
12/10/2016 19:47 – Facebook Post

1:41 p.m.

Full Circle 141


A.D….( 1+4=5=E) A.D..E.A.M…

At Delta ( Anno Domino) Evolution A.M… ( A.D…Awakening- Dawn)

10-12-2016….10-12-36….. A.O- L-C.F…1O-3-9… A.O.C.I…

Alpha Omega Consciousness Infinity…

12-10-9…. L.J.I… L.A O.I….
LA (121 See Sacred Portal)… Light/ Life Love- Alpha Omega I…

1.47 p.m.


Yes, I am doing the necessary things to leave the country in order to get proper facilities for what is happening to my body, which though very important, it acts as a Veil and cover to a Convergence of things which is really happening and which has implication both beautiful beyond your wildest imaginations and a horror beyond your wildest Nightmares…

First a re-cap of yesterdays play which involved the linking of myself to Kerwyn Vincent who was also used in a play to reach the last 2 and then finally the 1 Line of which closes the “Flower of Life’ Ending this Story of the Milky Way 69 “Camera” transformed to the C.AM..ERA…

*Which I why I keep noting the Rooms Numbers and bed Changes in the Shelter I was led to go to… First for 4 weeks at Atlantic Bedford just after 9 11 when all my documents and half my Luggage was stolen… Where I met Eric and then David who claimed ( an turned out he was telling the truth.. ) that the C.I.A. where harassing him to join in their Intelligence Organization which he had refused…

Then after 14 years of finding myself not only mysteriously being forced to live with one New Yorker after another over a period of 14 years… while at first fighting tooth and nail to get out what I knew was a mission from the 5th Dimension I remembered for the Children (Humanity) to correct and realign their expression of History…
But also another “Intrusive Expression’ of what I call the Ancients.. The Noble Past but also the Evil Past, who had sacred knowledge and sciences hidden from most of Humanity and who had done the unthinkable…
They had betrayed the Beautiful Ones- those Light Beings who came Back from the Future ( The True Past) to Help Humanity Evolve…
These E.T beings were of course Humanity themselves but as their most Evolved Self, Evolution having ALREADY been achieved in the Very beginning of their Awakening Rising… Because they came from their Big Brother

*( Who later had to play the role of their Father -Guide to create a play, a story a Narrative called the Milky Way and the Planets 9 with the 7th/ 3rd as Planet Earth…to recount to them they came to be who they are..Symmetrical Perfection in Everything… And this play was created for them to Experience it for themselves so that they could know it as a Fact not simply because their Loving Big brother Loved them so much…
Which they thought was simply because he was their Big Brother.. and could not understand the depth of Love he had for them.. It scared them..
But it was not because of Love that he Loved them so much,
and He created a play to educate them as to why…

Which is of course, he could SEE then and by being Consciouses of them, because he was also Seeing and thus being Conscious of his own Self….
And this is the End point of that Theater Play…of the Two Sides.. The E.T line of Beauty, the Evolved Beauty Ones, and the Line of Humanity… The Two Converging Finally… to One Species as their Big Brother… BB… 22…
Which was completed yesterday with the Play of Kerwyn Vincent…
K.Rawles Vincent…. Linked to my brother or self as the Past now passed Nnamdi Obiekwe David Roman Nicholas…John…)

I have other pressing issues right now, and have to post about ..

But I must complete yesterday equation….

Kerwyn Vincent was tested yesterday…
If he could equal for a moment the Rage I have been holding in me, for 48-9 years…
I have never resorted to physical violence except Twice in Boarding School…
And this was because of a directive and mission which began at age 18 months when my Evolved Spirit already fully activated asked me to Piss in my fathers food while he was eating…
I knew why but was of course, aware that that was a kind of suicide…
But my Father was a product of Warriors of the physical body, who used Violence and true Rage to dominate others…
It was not fully his fault, but rather the inherited notion of what a Man is… You Fight and Beat your opponent…
I knew that I was to represent the E consciousness even then, which sought to evolve that brutality in Man, (and Manipulation in Woman) which were the Ancient ways.. To the True Ancient Way as witnessed by the OINRI Warriors of Peace which my mother came from…

