
1:19 p.m

1:19 p.m

13:19 hours.


M S.

Liberty C Liscomb sent me this at 9:02 a.m

It was taken by Jen Fox, his baby sister…

On 7-11-2020.

Always Open..

If you notice Jeron is holding the same flower Arden was holding in the photo taken by him by his God Mother Charleen Johnston who had the memory of being partners with Angelina Jolie in a secret mission in this Matrix.

I woke up, a bit heavily seeing only Arden present and found myself letting out the cry of relief..

Mission accomplished the Bomb has been activated of Destruction.

That is why I came to Connecticut as all will recall or read when they go back..

See the Black Panther truck appear while I was at 114 Grant Moor Motel.

A Shadow appearing reflecting my intent, energy and state of mind.

I made it no secret.

But I had to be Fair and this force made me go the extra extra mile to alert everyone.

This is my man, who was loyal to the end, just as Ardens True Espirit was.

13:29 hours.

1:29 p.m.. 13:30 hours right now

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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