



50 and 18… 68…

5-02 p.m.

52.. E.B.

It woud appear that there is one force who wished to frustrate my efforts by the tediousnes of this play, and another which wished me to complete it…

G L. L.G…

i Slept on and off today for almost 9 hours… 3 to 1:42 a.m..

Fitful, no rest.

Just riddles passing through my head and awakening to pounding heading and looking around dazed as to what I am doing in a mental health shelter…?

Competing the code of the three…new Gacebook friends which confirn the Source of the EO.. 50 5O As well as the Reflection… Radiance. Robert as Emeka O Kolo. Robert O Sullivan ( see name neaning)

E O R O… E O S.. E RO S…. E ROSE…

Anurag Sharma

Kahl El

Ben Singleton..

A S… K E B S…

A K B… S E S…. SES S- IONS (Rachael Devon Rios Sessions)..

The meaning of the name Benjamin is Son Of My Right Hand. The origin of the name Benjamin is Hebrew.

Ben Singleton

Benjamin (Hebrew: ??????, Son of the right side) was the last-born of Jacob’s thirteen children (12 sons and 1 daughter), and the second and last son of Rachel in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition. He was the progenitor of the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin. In the Hebrew Bible unlike Rachel’s first son, Joseph, Benjamin was born in Canaan.

In the Samaritan Pentateuch, Benjamin’s name appears as Binyaamem (Hebrew: ??????, Son of my days). In the Quran, Benjamin is referred to as righteous young child, who remained with Jacob when the older brothers plotted against Joseph. Later rabbinic traditions name him as one of four ancient Israelites who died without sin, the other three being Chileab, Jesse and Amram.

J B..

Joseph Benjamin… ‘Add the One who sits at the right hand side of the Creator… G-Ode.’





C J A B…

Sacred Portal 147.. A B.. J C… Do you understand..

5;10 pm..

Bed 5-1O-.. Taylor Law and Lawrence… Risen from the Dead…

Laywer Randall Michael Wiltz and Geoff Lacour.

J B . C A /A C B J … the correder in this play…

JC is Jaymes Bond… A C… B C… E…

James is Curry….


English: habitational name from places in Lancashire and Sussex. The former seems from the present-day distribution of the surname to be the major source, and is named from Old English scingel ‘shingle(s)’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’; the latter gets its name from Old English sengel ‘burnt clearing’ + tun.’

Rises from the Ashes.. Fallow…


Code.. B .. EN… S IN GL..E TON…

Recal Eton and his Copper wires and Tony in the cafe.. also…

NOTE L G./ G L..( Geoff and Randall Michael WILTZ)

NI… ( 14 9.. 23 5..E).. S N E…. ( SINE) B

5;23 p.m.

E W..

E Double V..

5;24 p.m.

E.X… H A L E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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