I did it, and it launched a Brutal War with my father ( who loved me in his own way, because he knew I was not a weal sissy pretty boy child, I fought him every day and though scared of his beating which would leave me bloody, neighbors calling the police and my mother convinced he would kill me…I never once backed down from a fight or challenging him when I felt he was wrong or disobeying him, knowing the consequence…)
Following my birth my Real Father Nnamdi was Born….
He was my Real Father because not only did he remember me and I him. but because he was my Past.
Yes, ones past is your Father Guide Sensie…
It is the one who can really bite you in the Ass…

And compared to my Gentle Brother who represented the direct opposite of my Brutal Fathers manner….who was a gentleman in his own way- but who just could not control his Explosive Temper…
A Temper so Explosive and intense, that he would foam and forget what he did or how far he had gone when beating me….
My brother had the same Dangerousness but in Spirit…
My younger brother 69… MW 69 was a Spirit Warrior… O.I.N.R.I..Igbo… My Bio physical father was a Physical Warrior…
Built like an athlete and who walked on his toes and moved like a Black Panther….
While my Brother was so physically Beautiful it left people in England Canada Nigeria in awe of him, and concealed his Will… extraordinary….

And I was caught in the Middle….

I have an Elder Sister and so for a long time I was a middle Child until my youngest brother OBoom was born 4 years after Nnamdi….in Canada…

Thus, the play of my life even after my brother Nnamdi passed away- some say murdered by my Father or set up- I knew of course the Truth, Non one could Murder Nnamdi, unless it was his intention to chose that as his own manner of Death…
He was born on Easter Spring.. and left that Day and let me know in Dec 1981.. when he had decided to Leave…
American Indians, West African Children and children from every culture since the birth of time…

3;14-3.15 p.m… P.I

… Have displayed this ability….

He was making a statement… He passed one full circle and a Day from the time he was born…

O.1… O.A… Omega Alpha…
810 Face book Friends…. H.A.O…/ O.A..H…

And so Kerwyn Vincent represented the M.W 96 as both my Bio Fathers Violent Side as well as Nnamdi’s Violent Side..
One expressed through Physical Fighting… and the other through the power of Expression.. the Word as A Sword and Breath and Air being its Medium to carry it forward.

The day that I was set up in the play of my 5th Fight in a space of a Few weeks.. ( All because of the condition of this Energy in my body causing me to constantly move but in graceful motions of a Jedi- Samurai -Ninja – and Supernatural… All the insults I had to endure as I saved peoples life’s without them knowing it, or thosewho did denying it.. And being set up to play such a role of seeming to turn the others Cheek which is not my Nature… I always Fight Back and never Back down from confrontation if is justified… And here I was being constrained in a role, so ridiculous… A Ridiculous notion of Christ, when even in this movie- I was cast as Holy E-Spirit…
But I could not even use my tongue to lash people because they- they Jesus Story characters Angel were saying that the people did not know what they do.. Which I challenged…
They Know Exactly what they do…
Which this play ending up being about in the 4th Dimension play of the so called 1444 Ascended Masters….

So when I called Kerwyn Vincent after the Fight that was never going to happen but which that point had already been reached when there was only David Dawn.. ( A Code) and Ja-son another code present.. And who saw that contrary to the gossip spreading in that place that “Emeka does not fight” saw a different picture and began to scream Security when he saw that somehow both of them got it wrong…
Chuckle.. I know there are security cameras in the Rooms…
And History will soon bring them out to reveal what really happen, but I am too much of a gentleman to tell…

But when I called Kerwyn Vincent it was already over, and i had called him because of the play…
I wished to see who he really was…
Words or Action…
He came and I saw the Energy and expression he came with..
Infront of everyone, my body rose and twisted and patted his shoulder… And It ( not I sent him away.. I felt the energy in me satisfied with him…but I was not… I have E.S.P.. I saw something else which had to be checked and cleaned…
Especially following an expression which urged me to continue the Work..
Which is why I asked him for the 20 USD….

