
12/10/2020 21:03 – Facebook Post

Sacrificial Lamb. L. AM B.
LA! M.B.

1:29 pm.
A B I…AT E 001/

J L 2020.
Code 22.

Jeron Satya S Lang Liberty C Lisomb came over today at 10:00 am.

J L is the date.

It was a marvelous meeting with myself Kim, Jeron, and Liberty, but it was also of an indescribable quiet pain to come face to face with how I was used by this force behind this scripted play of the conditions imposed before there could be an Evolution Awakening and the play of which Humanity has earned extinction.

Liberty is back with Tom, which did not surprise.. and yet it did.
And the two of them also have joyous news, which the wills share with the world.

They are now a family, but Liberty recognizes the truth of at what cost to me, what was done to me.. well at least to the degree which enables her line to qualify.

1:40 pm

The code she also gave to me 140 as N O… A D O.

Intel Arden Morgan Tom in Maryland all working together.
AH-Tom and A-Tom.
Mary is Myrrh. ” Cherished Beloved”

A TM is A=33. Kim is 33. 3-3=1..6..9.

Mary Land
M L = 25.
J L today’s Date. Jeron & Liberty.

I spent all night, tossing and turning with this Body moving me about, watched a movie “Motherless Brooklyn” ( MB) with nin stop stimulation and the absolute awareness that Absolute Death is here and in me.
How was I to see them again? Jeron and Liberty… pain and hurt were coming to me again but in truth, I had no PTSD, rather a dull sense of quiet incredulity of just how much the power behind this play is indifferent to me and my personal feelings.
And the incredulity that this my experience is actually real.
This is really happening, this is not only possible, that this my actuality… a nightmare more terrible than one can imagine of being used seen as the lowliest slave.
And a reflection of this reality through the play created to demonstrate how far people are willing to go and still not publicly give you credit, no matter what you do for them.
And how far they will go to hold onto the use of the pure the clean to use as Living Sacrifices and how much that is worth to them even the ones they claim hat they love.

I am not even referring to Liberty, she did not set me up, take over my body and forced me to prove that the world is awakening, evolving and facing their extinction and place me in such positions circumstances which allowed people to do their worst while I sat by posting, enduring the abominations allowed to be done to my soul and core.
Publicly posting, and knowing how others benefit, while everything I desired for a basic existence was denied while I played the evilest vile and insidious idea of what humanity called Love.

That which denies and negates one’s Existence Body and Being to a point that you are made to vanish, your truth, your own existence.
To be seen and negated, intentionally for their needs because their needs, their desires… greed.. glutonny .. Seven Deadly Sins.
Seven Deadly Seals
Seven Deadly Signs.

That they would lie, not tell the whole truth even after having gained a the lotto of winning, earning a seat to paradise after the most expensive private homeschooling and house call from “Professor of Beauty and Doctor Love” which Luke Simons article, written in 2010-2011 at 97 Green Street Maha Rose.

The Source E ( T S E) as a man, undercover and then out in the open.
Who would lie at that last possible moment when they are home free?
At the very gate and foyer where one waits for their flight?

Do you know the story of the Scorpion and the Frog?

After all, I have done, I have to endure this?

This slap, in the face of which anything can be done to a person, his body can be invaded, he can solve all the riddles of existence, right down to the Nucleus.

This script has no Humanity, no soul, no feelings except rage, and the desire to sacrifice the greatest of its most beautiful truth- even if she, he, they happens to be the Source.

It’s a cold indifferent script.. absolute death.
A Machine.

And also the hatred, the vindictive malice, and the way it lies…
A Raging, Ravaging Beast.

See Sacred Portal 66.

And yes, I am watching the movie “Ford versus Ferrari ”

T L L T…Tom Liberty, Liberty Tom.
2012- 1.220. T L A V O…

10 12-2020… J.L..= 22 V Victor.

Full Circle 219 South Whitney- its a Script moved by that which is most Demonic and monstrous in Humanity.

It is only concerned with the result, the bottom line.
The codes being aligned in perfection and it is indifferent to the cost or the price the cost but responds in rage if it does not get what it wants.

This is, of course, the fear everyone has about humanity, that mistrust of each other.. how easily we brush under the rug or minimize.. or even dismiss that and those who came and brought True Love.

For Pete’s sake.. I have given away all the answers in my post for 8.11 years.
The codes everything is here, so how can it be a test if all the answers are already given?

True Love Loves Truth.
Its really quite logical, and easy to read- and see why I refused- no one in his right mind would place themselves in the hands and will of humans so filled with the need for peace and comfort, peace of mind while suffering from a collective PTSD and spend their lives being shat on to bring evolution and awakening.

