
11:59 PM

11:59 pm

I can not sleep…


Especially those who believe they know what is going on without questioning me or examining or investigating it.

And worse are those dismiss it.or offer diagnosis or tell me that I can control what is happening in an energetic process I have understood as the literal battle to evolve body through conscious Awareness of Being Conscious versus this consciousness.

I wish with out malice for all such persons to carry this condition for a while,..

To taste and endure it for their dismissal and big mouths,

It is not a disease but it is fighting the festering fetid expression of this world and peoples refusal to take personal responsibility and Consciously Evolve instead of looking for Gurus and Saviours

Find Guides Coaches… But only you know and live your life….

It is unique to you, even though you may act like Sheep.

I can not Sleep.

Not because I am not exhausted but because the Energies circulating within my body are moving with me like wind and creating such discomfort that I have to move.

Which creates a stretching of my tendons and the never ending daily horror of my body being misshapen, to the point of deformity.

Outside, it appears balanced but the keen eye, it is easy to see that my body is untwisting from a state I can only describe as if my my body were someones Voodoo doll.

15 yrs and I still can not get over it

The Chinese and Japanese have arts which lock the Circulation and Flow of the Body.

In 1994, a western trained Chinese doctor told me that the Chi in my body was not circulating correctly – was trapped and that I did not have enough energy for my vital organs to function.

And I could die within the year if I did not get rest.

Pilates instructor famous in New discovered a similar thing.

Solar plexus and other parts of my bodies Energy Circulation routes had been locked.

My uncle reported the discovery of Voodoo placed on me and a curse to fail at this task and that I was to be driven mad.

The list goes on…

All to prevent this work and expression

Yet on the other hand, there is an energy called Expression which moves within me forcing energy to move through my body until the only thing I can do to calm it is to express..

The more I express the more my body moves to its alignment.

My spinal chord gets straighter all that is twisted out of shape begins to correct itself.

I grow taller longer… More myself

The locks literally loosen.

It all links to below the back of my neck at the Pineal Gland.

And is the main or sole reason I went this far out of my comfort Zone, was to find comfort… Physical Comfort… To restore it

It all began when I came to New York.

I first came to New York 16 years ago

Not in 2001, which is when I moved here.

I came in Dec 23-24th 1999

Yes, Now bed 40 16

16 years ago

Letter P

15.9 years ago

See my post 1:59 pm

That completed 3-20-2001 to present

And moved me from bed 3002 to room 4B

Which began on my Birthday 11 28 with Doctor Gauge…

(Psychiatrist Dr Alex)

A G. E

15 9 is O.I. Okolo Ikemefuna

Add 3 months to link it to

Dec 23-24 when I first came here with Jon Lee to the Lower East Side

(which I was trapped in for 10 years right and 11 years in the 4th Dimension)

It becomes 16 years

Letter P.


Patrick Ikem Okolo… Patrick Okolo



Perfect Infinite Full Circle Of Expresso

Obviously the Latter…

All is Energy


Physical is

Consciousnesses C as Light

Manifested Materially.

E 4/3

7-8 9 O

E S P. C M e 4/ 3

I was moved through all these rooms literally, not by my will but assigned them

by this system and the people In Charge


How is it, that It and everything, even Marina Burini in D.C right now 43 is spelling out my equation for Energy

Infinite Energy

How is that possible, since I presented this equation to the World on Face Book almost 5 years ago.

E S P.

C Me 4/3

With all the evidence facts of symmetry synchronicity harmony I have presented along with Echo Beings Response Confirmation

E. B. R C.

I have Never Trusted any Human Being or Persons expression words opinion in the last 15 years who refused to take in the First Cause Effect and why I went as Far as voluntarily go down this Black Hole of New York State of Mind tight to BRC Assessment Shelter to Delta Manor on Christ Mass e 4/ 3.

I.am obviously being Moved Impulsed Stimulated To Expression Action

M.I S T. E.A

1:13 a,m

Gorillas in the Mist. EA. Area 51

Guerillas in the Mist.

MIS. Tea


M.I S. T R E A T E D .

1.16 pm

A P. E

Which is the name Patrick I Okolo mistakenly called the venue he had chosen for us to meet 28 since we last met

Ikem recalled my expression of beauty refinement and ESP he does not consider me an Ape

Hyper Intelligent…

Was. Dean Dunkwu expression

Yet no person not on face book and especially the last 55 homes it led me to and then Lower East Side in 2006 where i discovered generation X Gardens and A Santana.

Has taken it seriously or used it as a point of reference.

1:24 am

1:25 am

I wish all to experience this

All who denied it as physical


Energy is Expression it creates Physical Manifest Expression Fact…

So to pretend this condition is not relevant and does not Exist

Nor can you…

See, my expression M i S brings True Intelligent Meaningful Expressions

Perfect Timing

T I M E. P.T

1:31 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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