
1:16 pm. – A.P. – A-A.F. – 1:17 pm

1:16 pm.


1:17 pm



I have 13 USD in my wallet.
I was not going to mention it, but here we are at 13 O.

I finally decided that I had to do something for my skin and asked Liberty C if she could order me some Ambi – my mother recommended it for me when I was a youth- it fades dark spots, then I realized that this its code “A.M.B.I”

B.I + A.T.E- That is the code written on the Square Waves box from Liberty,
It was yesterday’s date and the Snow Storm- the pipes in the kitchen here are Frozen, so no water…
And it is the code that completed the last line “Fil-Thread” of the Liscomb -Johnson play.
Liberty to Stephen Johnson aligned to Stephen Popiotek.

There is also Venus De Milo.

I paused, wondering why after 3 years I have decided to take care of my face- and I sighed, is everything, I mean everything a code of this plays conclusion, I had always been the fairest in my bio family apart from my Aunt Iesha and grandmother, and when I was a boy, I was really fair and then my mother started to notice this strange condition and she really is the Cj Akunne, Bella Akunne, I listened to the insistence that I take care of my grooming.

I am wondering if it is about my aunt Iesha-Ijeoma-Theresa and her daughter Ndidi.
I was solving that code all last night ( a bit irritated and resentful or having to do so and aligning Cecelia Theresa- C.T. To the Umeano Family, then to Mother Supreme and Clara Star child in their higher forms and the Trinity in One at the highest aspect.

I am currently watching a series called “In From The Cold” ( I.F. T.C) , where the woman has a condition via Russian experimentation when she was a youth, that causes her to morph, ( Morpheus) into a man- painfully.

So I got up, my body, the bones are like Rubber, untwisting and unraveling, it is so extraordinary and yet so cruel and heartless, that this was this beautiful process of which it was actually Ease, Easy like Sunday morning, hence the code Beautiful Transformation – had been transformed into a battle to Transform by facing woman as Terrible Death.
All because of a long delay and choosing to do this play their way.
Woman to Wu Man 5th Element to E Expression Ethereal with Father Nature Manifestor usurped by Woman as Mother Earth, M.E and Mother Nature, M.N= 27 but they forgot that Mother is MAN- A Man- 28- 29.
29 is B.I.

Venus De Milo- V.D M.
V.D.O.M. Defender of Man.

1:55 pm.
1:56 pm.

A part of me is still incredulous, even now- The Little Things, The Tiniest Things, Macro to Mico to Microscopic.
– I still have to stop m self even after all these years from exploding in incredulty, “you’ve got to be kidding me?”
It took me two decades to accept that this was reallyy the play script of evolution awakenining and Extinction, but the truth is I do recognize this all from the script written in 2004,
Liberty gave me a Tunning Fork with the code 10.24 engraved on it.
10 is J as Balance 1-0, 1-0.
10 then is Balanced the Matrix of Numbers which then moves it to Jay
See Evidence AY, so only the J was missing which is in code Arden Jay.
Alexander Jay.
In Hindsight, I met myself- M.Y. S.E.L.F, as Jay in 1996 at Chelsea London at a place called The Collection, where Jay recognized me and dominated the Manager to Hire me on the spot.

Hence the play of Samuel Liscomb and Chance Liscomb linked and now Connected to Liberty C and her 6 siblings and mother and father Donald, Betty-June, and Gail.
Same as Arden Paternal Line- Karl Gemino K.G and June Gemino, the work has been mind-numbing, an impossible task to demand a man, even if he is in the process of completing the quantum transformation to physically reveal that he is really as he said the Source- called by the Original Eternal Family, The Beautiful One and his twin Beauty- Bella.
Bella Eilaria.

I knew that once I reached 33 76 Facebook Friends, that 76 is also 79.
See my coding and comments yesterday and now I am at 3379 Facebook friends add C. and C, C.T.
The Micro-Wave right now is at 32.

I arrived in New York when pushed -forced to come here to the 11th state by … yes.

