
11:56 am – I went to my quiet s

11:56 am

I went to my quiet space and place across the bridge to clear my head,
I can’t absorb the depth of the Malice and Evil of what I have understood and experienced of this Set Up…

It probably is the only place I truly suffer, is that which was allowed to actually manifest…
What could and had been done to the Manifest Awakening play..
To my body, to my Being and to Truth.
I am still here.
The evidence is so self evident and the truth of The True Conversation which took place between Expression Energy and
AH Tom.
It has all been acted out.

On Face Book -naturally moving to E and the Two Harmonies
Earth-Land-Lakes… Heaven Sky
(S H E L L )

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

Anastasia Hart

Emeka Kolo EK

…. Its a Quiet Torment
Which was never a moments doubt in my Truth, but rather the this could be done to Truth.
Truth Manifests
And it has….
But in this enactment as a stubborn cowardly weak anti-thesis of what every one knows is Nature’s Power..
Is this Nature Creations contempt for what is meant to be its Source and Master…- Man?

Such a Hatred for Its own source Creator that it refused to recognize as Its Source puny Man?

That it Created such a contest and challenge that…
Such Rage such Contempt…
This far..
But who and what could power this

And where is the Eternal Law
Yes… It is all manifesting aligning but how could It manifest this play..

Yes these are my thoughts as the Creator the Artist the Scientist
I am still undercover in a Shell even after coming out from under cover
I am still expression in this imposed shell of a “Homeless Vagrant with three missing front seat instead of the Truth that I literally am.. A man standing majestically tall and proud being Hue man.

I am fully aware that this is the power of some people communities even Nations use…
Which is to imprison others in an identity they Impose and Define and stubbornly cling to no matter how that Person Place and Thing demonstrates that It, They are anything but that.
It is a spell of course, amongst the most evil and hideous..
But it is not the Evil which I have witnessed and forced to explore which bothers me, in is that power of an illusion of that Truth does not fight back and annihilate the Evil.
That the Evil of trapping people in Shells Clams to make them seemed trapped in a Role which All.. Even the Evil the People the Communities know is a lie but have the illusion of power which is sustained supported to make the truth just a voice and a manifestation of objects confirming it which People can simply choose to ignore and go one reinforcing their power to contain the Truth as weakness
I am fully aware of Nature being the Ally to this Horror in Humanity supporting and empowering them but Nature is a Force of Creation of Harmony..
It can not support a Lie, despite It supporting the Evil in People to get rid of them and take over the World where humans no longer Exist at all
And everything else serves as Natures Slave..
Oh I am already aware of that, but my consternation is that This is A Universal Simulation and not real and so it is linked powered in Itself by Eternal Truth…
And yet here its power was sustained by a Lie…

That I am still at Delta Manor is beyond any Logic of Harmony
Yes it is Malice but how is it Malice Vindictiveness Prejudice could go so far?
Yes I already have the Answers
This is not about this being beyond my Understanding but more about how can this Still Be so Slowly going on
A play of Truth being so so weak meek feeble and complacent when I personally have shown anything but that Nature.

Well, here are the Two Men
I found them as I walked to my Quiet Place where the Light Green CAB code
158 “OH” was.

12:48 pm

Not even Death can go this Far
And yet It did
And it agreed to such a challenge from Nothing.

12:49 pm

Existential Death

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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