
11;56 p.m.

11;56 p.m.

56… 5+6=11.

Ivy Huber is my new Face Book Friend born 11-28-92.

The U.S.Awareness Memory …is confirming me..

1992 Paris to New York, New York to Paris…

Portal to the Radiant Light confirmed Right Left and Full Circle…


Meaning of the name Ivy: Taken from the name of the plant, which is an evergreen climbing vine of the ginseng family. The word is derived from the Old English ifig (climber).”

Dependent On… ( Not Dependency)


The De-Vine Linking to Immortality….


Huber is a surname of German language origin. It derives from the German word Hube meaning hide, a unit of land a farmer might possess. It is in the top ten most common surnames in the German-speaking world, especially in Austria and Switzerland w

Hide and Seek

Not Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde…

To Complete todays Play…

Which concluded with my last Post in a Trading Places and

Louis Sun King Stories of his being locked in a Dungeon while another.

*My word.. Just completed a Play and Scene of P.S with Ugo Nwamama… Of which was based on two expression…

Nothing is Real…

And Ï bet you think the everything revolves around you..It doesn’t…

Correct code to rescue the Eternal in Him, my beloved who was saying

Nothing Is Real…. Yes it is… From out of the Nothing Rose the Real… Nothingness Somethingness.. N.S…

E Rose from out of the Blue…

As for the insult from him ( Spite.. offended feelings. Lord knows I have been patient and explained…)

i have been confirmed as the Sun…

See the Offor Ugochukwu Chidiebere Scene…

Linke Kemi Sara, Susanta Nayak Ugo Nwamama Scene…

O.K you the S.U.N…

And Link that I just paused to from what I was posting about the Sun King.. S.K..K.S… I S IS… To read his message..

He also said that there Is No Absolute and I am reading now that the You are No the One.. There is No One

Sigh, I just did, just completed the code of Sacred Portal 88… A Play which took whew…so long…

And yesterday Night She as the X… Mba Afor Ocha rose as Billy Holiday and Grace Jones as depicted in the Sacred portal…

H.R.H.. Absolute… etc…

A set up…

So, as my older face book friends will testify, I have endured these challengers speaking in Absolutes on my page since the very beginning, and you witnessed how the play went…

They were all Sentencedor their challenges responded to, and to my annoyance and eternal wrath, to that which allowed this all in the name of Mercy, in order for them to come forward and clean up their expression… Apologize, speak up as Fritz Venneiq has exemplified over three times…

They were allowed a stay until he last of that line was captured…

CAPET is the name of the royal family house of Bourbon… Dionysus.. Spirits…C.A.P…E.T…

T E..P A C…E…

So I accepted the challenge… and gave the response required.

Familiarity does Breed Contempt here… and this Universal Script on Facebook and on the streets of the world in this Script is why there will be no Forgiveness nor Forgetting of the meddling of the Spirits World .. meant to be studying to become complete…

And why NN NN went too far and created this play without considering not only who the Humans are… and capable of but forgot to take me into consideration by creating such a role for me to play…

* I will make one note though, the young man I called Jaquai.. which means Üsurper or Gift of the Creator…

Link Georges-Philippe Roc and father Jacque…

Well, I saw him after out conversation and my placing his code in the Script here on my page, yesterday..

I saw him just infront of another person as he came in the person was asking of he was ok now…

He looked awful but I noticed that he could not look at me and seemed terrified.

I just found out from Dwayne who is still in bed 4-013 that this Jaquai was given my bed 5-006…

He told me that the guy simply went crazy and was sent to the Hospital….and had now been replaced…

With William who was formerly in bed 4-003 who I also saw downstairs… Recall he was directly across from me.. He was i the Hospital also.. and now is in bed 5-006…

lying in the bed I was in…

Which is what I promised Ugo Nwamama and all the Big Mouths throughout the 5.8 years and 16.8 years on my page and the streets and homes I passed through in New York…

It never occurred to them that I just Might Be…

Brittany Mightbe

Brittany Mightbe… Who I actually say I am. The Source, The Creator .. The One… who everything first Rose through and who sustains all L and D… Life and Death… L.D.. 12 4… 16… 48…64.. 10.. TEN.

I would be a little lenient if there was not 5.8 years of evidence and facts and empirical data to review..

But this point and stage…

As I said to him Each To Their Own… E.T T O..

Ofo Na Ogu… He said just wrote.. O.N.A… Do you know what

O as Aw.. Na..means in OINRI Igbo..?

He must go… he must go home… He is the NA.. Meaning Nais Änd et.. the link the joiner…

Now, who do you think this Scripts Author.. this is certainly not my Script or Play was referring to…

Sun or what does a sun create… A Black Hole…

F F.. Francis F… S,P 66… Please see..

1.:17 am… A.Q… Anamla Qayin… Remember her? The one who gave me the message… D.M..I.C… T.P …Etc…

Allen Murray said to me that he was glad that he met me, Me and another guy a White Guy very wealthy who had been caught, set up for Tax Evasion and who was very very wealthy.. This man had helped him and each time A.M lent him a little money paid him back often to 500 to 1000 percent more…

He said that he is respectful of Everyone he meets, because you never know who they really are undercover…

Now… See what happened…

I was just wishing to complete the Headlines of who is the Real Donald Trump and once more I was used by the X …

yes Sacred Portal 88.. The X Marked on the ancient clay bowl found in Enugwu- Ukwu… E.U.. Where my Great GrandMother. Who I proved was is myself.. who I met in 1977…and who is the H.R.H.. In Sacred portal 88….

64.. My sisters code is 7-28-64… She is here linked to DEE Dee… Who is the mother of a daughter 9 years old…born 7-28-.2008….

Now… Let see if I can write the Head Lines.. before I was so rudely interrupted…

1:25 P.M..


A.Y… E

D A Y… E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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