Jon Jason Lee.
Jeron Lang.
Arden- Jay line.
Arden-Alexander- Aurelia
Jeron- Azure

A came before Jay.
And I.E came before, and with Alexander- Arden and now it is the line of Aphrodite- Venus,
Aurelia Liberty.
And yes, Alexa Vertefeuille met Liberty for the first time the day I left 900 South Road ( IOO S.R) and I led her to a 7-11, Seven Eleven, all of this is recorded and documented in almost actual real-time.

2:19 pm

That is the code, I saw on my page as I began today.

2 19 South Whitney.
Being Supreme

Beauty Supreme Being.

All this for the Evolution of Woman to Wu-Man via A Man.
22 98- 17.
22 89 The Past when I began the Journals: Talking To The Silence, ( T.T.T S.
3-20= 60
Jeron Sataya Supreme Lang-uage
and 19.

Stephen Johnson
Stephen Popiotek
28 +15 Facebook Friends


S S J.P.
Jaye Palmer.
S S = 1. A.
Evidence AY and S as well as J.

Evidence S A Y.
Evidence J.A.Y

SS – 1 38-39 C.I.

Stephen Johnson 28.
Judas ?scariot 15

43/ 34. 7-7. 12 12 1= 25 Y.
J.S. J.I.

This is not a story of Betrayal of I.E but of one in which Humans betray themselves.

Meaning of the name Judas.

*”The name “Judas” (??????) is a Greek rendering of the Hebrew name Judah (?????, Yehûdâh, Hebrew for “God is thanked”), which was an extremely common name for Jewish men during the first century AD, due to the renowned hero Judas Maccabeus.

God is Thanked.
Hero Judas Maccabeus. J.M.

*”In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Judas is: Praise. The praised one. This name has become synonymous with traitor, as the apostle Judas Iscariot …”

Praise, P.
The Praised One. T.P.O.

Iscariot- *”The name Iscariot means Man Of Kerioth, or even Man Of The Cities or City Slicker. Since Judas Iscariot is the notorious bad guy of the New Testament, it’s tempting (but not necessarily fruitful) to read portent and meaning in his name. There’s nothing wrong with living in or being from a city; although the first Biblical city was built by Cain (Genesis 4:17) the last one is built by God (REVELATION 21:2).

But perhaps it’s significant that Judas’ last name derives from the noun ???? (qiryah), which in turn derives from the verb ??? (qara), meaning to meet or get together. This word for city is quite rare; the much more ordinary Hebrew word for city is the feminine noun ??? (‘ir; follow the link for an all-revealing study on this word).

Judas Iscariot was from the kind of city that was known for a convergence of human effort. This convergence can be either achieved by what the Bible calls agape, or love, or it is achieved by economic considerations. Paul wrote that the “love of money” is the root of all evil (1 TIMOTHY 6:10), and although the phrase “love of money” is usually explained by liking money very much, it probably describes the pseudo-convergence of people that money motivates. Love drives people to pool their resources in order to better mankind, but money drives people to pool their resources to become even more lonely and heartless than they first were. Note also that the name Cain, he who “invented” the city, is clearly reminiscent of financial economy; see our article on that name for the details.”

Man of Kerioth or Man of the Cities, like a city slicker.

I was born in a big city and lived in Big City capitals all my life.

I felt that I post this researched extended meaning by Abrams, his site always does an extensive investigation of Hebrew etymology.

2:51 pm

251 USD C.V.S yesterday Iced Oatmeal mini cookies 1:39 usd and Blackberry sparking water 1.29 USD

Total 2.51 USD.

Insane. Absurd, End Game-Completion Examination.

-Of My H.I. STORY.
Harmony Emeka Truth Satya Veritas – Eziokwu.

See Sacred Portal 76 and see sacred portal 79.

3:09 pm.
39 C.I.
30.9 Todays Date.
369 Nikolas Tesla.

*”Nikola Tesla is alleged to have stated: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Although it’s uncertain whether the great inventor actually uttered the famous quote, there’s no question he was indeed obsessed by the numbers.Aug 16, 2021″

New Facebook Friends.

Christiane Lorusso C.L.

Martina Lola M.L.

Chinyere Okenwa C.O.

C.L. M.L. C.O.

C. M. C.

L.L O.

Liberty Lucifer 25 O.
Y.O. B.E.O.

3:16 pm.

C.P Her Car license Plate.

C A F. E

3:17 pm


C A.G.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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