
1:17-8 pm

1:17-8 pm




17 roses…

371 Facebook Friends..

17 likes today

17 Q… Quantum Quantitative Quality..Queens..


Yesterday, after the play of O’Kolo

The response from Nnamdi Obiekwe aligned to Maurice Obiekwe- Linked through the Equation Obiekwe Obiekwe Kolo..

Filled Circle, Prince, Voice and manly Warrior

Through Obiajulu Igwe Okolo and Oby Vixy..

-Obiekwe meaning My Heart is Appeased or is in accord

*My Grandfather D.N Umeano also drove a Honda Accord when He and my Bio Father came to literal blows over the treatment of my mother-Domination Control..

Obiajulu means My heart is Consoled

And Oby means Heart and VIX-Y is XIV meaning 14…which is the number of likes I started the day with…

Which aligns to Nnamdi…

And thus establishes the restoration Transformation of the Dominant Authorarian Nazi like Supremacy of Man The Blackness back to its true principle Nn-A.M.D I..

The Gentlemanly princely principle of what a True Man is…

We were at war…

The two principles of What is a Man.

A Bully Tyranny.


The Beautiful Truth..

1:49 pm


The Two principles were finally aligned as one through Obiekwe Obiekwe Obiajulu Oby…

4 full Circles..

Ending a War which manifested not only between my Grandfather Daniel Nwanna Umeano Nwanna meaning Child of the Father, Umeano meaning Breath..

Transformed to Nnamdi Victorious representating the True principle of what a True Man is in this True Man Show, created for man to play out..

And what is a Woman.

I have been at War with my biological father Expression of what is a Man when at age 18 months my Espirit, asked me to piss in his food while he was eating..

I did not wish to do so because I knew the living Hell which would follow but I obeyed and later understood the deeper implications

It was not about my Father but rather the Evil done to what is a Man and What is a Woman

This Challenge played out between my Grandfather and My Bio Father as Maurice and Daniel..

Notice the code M.D.


D…Daniel David..

(Nnamdi Nicholas… My Father Is The Victory of the People)

And The ladies as M right to Ma Ritz Montes to Marina Burini…

I kept noticing that in this play the ladies I met and lived with majority of them had the name with the intial M…( then R C.L) but majority M until meeting Donna…

N transformed to M then to D…

In both the Masculine and Feminine in the English language given name..

Maurice Michael and Daniel

Maritz Marina And Donna

All evolved to D..and before they were D they were N

Nnamdi Naim

Nnonyelum Nadee Nakandala…


And before that they were 1+4=5


Thus, we see a literal progression Exemplified in the the story of my blood line, the Evolution story which if each of you look back in your family history and the people who your ancestors is a Story of Humanity being moved to complete the Circle of One..

That they, you, as depicted in the Myth of Aristophane, having been moved not by blood ties but by the E in you to complete the Full Circle of Family aligned in the Beginning and the End..

*Link the concept of 6th Degrees of Separation- now proven that there is no seperation that humanity is linked by 6th Sense to find their family of Light, before they were born and refind them in the Dark of forgetting only to be moved through 6th sense and the E Consciousness of thier Highest potential already actualized in the very Begining..

The Black represented the Evil in themselves intentional or unintentionally, which manifested as each sought to find and align with a desperation that which some deep instinct made them Fall in Love with certain people and choose them as thier mates to have children with.

In my own personal story this alignment was seen and recognized by me in my own Biological family..

I saw the link between my Mother’s Family and my Bio Fathers Family..

I recognized that my Father was really Nnamdi but one was real and one was false..

A battle between Light and Black..

Reflecting Absorption

Angel and Demon

A Duality which never Existed..

For there is no such thing as Black and White..

There is only Light which becomes Dark and then back to Light..

Lorenzo Delguidce..

Light and Darkness

David Nnamdi

Donna Nnonyelum…


Day and Night.

D.A N.I E..L…Cecilia… Onu. (Mouth)..Umeano

(Breath)..Chidume – which is the Name of my Ancestor where the name Umeano originated from means the Espirit is Alive..

Not Chibuzor meaning the Spirit leads…

(It Guides…not teaches for Guide is the True meaning of what a Father is…the Winds of Joy)


Alexander David Alberto Yonathan

Alexandra Donna Andrese Yohaness

Jonn Jane…

JJ…10 10…

One Day…24 hrs..24 is X


There will be B.J..Balance 10

By proving the Point and riddle of the Full Circle





By linking the Full Circle of Flesh and Espirit by proving Day And Night is the Riddle of Existence already solved and represented as one.

D A.N..I.E..L..Complete…

Balthazar.. 😯 Sring Street.

Balthazar is Daniel in the Bible Story.

Thus, the war between my Grandfather and Father.. Was simply a play of D.N U versus the Blackness in which as the name Cecilia depicts in its two meanings as either the number 6, or Blindness.

That Sixth Sense of Love

Or that illusion that love is blind..

But if Love is Blind..

How can Loves True meaning be as proven not only in this 42 month play, as well as accepted now universally that love is actually the ability to see.Cee…?

2:42 pm..

Obviously, Love is the ability to see why we move to certain people, form bonds of Family with which Links and stays connected Eternally..

Love is E, as had been proven since all the equations in this play have been moved by the E in them outside and within..

And just as my Grandfather and myself and then my brothers, fought the idea of what my bio Father represented, as not only what a Man is but also who were are…

The Blackness became the Blindness not in ourselves but manifested as the play of who are we really?

