
11:58 pm. – Whoah… That is cl

11:58 pm.

Whoah… That is cloase.

1 58 was and has been the code on the CAB I had been seeing since Delta Manor, 158, and all the way to Arden my wallet, and the Red Truck. R.T. 158…

I checked the meaning of the name of my 3880- 388O “C.H.H.O” Facebook Friend


C.I.C.F. Full Circle.

C.I.R. C.L.E.. Cle Keys, Florida Keys. K.F. “11-7.”
1 34.


*”The name Briley is of Irish origin and is name that can be given to either a boy or a girl. The meaning of Briley is ‘descendant of Roghallach’ or ‘noble, strong’. According to its Old English origins, Briley comes from the word ‘briar’, meaning ‘bush’, ‘greenery’ or ‘woodland meadow’.”

Noble, Strong. N.S,
Briar, Bush, Greenery, Woodland, Meadow.

I get it and I arrived in the States when Bush was President Bush.


*”Briley is an uncommon surname, so from this perspective the name may have developed from on old place name in England meaning “briar clearing” (a briar is a …”

Briar, Clearing.

Past to present where I first met Arden Nature J.A.H.F-IRE. Land, As Black Panther, To Volcano- Magma- Lava, (M.L)
Highest Point.(P.H./H.P/ I.P)
Meeting My Self, incarnated over and over again and over again and again to final completion Fact Solid Perfectly in Harmony in the deepest Hollow and still in Harmony E but now also, I as Individuals aligned from here to Infinity.
A-JAI.-from Youth, A Youth to Young Man
And A Man.

BRIAR- With Shire,
* Hamp Shire Bay,

The Shire, A Briar,

*”any of a number of prickly scrambling shrubs, especially the sweetbrier and other wild roses.”

Sweet Brier, Wild Rose.
Yes, that is the one which in the beginning Of Time (O.T) 4.5 Million, years ago I peered through it, I the Being of Beautiful Pride, appeared as a Black Panther paused and transformed into a Beautiful Youth, B.Y.
*Jeron.Satya, S Lang-Lamp, Lamb…, 2-25-2019.

Oh by the way Liberty C is not Statue of Liberty, she is the now living Statuette of Justice & Liberty.

The Beautiful Libertines- Librarians, Sexy Libriations and Editors Publishers.
Robert & Laurent,

The Found of The Spring of Life, from which Unicorn & Winged Pegasus burst forth in Spring and so from the mind of Jupiter, Pluto-Hades was Truth born from the Mind of Lord Father, and A Legend, Myth, L.M.became through Time, Evolution, The Thorough Bred of The Sum of Beaty are Facts.

Not an Act.

The Pale Slim Tall Rider.

Mary Enid

*”Enid (/?i?n?d/ EE-nid; Welsh pronunciation: [??n??d]) is a feminine given name. The origin is Middle Welsh eneit, meaning “spirit, life” (from Proto-Celtic *ana-ti?o-, compare Gaulish anatia “souls” attested on the Larzac tablet, ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root *h?enh?- “to breathe, blow”; cf.”

Spirit Life. S.L. C March 17-19.
To Breathe, to Blow.
as Horse Do, and the Wind.

Sacred portal 69, and 29, Valkyire, Vahalla- The Breeze, The Wind, The Storm, The Tornado, the Hurricane. Death Destruction, Devastation Awakened.
See S.P 88.

Yes, Liberty C

*”This is a list of 762 books by Enid Blyton (1897–1968), an English children’s writer who also wrote under the pseudonym of Mary Pollock. She was one of the most successful children’s storytellers of the 20th century.[1]

12:46 pm.

46/64th Portal.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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