
12/12/2016 18:35 – Facebook Post

I had a conversation with Kerwyn Vincent when I got back last night..
And listened to him tell a story of his life, and how he was hit shot at, and how his being born with having Visions and Bullets missing him…
I listened and knew that this was the reflection of Me as Raoul Silva…

Here is a quick code….
People will remember or be able to go back to the play reflected in these two

Albert ( Edwin A Rodriguez..S)
Giancarlo Thiago… Who lived in the exact same address..
how they met… and how G.T worked at The Bean Cafe….3rdand 2nd Avenue/ 2nd and 3rd…. ( Yes I am the Origin of that Story… my bed was 3002… the same address as the house Kerwyn Vincent was born in… And the evidence goes on and on even to my beginning this play 2012.. 32… Arriving in New York 3-20…
My research and break through on “Conscious Being”
To J.B as Jonn Blackwell to Jack Baxter..
Giancarlo Thiago if you will recall, led me from 54 The Bean..
(Yes Anthony Bienke Studio 54)…..To 147 The Bean when he went and then to Starbucks when he went to work there…
And I am still here, having found myself moving from T.B…
The Bean Cafe’s after first meeting visiting one in 2005 after returning from Augusta Georgia (A.G)… to visit my First Cousins..
In 2005, where I paused through Recon Studio because of Johnny Larkin had lived and worked there, only to find that Johnny was .
gone and instead I found Michael Frazer…
which meant I had gone to d different dimension…
lower.. or better still the past….
And then from there I went to The Bean Cafe….Then called ‘Kudos” on 1st and 3rd…. And there I sat and met Axel Love Axel Anderson and a beautiful girl called Amber….( code links to Amber Elaine Manning)…
And for the Next 10-11 years it became Cross Roads and the place where people converged.. Those I was meant to meet.. And it became my Office….
The First place of I Convergence was not The Bean…

It was 80 Spring Street Balthazar…Balthazar Daniel.. B.D/ D.B..RM.4B…

And University Place… U.P… Where I met Rob Barr
I stopped going to University Place within a Year but 80 Spring Street… is the one constant Cafe and Bench I have sat on since I moved to New York…
And the One I still instinctively go to when in Manhattan despite having deciphered why I was led there….
Human Expression, Self Generating Energy Quantum Universal Physical Applications,…. Through Unconscious Sound- And Expression.. Silence and Sound…..

It is not that Kerwyn Vincent or anyone story is not real and very Valid… but rather who was the Originator of that Story which so many walk…
Similar to the Yeshua Story.. many great being s walked that path right to Eri Osiris but who was the, like a Book, this was a story of finding the original version… The Original Version….
The Original Blue Print as Kerwyn Vincent called me..
Just as I honor him as coming the nearest to the Source of and the Story of Dark Father… Dark Matter.. Delta Manor…

See He is Roaul Silva…
But Raul Siva R.S… Is really
Tiago Rodriguez…
T.R… Tiago means James in Portuguese “The Usurper Supplanter” and is the same meaning as Jack and Jacob…”
But it really means the “Planter of the Seed” not the One who Grasps at the Hell to pull the other Down which is what they do in the ‘Black Community” ( Crab in a Barrel “but which is done in every culture….

Nuno Ordens Miguel
Ana Leonardo Caixas all Portuguese and so intergral to the play..
See the History of Portugal to understand why…
The Word “Sao” from the code Emeka Nnamdi Stephan…E+N=S…
E.N..S.A.O…. Portuguese…
See Raul Silva… Portuguese….

See the Code of the Two… R.S… I.E… Code RISE…


Add E.U… 5+12=26…Z…Zorro…

U. E.G.A….. T.R.U.E
/ E.U..RT…( Right) A.G.E….U…Universe is Age…

Esther Uzoma… :Star of the Beautiful Way”
Esther Ufomadu The Hueman UFO..Star…
Z is Zorro Zeina..the Z-ION…

In the Film Story James Bond and Roaul Silva are Brothers…
At least James Bond is adopted in to that House hold after his parents Die…
And he is Loved.. and..

Yes Moses Rameses….

And yes,it happened with Nnamdi and I…
But though there seemed to be that story repeated..
I was loved, but Nnamdi was seen first by many….
But that was because he was the Rep of the Past..
I was the Present yet to Flower or be recognized….

Here it is…

Here is a

Full Name
Tiago Rodriguez
Raoul Silva
Mr. Silva
A powerfully masterminded cyber-terrorist who was formerly an MI6 agent and affiliate of SPECTRE
High-level intellect, Strength, Manipulation, Firearm skills, Disguise master, Evasion
Selling cyber-mayhem to the highest bidder.
Causing destruction.
Antagonizing and taunting M.
Publicly disgrace and humiliate and then kill M for her perceived betrayal over turning him over to the Chinese years earlier (succeeded).
To destroy the MI6 Agency building (succeeded).
Kill James Bond (failed).
Type of Villain
Seeker of Vengeance, Terrorist, Mastermind
“ Think on your sins. „
~ Silva’s taunting message to M.
“ Hello, James. Welcome. Do you like the island? My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of. You could walk around it in an hour. But still, it was, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats! They’d come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid, then wired coconut to the lid as bait. And the rats would come for the coconut and… they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you have trapped all the rats. But what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it. And they begin to get hungry. And one by one… they start eating each other until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees. But now they don’t eat coconut anymore. Now they only eat rat. You have changed their nature. The two survivors, this is what she made us. „
~ Silva reflecting on M’s betrayal compared to a rat story.
Raoul Silva, originally named Tiago Rodriguez, is the main antagonist in the 2012 23rd James Bond film Skyfall. He is a powerful cyber-terrorist who was once an honorable MI6 agent in the past, but was betrayed by M when she turned him over to the Chinese people during his mission at Hong Kong, which later motivated him into exacting revenge on M by jeopardizing her before killing her.

He was portrayed by Spanish actor Javier Bardem, who also portrayed Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men, Felix in The Gunman and will portray Captain Salazar in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Early Life
Tiago Rodriguez was once a Brazilian agent of MI6, working under M when she was the head of Station H, an MI6 division based in Hong Kong before the Handover in 1997 (the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from the British to the Chinese). Hi

s relationship with M was similar to that of Bond’s, considering himself her “favorite”. For M’s part, she certainly held him in high esteem, telling Bond that he was a “brilliant” agent back then. Soon before the Handover, Rodriguez began acted beyond his professional duties, resulting in M turning him over to the Chinese in exchange for six other agents. For five months they tortured him for information, but he refused to give up his secrets. Upon learning it was M that gave him up, he tried to commit suicide, but the cyanide didn’t work and left him disfigured.

Rodriguez grew to resent M, becoming a cyber terrorist, changing his name to Raoul Silva, and began planning his revenge on her. He eventually gained two henchmen, alias Severine and Patrice.

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