
12/12/2013 19:25 – Facebook Post

Pan Door A

Pan Albert Enstien Eddington R Satan-a.

Pan Door Alpha.

We Came out of the Blue in the begining through the Portal of the Full Circle where Pan Vue…Saw.

The Half Billy Goat O half man..A Child to Man to Youth. through 7seven steps to understanding Harmony.
And not Pan-ic if at the opening the L.I.D of the Box and seeing an All seeing Eye of I, which is a Bulls Eye (B.E) of the Arieal View of the Pyramids of a United Field O seeing Full Circle…
The Eagle. I

(An the Advantage the Birds and the Military Jets, have over you,
You who see from down to across and rarely up.. and they who see from a different physical view…
Looking down on you.
Seeing A Map of the Ancients and a A Star Gate Code…

Which they could not open up…it kept leading them to Hell the black hole (b.h) but which can only be opened by a Being of Harmony B.H. Consciousness and Aware C.A. and able to Explain the Why of Energy..E.Y.E.
Which opens up the Umbiblic Chord link (Worm Hole) to the other side.

Thus, the “Curse” of the Pharohs and the mischievious smile of the Fair O’s..Pan O Rama, Pan View, Pan-The-On.

The First Fair O’s who where there at First Contact.

Anyone see the Movie
The Black Crystal…B.C?

Hummm Fifth Element?

The Secret of Opening Pan Vue of the Door of Al p Ha S Box.
(The riddle of the Pyramid)
Lay in the being Able to explan Energy…

E=C.M.E..4/3…Four Cee’s in One.
Which manifests at the speed of light C.

Emeka Nnamdi Obumnene.
E.N.O/O N.E…Hum A NE-O.

And the Energetic Consciousness you approached it with which creates the Electro Magnetic Current..5:28.
E.B.H. Energy Being in Harmony.
E, All Four 1 and One for All C!

Of course the Govt and Secret societies all over the “world” know about the Star gate.

But to open it and cross over to the Sunny side..”Elysium Fields” one must come clean.

Of course those searching for the “One Neo or Neo’s”, searched the world for candiates who radiated a natural frequency e-mission which can be traced by radars on humans emitting energy frequencies all over the world. And by using an alien advanced technology, warped of its pure use ( like Nuclear Atomic Energy)
To throw all likely candidates into the abyss, to see who would survive massive mental and physical pressure – chaos and find a way out map their way out.
(As these E. I has made me do publicly on F.B….

Of course it was a teleporter so even though u r physically here, you are mentally and emotionally, constantly stimulated (brain waves) condtsntly it also affects your physical body co ordination, as well as your life mirroring the reflection of what woulf translate as the consciousness Abyss.
Which is way beyond living Hell.

“Abandon All hope who Enter Here”

Of course most of the ignorant “know it All” public and Intelligesia were not aware of such technology in the hands of some government and ancient secret societies would not even entertain such a thought of something impossible to concieve…in their minds.

And of course those who did made sure it stayed A Crazy Bellevue thing…

Unless prove true.

Which was not my mission and purpose to alert the public, this public conversation and idea of transparency was not my idea….It was that of E.

So, yes I knew I spoke about and gave proof about a secret society spying on me and a “Sacred Website” from this Forum over a year ago.
About arriving here at this address seven years ago and “happening” to stumble upon a secret website which had uploaded my recently written creation story about the Family of Ten and my piece on the Systems of the Damned and the ones without Shelter called The Elegant Nomad T.E.N on their web site.
Its was listed on a coded form of 66 11 28….my numbers.

And it spoke about itself being a secret society devoted to finding the One.
and abducting candidates from all over the world.
It was so brazen because thier claims seemed so fanrastic to the “uneducated” that no one they knew would take them seriously, but more that they were inaccissible unless they wished to be found.
They made this perfectly clear.
*That is the beauty of the consciousness and being naturally in Harmony..you always “stumble upon” things which others go to great lengths to hide from you..secrets.
Or perhaps some one wished I see it.

Anyway, not being taken seriously by this human reality is not so hurtful if you consider the level of stupidity and ignorance ppl use here as a cover…or overlook things.

So yes I was alone, like all the others they threw in.
In which they state on a Public Site no less…that you would not even know or be aware what they had done to you because, it was meant to be impossible in this current state of world consciousness existing only in the realm of human imagination.

So yes..I was sent into that great Void, the unexplored anatomy of the human brain. But not by them, though they were allowed to think it was them and that they had the illusion of power.

But I was sent on a mission by E to not only rescue our truth but also all the candidates who were thrown in -many were going insane and were sent to Bellevue.
Many died or were permenantly damaged.
But no one I was sent to get.

…I got them All.
ungrateful Bastards.

And so I am back at the Pan Door A Albert.
Seven years full circle about to leave as I came but this time not alone..

We Arrived in secret, out of the Sky blue line and dropped off here alone, but now I Depart not alone but with my Royal Family thru the Royal Blue..From the Portal Pan Door Alp Ha, of the Mischievious Pan, Albert E.R.S..(A.R {I} S E), pretending to be Napping, mais Qui est Toute Vu…et Bu
Carried…but not alone.

I was here.

Remembering thru travelling thru Memory the room.

And so that was the secret of opening the Star Gate…the Star Gate third Eye.
The power so many sought since the world began after First Contact lay within each one of us.
Aware that there was a secret which those who sought it kept secret.
But the world suspected.
But the secret lay in a dimension and consciousness which can not be seen by the naked Eye nor does it Exist in the physical world.
It can only be seen through the sixth sense of Vision Imagination V.I..and the Dimension of Energy Truth
(I fun nnanya love) and of course the C 4 C5 Consciousness of the other side

The Sunny Funnier side of Life…After Death.

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