A test of Death as the End or the Dead, the Ancestors who interfered with this play from what they felt was a parallel universe but was really a realm of which they really were still here where there riddles of thier life’s had not been completed now that they had left the Darkness called the Body to wake up and remember that they were in a play of Death called Transformation Life, Transition To Eternity.

My Black Father’s Hometown is called Amawbia…meaning the Visitors..

-Aliens, the Invaders, Conquerors Enslaves Virus Disease Death?

And my Grandfathers is Enugwu Agidi..


51..Jonn D Evans…(Evanescence) B.

Top of A Hill The Ancients dwell.


Enugwu Ukwu…

Yet legends of my bio Fathers family told to me where they were actually a group of Beautiful Warriors Lords who had lived on the Top of a Hill..


Thus, aligning that family story to my own family story of First Contact Enugwu Ukwu Enugwu Agidi…X…and their living in the top of a Hill and called Sky Beings…

Alien and E T…First Contact

Day and Night (The Bright and Beautiful Ones Complete as Light and Dark meeting the Illusion of themselves as Alien Destroyers..

Recognizing the Lie and through transforming it a lie back into the Truth that there is no Black Consciousness that is real.

That which viels, uses secrecy manipulatation, the Viel of Night and Darkness to Dominate Manipulate and Control the world..

It was never real or True

3:O7 pm

But was a Spell which certain people used to blind and blunt the Sixth Sense of what people knew that all Truth sheds light and is Transparent causing Energy in living things to rise…

Thus Amawbia, really represents A Lien..

A link between the two…

A lie and the Truth..

The play created to test the Truth of the Human Espirit being One Love which Cees..

In the Dark..

Through the Body..

By absorbing sensation

Experiencing Emotions..

And then deciphering them there by,

Transforming both Body and Being..

Back to O BB…22..V…5-E.O

Expression Of Light…Transparent

T.L 2O 12..32..5..E

Through True Nature




4:O3 pm


Jonn Blackwell played a most dangerous role in this play…Moving from Jon to Jonn..

Delguidce- to Evan- Evanescence- to Black Well..

Thus becoming the tool used to enact out the Devolution of Man to his Evolution..

The great risk was my not being able to solve the riddle of the Spirit world- the Dead as the Living and the Dead…

Yet, to his Espirit moving through him, his utter confidence of his intention and Trust in his Espirit made him confident and his Espirit sure that I would see him clearly..

Jonns Existence was put at risk, in which Nnamdi who has risen through him, -as clear as Day – since the Equation of Transformation Conflict resolution of my three Fathers

Nnamdi-Nnature, Maurice Daniel Charles has been resolved.

Jonns Father Lorenzo Delguidce.. Was from Venezuela… (Venez E LA!… Venniq Fritz Venneiq)

Named Jonn Huan Carlos…

H.C he just inforned me..


See Amy McTears Birthday 888

With Michael Ponte…meaning Bridge

*See Nenad M.Djurfjevics share of the Bridge of Heros Journry..

Carlos is Charles name of my mothers Brother Lord Charles Igwebuike…

Igwe (The King) is Strength of the people..

Nicholas..Victory of the People

Over the spirits of the Dead .

Those Spirits, alive or dead who have refused to let go of Rage Anger Greedy Expression.R.A.G.E

the forces which combined and spread like disease from those who festered with grudges and refused to seek resolution until it became and epidemic and pandemic..

Which grew to such a monstrous power which made it a threat.. But not to True Existence, but to the True Story of world.

Which began as a conversation between E And A..E.A.A

E Axel Anderson

5 1 1..

Jonn is 51..code


E.K code Emeka Kolo.

Suddenly, I hear the Voice of Nnamdi through him,

4:28 pm

Who created a Story of how a Father sacrifices his son..


the one who laughs


The One who listens

For the sake of Human Beings becoming transformed into Harmonious Beings.

By creating a new path way through a journey of Endurance Torture and Pain and Suffering Supreme and Transform and Transmute and Transmitt Transparently The Truth…

Of Everything being Light..

And the End of the Evil Ancestors influencing Humanity using the cover of the Illusion of Night..Ignorance Forgetfulness… Death.

Ioana B. Udroiu C..

Sons name is Daniel… Delguidce..

De L…Guide to C E…

Nnamdi represented as Alfie Nze, Oboom- Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula and Nenad M. Djurdjevic the Beautiful Truth Past and ancestors.

The Evil Ancestors the Black Orb of Power..

I transformed It back to its Truth the Blue Print and Light of the world

Donna O’Sullivan received a gift from where she volunteers 17 red roses..

1:45 pm

My Grandfather passed away by his own will at age 71… My Jon was born 1971…











Twins Jonn and Donna..

J A D…



4:43 pm

And so I have been literally being talking and channeling the Dead.

As a Medium. Against my will..

Used to clean that Scariest Nightmare on Elm Street. .

Freddie Kruger

(Diane Kruger in Helen of Troy)

F K…6..11…17-8….66…12..3


D.K…4..11…15..(O) 6…44..8…

3 8- 68…

F D..K.K…

64/46…(See Sacred Portal 64 Self Mastery anf First Drop)…11..11


1.. All 1.

Making me Freddie Kruger and Helen of Troy..

I never lived on Elm Street though I saw that Portal..

And I not a woman but I am the meaning within of Helene (Bright and Beautiful Unique)

Of DE Trois.. The 3 who C…

Obiajulu Oby =O’Kolo…


James Bond..

Jonn Blackwell

Julian Brown

And I.Do NNA..

D N.A.

D N.E…

4:56 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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