat’s post of ” In The Garden of Eden” appeared after that conversation
with Arden whose name literaly means Garden of Eden, Pleasure and Delight.

Liberty C Liscomb had a visitor Crysta Moon.
Liberty and I were conversing on the Terrace, Arden was playing with baby Jeron, and the beaitiful view of the crystalized snow framed what Liberty remarked was a Full Moon.

It gave the seeting of todays plays and confirmations, a fairy like seeting of Magical Expression.
Libery linked Crysta Moon.
C Me 4/3
Who is a Fairy like creature, and who is a youthful 43.

9:17 p.m.

43 is my Sacred Door of life. Liberty starred at the night sky and as I silently reflected on her arrival, Liberty called it out.. Its a setting of Chrysta Moon.
And it certainly was, nor could I escape the knowing and knowledge of Libertys Farm address 765 Horseshoe Hill, where she and her ex Chris, had lived and the Fairy Tale house or cottage built by the wealthy but romantic formers owners.. and the unhappy existence of his wife.

The first thing Crysta said when I met her at the door was ” I have heard about you .. from the Ether”
I made her, understand that I took her meaning literally, which she clarified she had intended it to be understood as, but was not very hopeful in her reality of anyone understanding.
I furher clarified with Liberty present, that we had both been speaking about her to the Ether.

I already knew who she represented.

She is a trained singer, who used voice sounf therapy to heal, often I am told using her harp or Harpsichord, as I was informed.
And now worked in a hospice for the dying.
And she with great lightness had endure and absorbed much pain.
She and Liberty and Chris, had met her at and End of The World”concert (E O. T W. “O” C)
7 years ago at the end of 2012.
And had met Aurielia when she was age seven, whom she adored and been fascinated by.
And Liberty and family had not seen in 7 months.

* Yes note the Sevens..
7 7 7. 21. U Universe.

And she had become the Nanny for the children when Liberty and Chris were still together.
Liberty noted the full circle, notably the True End of The World I have been provining since 2011 Dec 21st on Facebook and 2012 Jan 1st when I entered this play.

Yesterday, I had escorted Liberty and the her children to New Haven Yale.. Beacon Center where they attend classes, and where Libery and I had experienced the Yale Cemetery which Anirbas Lem had also recognized.
It was the place where Libery had recognized the name “Dunn” the same name which John Mack had recognized in a Hartford Connecticut cemetry after their Mackylas car broke down.

9:43 p.m.

The same name under Jesse Macias K.E E P Ashtray.

Then apearing again as Liscomb Dunn on a car which parked in front of her.car.

Yesterday, I was sent only one piece of intel from Liberty.. it is Planet Pluto.
The 9th Planet.
And I had posted the intel about Saturn..
Aligning with Jupiter and Venus.
Stephen Johnson Victorious. 3301.
S D F. 3301.
Sacred Journey Victor.
S J 19 10. 29. ” A MAN”
” Ferrell Rielly” Victorious Valiant Man Valourous

69. Saturn Pluto .. S P
Sacred portal 96 69
15 15. O O. 9 OO South Road.
6. F
66.. 6/6= 1 = A.
6 6= 12..3. C
A C ..
F A C T. Connecticut is C.T
There is One Portal
6+9. 15 Letter O.
1 A 5= E .. 6 = F
Arden Emeka Ferrell.
F E A. Means ” Ugly”
F A E. Means ” Fairy”

See Sacred Portal 87
M.W 87.
Milky Way M.W 69.

Two Portals 69 = 15 O
At One Portal there are two destinations.
One Ugly and the other Fair.
Of Fairys and Fair Fields.

See my Sacred Portal 87.
There is a Fairy returning Two
Two Dollars in my Wallet.
Arden Found it.
I saw the way Arden hugged C.M.
It was a Beautiful Thing.

And then I heard her sing.
And I understood my Vision of her,
I had the moment she crossed the Threshold.
It was a Woman Fairy Like a guardian guarding the Entrance into Paradise.
In my personal code it links to the name “Ege”
Clio Fotiyadis and Mehmet Mutaf then 9 year old son, whom I had been my.friend and whose Espirit, I had recognized

Ege means Aegan Sea..
Its is the color or Torquoise.
And where I had planned the Festival of Paylasmak.
But in the flash vision, she was w

I had changed my clothing and cleaned up wearing a Turquoise T shirt.
Which some of you may recall goes right back to Kyle Murphy when we were at Delta Manor
( he now lives with his undercover family in North Dakota).
– the tortoise representing either the sea of Paradise as I had staked my Truth on, or The symbol of the American Indians…

Pls look at the name Tree Sage what name..
Is that not sound like an American Indian name?
And yet his real name is Kim Arthur Hines
Which is Egyptian pyraminds
427 Ton Asteroid which was hurling down to Earth the other day.
Pluto, Book of the Dead.
– Stories created by Humanity expressed, through out time..
Like pages of a book.. frames.. leaves blowing in the winds of the Espirit plane.

I am not interested in stories.. the served their purpose and now begone!
Cluttering up the way!

I am representing Truth.
The Truth.
And as you can see, it is a play of Awareness.

It is the Agean See is Torquoise
Ancient Greece ..G Gods.
American Indians
And undercover of the A.I are the
KAH.. B .A.. Egyptian Play of Gods.
And they are really called Elementals.
Energy in motion called Espirits.. with Consciousness, Awareness and Knowledge.. Wisdom of the Ages.
Extra Terrestrials.
Elves Fairies.

When Imagination comes alive!
It forms Energy when what you’ve imagined is of Truth.
Truth will lead you to its Fact
Where it exists by helping you to build it and summon it into Existence.
This play.

A Play Theater…


The Yarn which Liberty had placed on the table, days before was the same color, and she brought it down from the table for Jeron to play.
Behind that, against the wall, was a Torquise mat.
The Yarn of the Sea of Paradise.

12:16 p.m

Its True.

Paradise was never lost.

And I had to weave a story
A True Story and woven within its threads create a srory of the evolution of God to Truth- Nature- True Naturalness- Energy Moving to the Source of its Expression.. full circle back ot its Source.

American Indian took me on a trail, ending in Connecticut, but I was not on the American Indian Trail, just following a Trail the way forest people do..
Tracing my way Home, energetically right here in the present, while existing on a frequency of which was above all other Frequencies, ones whose intent was to lead me home, throuugh this seen and unseen web.
Rolled up the yarns, surfed the characters as frequencies in this Human time story: all just tools to lead me back home in this physical but illusionary world… Maze Matrix.


Of this Story of life.

I represent
Life Itself.

See Sacred Portal 43.

Liberty 43
Kryrista 43

Sacred Portal 86.

12:27 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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