I would rather let the whole world sink into its deserved Cause & Effect of oblivion than have ever agreed to endure such a script.

I personally have finally come to my conclusion and summary, that even for a script designed to prove Humanity out of existence as a species, even for that.. that the script went just way too far, in allowing me, and anyone with the seed of True Love naturally flowing in them, to be used as dish rags- slaves who have no say.

Oh, I am aware of the play of the species, from world war 1… and 2, how the collective thought process worked on the use of power, and its subconscious denial and that little voice saying this is wrong, overrides the use of the easy way out, that rationalization of using a man woman or child as a slave even to enslave another’s soul.

We see this in many fantasy storybooks, film movies depicting this, but where do these ideas come from and why was I made to live witness and experience this.
The rationalization, the hushing that voice, the denial of what you are doing, and how it is not your fault.
The keeping quiet, not telling the whole truth.
Better to play silent, than to rise up in fury and declare that this is wrong.
Is no wonder, that the moment I arrived in New York, this condition began to develop, already in anticipation that anyone in their right mind will run, or kill themselves than endure what was laid out, in store for them to walk.
Of course, the binding of my body was not all the excuses the people who were gaining from this use and abuse of me and those other sacrificial Lambs, treated so heinously.. of course, it is always others and not them.

If there was ever a time Humanity should have pleaded guilty, and felt shame…
It is at this conclusion.

5 years ago I entered a shelter for the truth.
4 years ago, I found myself set up to enter Delta Manor.
4 months ago I left 900 South Road after passing through the worst set up in my entire life and experience of the play.

40 years ago 1980.
4 years ago 2016
4 months. 900 South Road.

Leap Day.
Jump Year…
J O Y.

Middle names of the two left standing in the play and one line arriving just in time late.

Arthur Victor C. ( Liberty as C)

A V C…. / C V A… C V 3-22 code linked to the E-manual = 25. Y.

Alexa Vertfeuille is C.

Arden Victorious Cee.

Alexander Victor Chukwuemeka
Curriculum Vitae Consciousness ( Creation)
Sacred Portal 85.

Tom was born in 1985.
Chris her ex-husband 5-8-1977.
Date 5-8, Year 85

There is something people are not seeing

A V C- C V A is obviously that which is past because A V C is the present which can be read as A Victorious Consciousness.
Arden Victorious Creation.
Alexander Victor Chukwuemeka
Author Victorious Cee.

So backward it is C V A…
C V A would mean my Curriculum Vitae is Arden.
Meaning reaching Arden, even though not setting out to find him is the conclusion of my Curriculum Vite.

Here is, it says the embodiment of my expression from A-Z to A.

Recognition at First Sight.
and then the code C I A…
1979 Mind Control.
I passed through that portal for a day, after being away for 1 year and a day ( 101 bed at Delta Manor.
Carved on door of that hideous Cell was the words Juan.
Juan Aguilar J A/ A J.

Mental Health.
Mari Juana. M J/ J M.

When I left that space the next day I landed on bed 007.
Double OO there are two people here in this apartment who K J.
I moved here just 11 days before Kims 33rd birthday.
Jae Sherman arrived here on the 10th J.

Today is the 10 12 and Liberty and Jeron arrived.
It was pleasant and a Joy to see Jeron, which is what Jae tried to describe the sound and sensations she felt as she latr recounted as he heard Jeron and I playing.. and later with Kim.

Bella Lovejoy is the correct code.. love brings Joy.
Beautiful Love & Joy
Being 22 V.
Being Victor
Being Victorious.

A C V.. and C V A
A I C… and C I A is already telling a story.
I have already proven Ardens Harmony to the date 8-6-2020.
86 is the Heater her… etc…

So who commissioned the E Manual, if Arden is the point I had to reach.

Mind Control.. C I A?
Bellvue instead of
Belle Vue.
Bella Vue…
Which is of course has been my unwavering attention and focus despite the absolute heinous nature of this play of power and deception.

And who lies when they have earned and gained a seat to Eden Paradise and at the last minute is examined ( not by me) but does not tell the whole truth- does not come Clean and Transparent.

Ever hear of the story of the Scorpion and the Frog.

7:06 pm.

Of course, I was aware last night that something was going on- my room was filled only with Army looking clothes, courtesy of Kim and and the cloths I am left with.
They were Flung on the large black bean bag.
My pillow is a large cushion-shaped as a log.
I realized that I was in the Army just as I had figured out when i was sent to the Shelters.

