
12/11/2013 22:55 – Facebook Post

The Truth of the Pretending Napping Pan Door A and the M.D…E Full Circle O..leaving forever the Past behind.

Hello would like to Welcome my 161 friend. Mihir Dixit.


A.F.A. in Nri Igbo means Name.

16=P the Letter P
A =1

P.A…Praise and Appreciation.

Code Pawan Aurora.
Breeze of Dawn.

(Had a brief texting with Dawn Chimento today)


Mihir Dixit..

Mihir means..”Sun” in ancient Han…

…And though attributed to Hindi it is actually Persian.
from Mithra..
As in Mithrander…the Name of Gandalph in Lord of the Rings..as well as Merlin the Magician in the Celtic Tale of King Aruthus and the Round Table…the Full Circle.

Dixit means Provider of Knowledge..Adept a Priest who provides ritual Knowledge.

D is 500 in Roman Numericals.
IXI is 911….
9+11= 20.
T is 20 in the Alphabet.

20/20 Vision..
Eagle Eye.

5 00 is 911 to a T
E .O2 is 911

520/20.. 45..
My brother April 5th
Nnamdi “Father I.S.”

My youngest Brother is Called Boom! Boom! (Obum Micheal)
He was born 5-20.

C Emeka Nnamdi Obum
C -E.N.O.

Mihir Dixit;

M.D…Medical Doctor.

Meaning if name;
The Sun is the provider of knowledge.
It is the full Circle of the one ring of magic which unites all.
It is the Adept and priest of ritual Initiation.
It is also the Rsys of Energy E is the source of the power of Nourishment: (Photosynthesis),
Destruction or Terror.
Like the Serpents Venom it can be a Cure or Poison….

Medical Doctor who can Heal.
E.T. Who can bring the power to Restore or Destroy.

The Sun can be a source which nourishes life but so can it be a black hole which pulls you into the abyss.

*See last Posts.

Life and Death
Power of G O D. 74/47 OO
Power of the Full Circle
Power of the Lord of the Ring of Fire.
Death 47 D.G.O
Life 74 G.D.O.
All Power is O

4 forms a square
(four points of view to form the Bulls Eye of seeing from above that the Pyramid is really a square)

7 The seven rainbow colors
7 Days week
7 Energy Chakhras
7 Ages of Man

4 expand to 7 (Violet Ether)
28..2 8= B.H.

Being in Existence requires Evolution in the Square to see the through Consciousness the Full Circle of Things in Clarity7 which allows you to step out of the box (which is the Body: comprised of four Elements) and become the Magician 8 who sees the Harmony in oneself and in all things.
Thus, One is able to step Back into the body to become a Being of sixth sense Harmony.
By stepping in and out of oneself to get a better view.
Making you both the point-Existence, as well as the full Circle- G.OD/Galaxy.
Which together forms the Unified Verse…United Field O.
(yes you are the U.F.O as well as the I.)

Thus, through a play of in and out..thru breathing- step into your body/buddy to experience. And outside of the body (and play) to Observe..your Body Being Bud Dy.e
You eventual balance out into O.N.E..ENO…

*I love Brian Eno’s Music. B.E.

Then Evolituon: Transformation begins in both Energy Consciuosness and Body Being.
Which crosses you over from the Square and gets you out of the trapped “in a Box”- (Coffin) and releases you from the “Viscious Cycle-“Circle of the Life’s Illusion Death :L.I.D.

This is the True meaning of Pan Door A box.
When the Lid is opened in is not Chaos one sees but Order and Harmony…A door Portal.enabling you to cross over to the Other side
called the Son-N.Y. Side of Life…
But only a Being Harmonious can open the Lid of the Box.

I am currently in my Host place..The Portal and the Door.
He has always called himself Pan but in the last few days he keeps in reminding me of that name.
Albert ED win..
Albert Einstien and Eddington His brother who lives on the 5th floor is called Eddie..his sons Royal and Reign.
The Mother of his sons Ritz and her Daughter Majestic.

Pan Door Albert E

Yes, he is Pan who pretends to Nap…but is awake…mischevious…naughy…can create Pan I.C…if you do not Cee.
You will see Chaos and not the Truth.
You will see the Black hole
not the yellow gold warmth of the Son.

Instead of a Portal home is seen only with and thru the third eye..
6 sense with reason 6
no more ying yang 69.
Bt 66..12…3
The One Eye..I Fixed.

Today Dec 12th.

“To my palace I go!
Thru the Ritz 10E (T.E.N.E…”Tene” take in french)
N.Y C…E.”

Not the Two eyes…deciet.

Pan Door A.
Pan Door Alpha.

I am Pan View Pan O Rama
Pan the On, The Circle of Pan.
The Pan Vue E Saw All…

This is the place of my the Full Circle Complete.
The Lid Opened.
Stepping out of the Box
The Viscious Cycle
The Full Circle
back to First Contact
With my First Family
Who.made first Contact with Pan as Half Billy Goat half Man in the Alpha Begining of Children evolving to.Man then Youth…M.Y..through Natural Youth..N.Y. by retaining a sense of Humour.
We had arrived out of the Blue and I leave this place out of the Royal Blue in a blink link E.T…I.Eye.

Pan Door Alpha.
In and now Out
(Breath Ume!)
From Napping Pan (pretending) A.E.
To the Awakened Pan
back to his home
To Truth. E.C.K.

Being physically present here but not here and not physical or consciously present here.
Because you have now been “magical” transformed.
You are not from here, yet you are from here you are the same but totally different.
You are E.T.

Existence is 47+74+O O..O2

121 with OO Ritz.

E is 12-1OO.
Completion if Cycle 1 year.
Went to 12 Hall St.
Brookyln..County of Kings.
Picked Winter Coat
Once Belonged to Pianist Singer P.S. John Legend.

Now Belongs to Poet Story Teller Scientist Film Maker
E Leg End.

1 to 100.
100th Sacred Drawing Pan.
revealing Face.
1to 1

One to One with the two Sources of the Full Circle.
E.T…is 100.
5+20 is 25.
2 5..B.E.

1 to 5

1+2+5 is 8..Harmony
86 O

Dear Mithir Dixit this is a play where I am speaking with Existence and G OD and getting the responses from them thru the Harmonious perfect timing of how ppl respond to my posts thru the meanings and codes of their names…
I get stimulated from within..I write then (ET) D.N.A/And they respind thru ppl.

You, and what you represent are so welcome…

D.MT…Ancient Kingdom of Ethiopia-Kush.

AFA M.D Emeka Kolo E.K

Meaning The Name of the Magician Wizard Son…the Medical Doctor Who can Cure or poison..Restore or Destroy, Make Rise Nourish or Make Fall into the Abyss by moving objects on a Table is named Emeka Kolo…E.K which means Strength in Nri Igbo…

Strength is the true source of power which comes from Love and Truth…12 20

Dec. 11/12/13..

Dutch Airlines

*The Dutch where the first trading company to arrive in New York.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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