But he passed that test set up by me the E.T man and by my E-Spirit who knew exactly why I was dis satisfied…
He did not Know my True Name.. that was obvious…
And there was an expression going around that he had protected me…
It was not words it was a frequency I picked up easily in the Air…

Yet he testified to me, thrice that when he passed me, that not only did I stand tall, with no Fear… not an iota…
But that he and the wonderful most observant security guard who discerned what no other person or Doctor had discerned…
“His Body is causing his muscles to me and he has to constantly stretch and at 24/7 for 15 years… He is Exhausted…”

I recall staring at Martinez… and even as I lay there, on the ground unable to move, I was so amazed I shouted out for a second and said Thank you you are the Most Intelligent Man…

But Kerwyn Vincent had stated that He had caught the scent of Death… Death around me.. and on a massive scale….
And that Martinez had confirmed it – that he smelt Death too…

Please recall the play of the day before I collapsed of Death…
Heather Dowling Post… H.D… Grim Reaper was projected on the World Mirror and echoed back through here…
H.D.. Is 48… See my sacred portal 48…
It is me as Beautiful Death… B.D../ D.B… Room 4 B…
Time now 3:42… C..D.B… Room 3A Bed 302 to 4B… 416…
See sacred Portal 48…”Beautiful Death”
Witness as my incarnation my Marina Burini who took Igbo gaine to investigate and saw a man occupying the same space as I in Tom Trumans Loft as I instead was the Man I drew as she described him…

Thrice Kerwyn Vincent said he smelt Death and with his, linked to Martinez who also smelt it confirming it quietly to Zion Kerwyn…

I even went out of my way and broke my Silence and told E.L in front of Will that I am carrying Death as a Vibration in me incarntedas Existential Death as the End by all the provocation to Anger and rage by the injustice I had endured and never submitted to or accepted but swallowed imbibe and promised a response…
It is even in Face Book… That Wrath…
But still I was violent to no one….

And so Kerwyn Vincent linked to Nnamdi and my bio father Maurice…
Nnamdi David Obiekwe
Maurice I.K (911) Obiekwe… they share the same middle name…
David Maurice… D.M… Delta Manor…

And so Kerwyn Vincent was tested with just one Spoon full of what I had endured…
And when I came back, he was coming down the stairs we met in perfect convergence and with his usual astute I.Q…
He understood because by the time I finished the posting which was all about his line, yesterday.. and after he had called me after I called out his own violent past and we had clarified…
“Which story are you in I had finally bellowed.. this is not about Right or Wrong.. you already acknowledged… Which story are you in Jah Fire or the E line Truth which is not a Story…”
Finally he said “The Evolved Truth of course..’
Then Act like it..
Because Judgment Day.. J.D.. is about being set up in an impromptu exam test to see which “Wolf” or Consciousness you will reach for..
And this is how they place you…
The same way people are assessed by the Assessment Shelter..
The same way people are assessed fora Job..
And Big Brother Watching You!

George Orwell…
804 Face Book friends 5 Times…
See Sacred Portal 84.. See the Demon Behind the Couple…
The created by the refusal to acknowledge the Feminine Expression which held the Male up… And see the Sad Pineapple Girl whose Spirit is not given her Due, and thus imbalance!

And men Fight…. huh? Nonsense….

Women bring you into this World Bearing a Pain YOU Male and female give them.. they nurse you and love you despite you taking so much away from them, until you get older and can correct the balance… Unless they are Selfish parents….

When I met with Kerwyn Vincent he told me that in the Space I had completed the play of only expressing for him..to link to me… and to Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka….
That a person called Lorenzo and he had come to almost blows.. an old friend of his, and Kerwyn Vincent is just set to leave the Shelter having found a great apartment and all of a sudden this, provocation which could take it away in an instant…
He understood…
He was pushed to rage over something which he was justified to go to rage…
Hogging the bathroom and being civil.. and asking to please use it…
Zion is a Big Guy almost as Tall as I am and with more girth to my steadily elongating slim body…
He has a lady in his life, and family brethren and friends here…
I have nothing.. none of that, not even one friend..
Not Dewight Smith who I have not heard from…
Not anyone here and no family, none I could turn to…
Dean Dunkwu is great but I have not seen him in 34 years and suddenly I springing on him that I have enhanced my Electro Magnetic Field to affect physical reality through Expression and now can summon Existential Death with a Look.. Death Ray…
all the while with not a dime to my name while posting from a Mental Health Housing Shelter….