Jae Sherman intel when she arrived her was PTSD from this “Bloody” journey to reach Peace of mind here with myself and Kim.

What is th trauma of World War 1 and 2… which never stopped and made men seek power brute strngth and all costs…
And which war is it only physical…
I watched the Motherless Brooklynn.
Kim is always at Brooke street here, and Lynn is Jae’s middle name.
And Chris Filgueira mothers name.

So who really sent me to explain through such a process that which aligns to Mind Control 1997.
Liberty’s blessing was conceived on 9-7-2020 and her code she used to describe it was Sept 7, 77 the play of which when I lived here, on the 3rd floor when the play of the Seven Seals took place with Tom convinced that he was Lucifer, and gently trying to persuade him that it was a play and a character in a story and he was being framed as the Darkest Incarnation of it – because I knew that he was of the Nnamdi Line.
It was Tom who sent me the first pictures photos of Jeron.
And it was here that Liberty had sided with Tom before my eyes knowing fully well the truth I represented.
That was put to rest with my passing through Jesse Maccias Orejula;s portal.
And then Liberry arrived after breaking up with Tom.
Tom Cat T C. Tom and Christopher.

Jaguar Nana- my Austrian Japanese girlfriend ( A J ) whom I called Diana in my journals.
Tiffani Diana.
But whose real name is Nana.
Nana Adwoa Aboabea Sikapa

Now see how Liberty moved me to connect with Fahad Hassen who uploaded my E manual on 3-22-2020 the 2nd day of my arrival in New York, USA.
Via Nick…
Jae Sherman sent me a thing just today called “N I C”

Fahad Hassen uploaded my post in 3-22… = C V..

It means Beautiful Leopard. B L 9 L B Light Bringer… Lucifer.
Black Panther is a Leopard
Beautiful Pride.

Both these are Beautiful Assassins hunters apex predators…

C V A… C I A…

Alexa Vertefuille
1979 Intel

A Victorious C.

Recall my article The Elegant Nomad and my reason for going to the shelter, for the article Manny Brown ( M B) of William Morris W M 69 asked me to write for Diane Sawyer… I met Eric…
Link Eric Lile E Brown who escorted me and we went via School Bus where I met David Brown, a literally Genius of Lyrical expressions..
Lyra Lies..is not strange for one who is pure of heart..? Children only lie when they are afraid.
Adults have no respect for the truth and do it not out of fear but more out of power by concealing and revealing that which is true.

Recall, how I stated that he was on the run, hiding because no one believed him when he insisted that he was being harassed and bullied by he C I A, who had sought to recruit him and because he refused, they made his life a misery.

And so that which really made me write this Emanual was also was aware that that which had sought to change my Intention but did not, could not was already on the scent and had set a trap.

Big Bean Bag…. I realized that i am floating sitting on top of the Black Hole.
The Toilet Seat.
Flushing Queens.
That is where I landed 3-22-2001 At Jamaica Queens but Flushing Queens to be precise.

7:43 pm.

Of course, Liberty will have to be transformed back to his true form.

C V A… C I A Central ( Centered) I A.. Central Intelligence Agency. Curriculum Vitae Awareness is all the past… present.

This is present…
A I C… I.

A-A V I..C C…

A-A V I A- F.

I will not give you the summary, or what all took place here, the connections the meaning.
No, I will leave this to you with the bare minimum facts.
And leave to you to draw your own conclusions as to what it all means.

Army A R M Y… Back Hole…

I am exhausted with this role of playing Private Detective for “Motherless Brooklyn… Brook and Lynn.”
M B.
Manifest Bella
Beautiful Man.

I am watching Ford vs Ferarri.
F F.
Sacred Portal 66.


Jaguar Nana!
Nana Adwoa Aboabea Sikapa

A clue ANA. N
Anastasia Anastasia

7:54 pm.

For the record…

55:70 last intel from Liberty.
E E G O.

A Spy.

But affairs of the Heart… Love can make one blind to the one blind spot in one’s perception- the one whose point of view and eyesight is greater than yours.
Who sees that which can not see- with a world people infected by the idea that they can get away with everything.

Bella Lovejoy
Love Conquers

No one can, Seven 7…?
Not 97 John Mack Mackayla Burgos. J M M B… 97 was not included.

please see sacred portal 7.
see Square Waves gift…
7 7= 49 go back to bed 49 and begin my journey mission
walk in my shoes.

8:00 pm

The Blue Flame in Harmonious Being.

The Result…?

of this its conclusion…
frankly my dear, I really don”t give a damn this is not my script, and no longer am I obliged to alert and explain.
which allows for many, the element of Surprise.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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