
12/1/2016 22:18 – Facebook Post

7:15 p.m.
G.O….”5th Dimension in Japanese”

1-12-9… See Sacred Portal 112 A B.

1- 3- 9…..A..C.I… Awareness to Creation-Infinity…..Individuality Conscious Awareness… I.C.A… Institute of Contemporary Arts…
(London… where I was once invited to show my work on Consciousness)



The La! of Infinity has been reached…
Limitless Awareness I,,,

L.A.I.D… LA.I.Delta….
D.I.A,L… 288 48 84…. Correct Code.. not 2 88 48 83…

Meaning I have gone beyond that code given to me by Erik E-Brights Supreme Self…. Nna-Father Supreme… F.S…
S.F… SK.Y…F.A.L.L…
By having Enacted 2884884.. Going beyond the Patience of Death…
Represented by the R.M..S…Space.. D… Death….
R.,M,S.D…. ROOM with a View is Governed by the Principal
Santana Dharma… Eternal Order.. Eternal Law…
And Evolved to “Chill”- meaning Harmony…
Everything having checked out in the 5th World and the 3rd World..
(Earth Jupiter…E.J…5 1 0…51 O…)
To 8 Harmony to Infinity for the two Lines of Eternal and Children to merge meld and come together on the true “Area 51”
This World in Harmony… in Creation (Body) and in Consciousness (Being) to welcome First Contact with their True Selves…
The Beautiful Ones for 1/3…
And the Their Existential Death, for the Ugly Ones..

All started with Beauty,
The Test of Universal Awareness was the choice of Which Wolf you Feed…Fed

7:31 p.m.

Raheem or Raoul….

I feed Raoul Rolfe, Rawles line .. The Devouring Wolf Line..
For being merciful and forgiving “Raheem” serves no purpose to those who feed on that very gift to create cruelties which most in this planet avoid even looking at, much less reflecting upon.

The Evil and Crimes against the integrity of Being and Existence having gone to such an extreme that Human Cruelty is not only tolerated, it is cultivated marketed and sold as a commodity and fed to the children as Milk….

The Male Dominant and the Female Dominant “Gene” of Supremacy through Control and Manipulation has been defeated once more but the finale played out in a micro micro cosm of the Idea of what the Land of the Free had become…

This is confirmed by the end play and the arrival of the 4th 804 Face Book Friend who aligns perfectly with what took place with Dewight Smith and Will of Room 3A…
By alignment Synchronicity, perfect Timing, Name meaning Initials…

Dewight means Dionsio as well as Divine…. Smith means a Black Smith.. Allegory of the Blacks Smith of Awka in West Africa linked to the Holy Nri..
Similar but very different to the Vatican- Illuminati and the Knights of the Templar..

Diana means “Divinity…”

Will means :Desire and Helmet… Se sacred Portal 8… as well as Sacred Portal 86 ” Victor… What is under your Helmet”

De W ight Light…

Dewight of BED 31 Links with Will of bed 37 to form 68…
68/86… See sacred portal 86…

Thus, Dewight and Will… Link to 4th 804 Face Book Friends…
and to Reggie Mansfield… Really representing me as the Room A..
Space.. Death Eternal Life Portal Conscious of Being E…C.B.E…A
D.C.E…A… A-E.
A-Z + A-E… 31… F.. 32… G…33…H… 34…I…35…Jay 36…
Dopplegangers Chase Chase Bed 36.. F.C… Full Circle… 360… 36O…9.O…I.O…

7:51 pm,… (Good)

That from Two Men (Brown Tan.. B.T) Came Woman- Lady…

Se sacred Portal 79.. Blue Print of Existence…

DE-White Lady… L.A.W..

Luke Addison Wilson..
Luke Wilson formerly of room A Bed 4…
Luke Means the Light Bringer Lucifer Double VV Woo-Man
With Light..

Diana means Purity… “Artemis Diana” Apollo-Dionisio…A.D..
Aphrodite Eros Hephaestus….

Goddess of the Moon… Moon Light… M.L.(25 Y.G..Golden)
Which is the Gentler Light… Divine light.. D.L..
Not as His-Her Light of Splendor Divine… S.D…

Purity is Divine/Desire= Divine Desire D.W…D.W

8:00 p.m

DD.. WW… 44 23 23… 8 46… First Drop D.E.W

Sacred Portal 8…
Formed the Third Eye Opening…

DD Double V. I.E…
Sky Fall… James Bond Javier Bardem… J.B.J.B…
Daniel Craig D.C.E…Raoul Silva..R.S..

Daniel W Mills Sr.. Diana W…
Daniel Maman D.M… Delta Manor…
Daniel Mabiei Mading… D.M.M… D 13 13.. 26… 8… D.H…48../84

Craig Lewis.. C.L…3 12.. December 3rd… Dawn Piercy

Conte Raoul Venturin
Rolf Anele Oriel

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions R.D.R.S…

Road Home through Roual Silva… Rachel Sesions..