Recall Face Book friends who Lorenzo is in this play…?
Geff Lacour…
As well as the Father of Jonn Blackwell.. John Delguidce…JD..
Recall J=10.. D=4… 104… Please see Sacred Portal 104…
“Crossing Death”
C.D… 3 4… Emeka Kolo room 3 – 4….3A 4B…

So you see why I can afford to ACT any way I chose…
When you Know.. you carry the ultimate Fear..
Death as THE END… As in no more you…
And the power to bring Pain that no fist fight, knife sword gun, torture at Guatamo Bay, in the Torture Chambers of Ancient Egypt…
Passion of Christ, Tearing my body apart, mental torture, name it it has been done to me to my Spirit which is worse than the body….
The pain is deeper…
But I survived it all.. Did it Hurt… Gezzus Yes…
But I had the Truth that it is not Real.. And as long as I focused on that Truth…
I could riddle it out…

No there is an End which Zion Z- ION… World war Z…
Brad Pitt and Martinez Smelt… and Kiera the lady who was there when I really fell the first time when I Saw Existential Death before me…

And then saving peoples lifes, who repay me with Gossip, Betrayal and abandonment… Even after “being Set up to Collapse Twice’- just to see who really cares…
Who is sincere, and who just wished to use me, either my I.Q. or the set me up so they could look tough challenging the “Britsih guy they thought was a Fraud pretending to speak that way….

Kerwyn Vincent of course passed.. but Whew… He understood what it takes to hold it in…When the Bathroom was the same play I was in with Jason bed 418… D.R… and Gossip bed 417…. D.Q… And then bed419.. F.F… Who I overherard telling Counsellors about Cuba Gooding Junr and how he is really trying to protect the World from what is to come…..

Zion was born in a House number 302….
He was born Dead for Three Days.. until finally brought to life by Breath…
He was Fallen of Roof of the Apollo theater in front of people and somehow was rebounded back up to the roof by some pulley or contraption which caused the fall..

He has had Electricity from an enormous industrial power plant pass through him instead of electrocuting his ass….
He survived…
He has died so ,any times that he has begged for Death to end it all..

If any one knows the scent of Death.. He Does…

My bed is 3002….

I had on the 10th 3 new Face Book Friends…
On the 11th 3…

It suddenly changed to 10th 2..
and the 11th 3….
Ga La XY C.I…10 11….

3 02…. The House he was Born…. 302…
Three Days he was Dead… on the 3rd Day breath was breathed into him and he woke up…
I was that one Present…

Just as I was the One Present Kwame of bed 33 recognized when he was dying in Germany…

They people gave me Clonazepam 0.5..
and Gabapemtin….. I have never taken medication in 22 years…
Zion is Room 5C..Bed 22….

I am not meant to take such things… I did the research and was horrified… And they wished me to take this 3 times a Day….!
When both the Doctors at the Shelter- the one wearing Justice Tarot and the other Doctor Leonidad… Had prescribed One tablet a day for High blood pressure and Doctor Leonidad had done something very strange on hearing where I was..
He asked me to give him my personal number and told me that the pill I was meant to take was red.. alittle red pill…
And the other Doctor told me that that we would look at the muscle thing later…

No diagnosis for Schizophrenia… from any of them..
Cassandra told me she is not qualified…
Then who did…/
I am aware that this prescription was given to me to calm or tranquilize me, just in case..
Dewight Smith was sent away.. and he did have my back… That I know.. in his Ninja way…

They want peace in a place which they have limited resources to deal with people who should be getting special care… not because they are homeless but because many of them are Homeless because of their conditions… and their ignorance or lack of education of the proper care…

My life has been put in Danger, the second time in a week, not for malice as far as I can tell but to keep a Shelter Running which really is of the best in New York, and to help people… which limited funding underqualified Staff…
Some who are Angels and others Demons..
Just like their Clients…
Each having chosen a Side…
With none yet, that I have met seeking to see the Full Picture the Full Circle of the Cause and Effect which links all.

4:48 p.m… D. Sacred Portal 48
4:49 P.M.

Emeka Kolo James Bond 007 6 5 4 3…02…210…..B.J…002-1

The Elegant Nomad 2001..

The System Has to Evolve
Death as Disease from the Human Consciousness being so filthy is manifesting.. Is here…

6:47 pm.. contd

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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