Raoul means Wolf.. Silver Wolf…19 23…. 10..5…(J.E) 1O 5…6..
Saturn Sixth Sense…

6 players tonight…

C.A… 3 1… Chess Anthony…. 3rd Floor..

P… .16…Paul 1st Floor… Ground Floor.. and Allan ( Harmony ) P.A

Grounded Floor…Terrace

Em-manu-el, Dewight Chase… E.D.C…E=43…

8:31 p.m.

Equation Formed

C.A.P… E D.C…

C,A.P…A (H) E..D.C…

C.A.P.E ..A.H…D.C

CAP Emeka Sacred Portal 43…. Eternal True Life.. E- T.L…
T=20..L=12… 32….C.B…(Chester “Camp” David.. Barrington- “Manor”)
Bed 32… (Myself)…3+2=5…E… Portal 5th Dimension or the 5th World…

Six Seven players….

And Alan and Will..Elvis who was serving the food..

6 plus Two Players..

Allan was present on the ground floor and he works for the Shelter but today he was sitting besides in the ground floor and was right besides me as I stood for but a moment for my food from a very gregarious Elvis….

Six Play

6 9….

The are the only people who made an impression- I recalled their faces…
And The Lone witness to what actually transpired was a new person on bed 34…C.D…

10 Players and myself E.C.I.V.K.

8:43 p.m

84 August April,…

See the meaning of August and April..

Its means “Majestic Dignity Open”

Majestic Dignity Opens…M.D.O…Pens…The Door.

😯 4…
H.O. D.. Evolution of G.O.D… from 7 to 8…H…

And 4 Times an 804 Face Book Friend, which brought a call from the literal Representation of a Merchant Sea Man, who literally went around the World Twice…

See sacred portal 104… posted Twice… 208…28..

Who confirms that he gave into the Violent Nature of Expression…

“I always go to the Extreme Emeka… from Chill to Hot Tempered…”

No. I wished to tell him, going to the Extreme is going to the Extreme of Cold Death, Heated Expression… While Spreading and Proving the Truth of the Awakening exists with the Codes buried in peoples Subconsciousness, then proving it fact Full Circle in Front of A Life Audience outside while enacting Inside.. And yet still having a Steady Heart Beat of bringing out with balance and consistency for 4.8 Years on a forum such as Face Book, so defiled and Derailed by All…
And complete that expression in the Worst possible condition of Expressions- Spirits and Physical Constraints…
Right to from one extreme of the R.M…Room bed 3.2… To bed 3 14 and then from bed 3001 besides you and to bed 310 full Circle and to Bed 30012 312.. (Dan to Mitchel.. D.M..Representing Delta Manor in all possible incarnations, from a Mental Health Shelter, to the Mouth of a River, to the Goddess Maat Wadjet Delta.. )

And consistently for 27..28… 38-9 Years… 1978… 1972….42-43 years… London England Halloween Day.. H.D.. 84…
Glowing Green Orb over Okinawa Japan…
and to 48-49 Years….


Just to return the I.D of the World and Humanity to its Orginal Harmony..
And to align this to perfection where the Outside world represented on Face Book Aligns to the inner World being acted in a Shelter on the 3rd Floor, representing the 3rd Planet from the Sun..
As Moon Beam a Beautous Beam… Victorious which aligns right to Two Representatives D.W… To the meaning of the Resurrection of the 37.. “Eternal Feminine Lady” See Sacred Portal 31 and 37…
Combined at 68..To bring forth in Perfect Alignment
P.A.. Paul Gerald..Allan… “The Little Peoples Spear of Destiny being All AN/NA… Harmony…

And being able to Hold your temper, hold the Fil, Hold the Love which links the entire Eternal Truth together through and by Impulsed and Stimulated by Sound to Solve a Riddle in perfect alignment which you wrote as an 7-8 year old boy…
And then to the Womb of ones Mother and then Beyond the Web and right to the moment the First World called E or the 5th World and even beyond that to the Beginning of Awareness…
And then Even Beyond. To the Beginning which even you were not aware of but which you were there..
In and as the First Sea of Eternity…..


In Being… And have not one person stand by you and fight for that truth of the Origins of All.

That is Extreme..

Living on the Edge…


9:14 p.m.

D.W= Diana Williams… Welcome…

4 23… 27… The Sunshine State… 2+7=9… 2×7= 14…

9:14 p.m..

Ikem Nkem…

Patrick Okolo
Sarah Nkem Blackstock

Please Stop…

And yet, no one does a thing to Stop It..


Such a Play.

9:17 p.m.

Link Lord Orien Laplante born 9-17..
Link Me, Embodying it..
I Quantum.


I Robert Raoul…


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